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研究生(外文):Ning-Shih Chen
論文名稱(外文):Inventory Items Selection in the Mix Production Strategy with Risk Consideration– A Case Study in Passive Component Inductors
指導教授(外文):Hsin Rau
外文關鍵詞:hybrid production strategymixed production strategyriskgenetic algorithm (GA)inventory items selection
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Globalization brings corporations not only immense markets and business opportunities but also extremely huge competitiveness stress. Having been concentrated on regional competitiveness, the corporations shall start to confront global competitiveness. The supply chain network becomes from regional to global. The electronic industry is a typical demonstration of globalization. The product life cycle for the consumer electronic products are so short where there are lots of competitors. The terminal products are composed of many parts and components which are provided by various manufacturers. The manufacturers are located all around the world. The consumers’ demands are diversifying and uncertain. As the product delivery cycles are usually quicker than the manufacturing cycles, the demands for response from each supply chain shall be increasingly faster and more precise. Amid that the manufacturing cycles are slower than the product delivery cycles, inventory items level seems be a simple and quick solution unless there shall be significant breakthrough on manufacturing technology meeting customers’ current and futuristic demands. Under such a hypothesis, what inventory items shall be maintained? How much inventory items shall be needed? Maintaining unnecessary inventory items can’t satisfy customers’ demands for quick product delivery cycle and can’t bring the corporations benefits in the fiercely competitive markets but results in higher inventory items risk, such as obsolete inventory items, write-off and depreciation losses, and also causes higher operating costs, deceases financial liquidity that all weaken the corporate competitiveness.
Instead of the hypothesis of the lowest production cost, the maximum sales profits or the production capacity limits in the past, this research explores how the corporations apply the mix production strategies on the inventory items selections with the hypothesis that a competitive environment is composed of un-free information communication and uncertain demands. The major features for this research are that (1) risk evaluation is taken into consideration, (2) an arithmetic model is established in which each demand cycles and the number of customers for each inventory items are used as risk evaluation basis and historical data collection and calculation are converted into “Quantity-oriented Relative Strength Index” and “Customer-oriented Relative Strength Index” that are used as the reference basis for inventory items selection, (3) Genetic Algorithm is used for making a solution so that the corporations can be assisted in pinpointing out effectively the specific inventory items with futuristic demands and low inventory items risk among many inventory items.
