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研究生(外文):Hsi-An Chien
論文名稱(外文):Optimizing Power Consumption and Level Converter Insertion under Timing Constraint Using Dual Supply Voltages
指導教授(外文):Tsai-Ming Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:dual supply voltageslevel converterlow power
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Low power consumption is a very important issue in modern electronic design. The multiple supply voltage technique is a highly effective method to reduce the dynamic power consumption. This thesis uses dual supply voltage to reduce the total power consumption under the circuit performance constraint. To ensure that a circuit works correctly, level converters need to be inserted between the cells with different supply voltages. However, converters take extra power consumption and circuit area. In this thesis, we explore the problem of optimizing power consumption and level shifter insertion under the performance constraint.
Many existing multiple supply voltages (MSV) algorithms perform very well for power reduction. However, they do not handle the area issue of level shifters. In some cases, although one gets a superior result to reduce the power consumption, but many level shifters are added so that the circuit area will be over the specification. In this thesis, we present an
effective integer linear programming (ILP)-based dual supply voltages assignment approach to solve this problem. This approach also can be
extended to solve MSV assignment problem.
For the objective of power reduction under timing constraint, compared with the GECVS algorithm [4], the power consumption can be
further reduced up to 5.46% and the number of level shifters is improved by 16.31% on average by our approach. For the objective of power
reduction under constraints of both timing and area of level shifters, the average improvement of power consumption obtained by our algorithm is
still better than GECVS while reducing the number of level shifters by 22.92% on average.
第一章 緒論.........................................................1
1.1 研究背景........................................................1
1.2 研究目的........................................................4
1.3 全文架構........................................................8
第二章 相關研究背景介紹.............................................9
2.1 電壓轉換器探討低功率相關研究....................................9
2.2 效能限制下最小化功率消耗相關研究................................18
第三章 問題描述與定義...............................................27
3.1 問題描述........................................................27
3.2 基本定義........................................................28
第四章 演算法.......................................................30
4.1 目標( Objective )...............................................30
4.2 電壓源分配與電壓轉換器置入......................................31
4.3 電路效能與面積限制..............................................32
第五章 範例說明.....................................................35
5.1 目標( Objective )...............................................35
5.2 電壓源分配與電壓轉換器置入......................................36
5.3 電路效能與面積限制..............................................39
第六章 實驗結果.....................................................41
6.1 測試電路屬性....................................................41
6.2 測試結果........................................................42
6.3 結果分析........................................................45
圖一:CMOS 反向器電路...............................................2
圖二:Multiple Supply Voltages Technique ...........................3
圖三:一般典型電壓轉換器( level shifter )設計.......................4
圖四:CVS 的結果範例................................................5
圖七:計算delay 和power 合併不同模組的過程..........................11
圖十九;使用兩變數塑造的timing arc function.........................33
圖二十:The timing arc of each input pin in the cell library........34
圖二十二:電路 C6288 結構...........................................44
圖二十四:GECVS 與本論文不考慮面積條件演算法的比較結果..............46
圖二十五:GECVS 與本論文考慮面積條件演算法的比較結果................47
表格1:Benchmark 統計表.............................................42
表格2:本論文演算法與 GECVS 比較結果................................43
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