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研究生(外文):Yo-Cheng Wu
論文名稱(外文):Designing A Protection System against DDoS Attacks
指導教授(外文):Shih-Hsiung Twu
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摘 要

 (1) 在我們的系統中,能有效判斷惡意封包,改善錯誤率的問題
 (2) 透過建立名單的方式,減少重新分析的時間,避免用戶受到 

  In this thesis, we propose a new protection system, it can effectively resist the distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. It can improve the accuracy of judgment of the malicious attacks, and it can make the network quality more effectively.
  In the first step, we propose the combination of the detection and routing-redirect to resist DDoS attacks. This method can effectively channelize the malicious packets. Due to the DDoS packets is features, the monitor-side can use as reference to blocked most of the malicious packets. Besides, we will use the double lines of defense to minimize the damage. In the second step, we establish a list of IP address to determine legitimate users in peacetime. When the attack occurred, it can judge normal users to avoid interference with the user of services.    
  The contributions of work are as follows.
  (1) In our system, we can effectively judge malicious packets to lower the error rates.
  (2) The establishment of the list method can reduce the time of re-analysis to avoid interference with the users.
  We trust these mechanisms can significantly reduce attack volume. The results of our research in thesis shows that it will be much helpful to future research in the category of the DDoS defense.
Chinese Abstract..................................................I
English Abstract..................................................II
List of Figures...................................................VI
List of Tables....................................................VII
Chapter 1 Introduction............................................1
1.1 Background....................................................1
1.2 Objective.....................................................5
1.3 Organization of This Thesis...................................6

Chapter 2 Background of Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks.....7
2.1 Distributed Denial-of-Service.................................7
2.1.1 Denial of Service Attack....................................7
2.1.2 Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack........................8
2.2 Classification of Distributed Denial-of-Service...............10
2.2.1 Trin00......................................................11
2.2.2 TFN.........................................................12
2.2.3 TFN2k.......................................................13
2.2.4 Stacheldraht................................................14
2.2.5 Mstream.....................................................14
2.2.6 TCP SYN Flood...............................................15
2.2.7 ICMP Flood..................................................17
2.2.8 Smurf.......................................................17
2.2.9 DRDoS.......................................................18
2.3 Existing Strategies of Defense................................20
2.3.1 Traceback...................................................20
2.3.2 Pushback....................................................21
2.3.3 Overlay Network.............................................22

Chapter 3 The Proposed System.....................................23
3.1 The Structure of System.......................................23
3.2 Process of System.............................................30
3.3 The Performance of Our Defenses system........................32

Chapter 4 Conclusions and Future Works............................34

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 DDoS attack structure……………………………………….…..3
Figure 2.1 Category of DDos attack……………………………………….11
Figure 2.2 Mstream working flow…………………….…………………..15
Figure 2-3 SYN Flood Attack…………………………………………..….16
Figure 2-4 The normal operation for ICMP………...…........................17
Figure 2-5 The operation for Smurf..................................................18
Figure 2-6 DRDoS working concept……………………..……………….19
Figure 2.7 Pushback method ……………………………………………....20
Figure 2.8 Pushback method ………………..……………………………..21
Figure 2.9 Overlay Network method ………………......................……22
Figure 3.1 System Architecture……………….…………......................24
Figure 3.2 General situation.……………………………….……………...25
Figure 3.3 Attack situation.…............…...........................................26
Figure 3.4 Monitor-side………………………………………………….27
Figure 3.5 Graphical Identification………………………………………28
Figure 3.6 Process of System…………………………………………31

List of Tables
Table 3.1 A comparison sheet……………………………………………33

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