A study is conducted on the multilayer chip inductor of passive component in the electronic upper stream industry. The factual data and the model established by this research are applied with genetic algorithm for searching the solution. Repetitive calculation has been proven to be deliver stable results and to find the cost-effective and low-risky inventory items. After the comparison is made between the research results and the case-study corporations’ inventory item selection methods, it has been deduced that the methods submitted by this research excel than the original selection methods and also deliver better efficiency for item selection.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝辭 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 存貨的概念 6
2.1.1 何謂存貨 6
2.1.2 存貨的型態 6
2.1.3 存貨之目的 7
2.1.4 長鞭效應 9
2.2 風險的概念與定義 11
2.3 生產策略 12
2.3.1 庫存式與訂單式生產 13
2.3.2 混合式生產 16
2.3.3 小結 17
2.4 相對強弱指標 18
2.5 基因演算法 19
第三章 被動元件產業庫存備料品項選擇探討 22
3.1 被動元件之產業概況 22
3.1.1 何謂被動元件 23
3.1.2 電子產業供應鏈與長鞭效應 28
3.1.3 全球被動元件產業產值分析 30
3.1.4 台灣被動元件產業產值分析 31
3.2 個案公司簡介 32
3.2.1 台灣電感產業概述與SWOT分析 32
3.2.2 個案公司發展歷程與沿革 35
3.2.3 個案公司營運概況 36
3.2.4 個案公司之SWOT分析 37
3.3 個案公司混合式生產策略之庫存品項選擇歷程 40
3.3.1 庫存品項選擇歷程一 41
3.3.2 庫存品項選擇歷程二 41
3.3.3 庫存品項選擇歷程三 43
3.3.4 庫存品項選擇歷程四 45
3.3.5 庫存品項選擇歷程五 46
3.3.6 產品的分類與各歷程之庫存品項選擇 47
3.3.7 小結 51
第四章 產品風險評估模式及庫存選擇機制建立 54
4.1 問題描述 54
4.2 符號說明 55
4.3 問題的複雜度 57
4.4 產品風險評估模式與庫存品項選擇機制 58
4.4.1 目標函數 59
4.4.2 限制式 59
4.4.3 需求數量導向之相對強度指標 61
4.4.4 顧客導向之相對強度指標 64
4.5 研究範圍與限制 66
第五章 庫存品項選擇實證與分析 68
5.1 符號說明 68
5.2 基因演算法求解架構 69
5.2.1 染色體編碼 77
5.2.2 第0代的染色體挑選 72
5.2.3 適應度評估 74
5.2.4 世代演化終止條件 75
5.2.5 染色體基因交配 76
5.2.6 染色體基因突變 79
5.2.7 產生新生代的染色體群體 81
5.3 基因演算法求解 82
5.3.1 小樣本基因演算之參數設定與演算 83
5.3.2 大樣本基因演算之參數設定與演算 86
5.3.3 各族群基因演算結果之比較 89
5.3.4 調整終止條件之大樣本基因演算 92
5.4 基因演算法求解與個案公司各歷程比較 96
5.5 小結 101
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 102
6.1 結論 102
6.2 未來研究方向 103
參考文獻 104

圖1-1 研究架構圖 4
圖2-1 供應鏈的長鞭效應示意圖 10
圖2-2 庫存式生產作業流程圖 13
圖2-3 接單式生產作業流程圖 14
圖2-4 生產策略前置時間之差異 15
圖2-5 庫存式、訂單式與混合式生產示意圖 17
圖3-1 常見的電容器 24
圖3-2 傳統的色碼電感 25
圖3-3 常見的電感器 26
圖3-4 三大被動元件類別細分 27
圖3-5 電子產業供應鏈關聯圖 29
圖3-6 被動元件各類別之產值比例與被動元件產值推估趨勢 31
圖3-7 個案公司2007年之產業別與地區銷售 37
圖3-8 有效資料區間定義 45
圖3-9 各歷程選擇品項之各分類筆數統計圖 50
圖4-1 混合式生產品項選擇流程圖 55
圖4-2 問題的複雜度示意圖 58
圖4-3 品項B8-160808T-600Y-N之QUP與QDN累加數量示意圖 63
圖5-1 庫存品項選取之基因演算法求解基本架構 70
圖5-2 第0代群體產生流程 74
圖5-3 偶數染色體長度交配模式 77
圖5-4 奇數染色體長度交配模式 77
圖5-5 染色體群體之交配流程圖 78
圖5-6 基因的點突變 80
圖5-7 染色體群體之突變流程圖 81
圖5-8 樣本B100隨機選取一次之基因演算過程 84
圖5-9 樣本B100隨機選取一次運算結果之R值變化與重覆次數 85
圖5-10 樣本B100_CK1隨機選取一次之基因演算過程 85
圖5-11 樣本B100_CK3隨機選取一次之基因演算過程 86
圖5-12 樣本B482隨機選取一次之基因演算過程 88
圖5-13 樣本B482隨機選取一次運算結果之R值變化與重覆次數 88
圖5-14 樣本B482_CK1隨機選取一次之基因演算過程 89
圖5-15 樣本B482_CK3隨機選取一次之基因演算過程 89
圖5-16 樣本B100、B100_CK1與B100_CK3之基因演算結果 90
圖5-17 樣本B100演算30次之選擇品項發生頻率 91
圖5-18 樣本B482、B482_CK1與B482_CK3之基因演算結果 92
圖5-19 樣本B482增加演化世代到30,000,隨機選取一次結果之基因演算過程 94
圖5-20 樣本B482增加演化世代到30,000,隨機選取一次結果之基因演算過程 (列出前5,000世代) 94
圖5-21 樣本B482增加演化世代到30,000,隨機選取一次結果之R值變化與重 覆次數 95
圖5-22 樣本B482增加演算世代後之基因演算結果比較 96
圖5-23 歷程一與基因演算法選取品項集合 100

表1-1 個案公司2008年4月之積層電感訂單筆數及數量統計表 2
表2-1 存貨目的之分類與比較 9
表2-2 存貨式生產與訂單式生產之差異 15
表3-1 台灣電感產業之SWOT分析 35
表3-2 個案公司之SWOT分析 40
表3-3 產品需求之批量分類條件與B1146、B100與B482樣本之分佈 48
表3-4 各歷程所選取的品項比較表 49
表3-5 各歷程選擇品項之各分類筆數統計及比較表 49
表3-6 個案公司在庫存品項選擇各歷程比較表 53
表4-1 顧客類別及訂單批量分數換算表 65
表4-2 顧客類別及訂單批量分數換算表範例 65
表5-1 前端預先處理後的資料 71
表5-2 染色體的編碼組成 72
表5-3 樣本B100、B100_CK1與B100_CK3之基因演算求解平均值 83
表5-4 樣本B482、B482_CK1與B482_CK3之基因演算求解平均值 87
表5-5 樣本B482增加世代數後與原本B482族群之求解平均值 95
表5-6 產品之推估成本與利潤 97
表5-7 各歷程之品項選擇結果比較 97
表5-8 歷程一與GA之品項選擇結果比較 99
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