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研究生(外文):Chia-Chun Yang
論文名稱(外文):Evaluating Service Quality of Domestic Blog Using Fuzzy Analytic Network Process
指導教授(外文):Yi-Chung Hu
外文關鍵詞:Web2.0BlogService qualityFuzzy Analytic Network Process
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網路分析程序法中的成對比較矩陣屬於乘法偏好關係,在實務上不容易達成完整一致性。為改善此一缺點,可利用乘法遞移性產生具完整一致性之乘法偏好關係,其優點在於可使答題數從 減至(n-1)題。為反應受訪者對語義尺度的主觀認知,本研究依乘法型偏好關係提出可產生具一致性之模糊乘法型偏好關係。
Along with the internet technologic has developed day by day, all kinds of innovated service has been touching off the changes of the whole environment for user online. The Internet applications evolved to Web2.0 from Web1.0. Web2.0 brings many innovated service for user online based on many different technique support, such as blog, Really Simple Syndication and Wikipedia, which also offers all kinds of environments that are for collaboration and sharing of information. The idea of Web2.0 which focuses on “participation” and “interaction” obviously changes the users online’s conduct and habit. It makes people not only can get information also can share it on the internet.
The Blog has an easy using character, it not only includes various content which not only can write on deep on note in words and activities recording, but also can add media film which are pictures and movies, therefore, it attracted many people to create their own blog and in the media incitant news report, using blog has been a very important activity for the users online. The website needs to offer a great service quality to attract users to visit continually, therefore, to build up a fit framework of Service Quality of Domestic Blog is an important issue that is worth to discuss. For the dependence of every aspect and criteria in Service Quality of Domestic Blog, so this proposal evaluated Service Quality of Domestic Blog Using Fuzzy Analytic Network Process.
In Analytic Network Process law's Pairwise comparisons matrixs belongs to consistent preference relations, is not easy in the practice to achieve the complete uniformity. In order to improve this shortcoming, may produce using multiplicative transitivity has consistent of preference relations complete uniform.The merit lies in may cause the answer number to reduce to topic by (n-1) topics.In order to respond that the participant to the semantic criterion's subjective cognition, this research according to consistent preference relations proposed may produce has fuzzy of consistent preference relations uniform.
In empirical verification, the user takes seriously the construction surface is system usability and efficiency. In the criterion important aspect, the most important influencing factor is system usability under the construction surface system operates correctly, the next best is efficiency under the construction surface between the homepage links fast and website links fast. Feeling which of the service quality therefore after having used tribe standard obtains on the user, will affect it to this tribe standard whether to have continually wish of the use.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究範圍與對象 2
第四節 研究流程 4

第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 Web 2.0 5
第二節 部落格 7
第三節 傳統服務品質 12
第四節 網站服務品質 15
第五節 網路分析程序法 20

第三章 研究方法 22
第一節 研究架構 22
第二節 構面定義與衡量 30
第三節 模糊理論 31
第四節 網路分析程序法 36
第五節 模糊乘法型偏好關係 43
第六節 決定準則相對重要性 45
第七節 問卷設計 47

第四章 研究結果與分析 48
第一節 樣本資料描述 48
第二節 構面相對重要程度分析 48
第三節 準則之相對重要性分析 51
第四節 共識程度分析 58

第五章 結論與建議 63
第一節 研究結論 63
第二節 與過去研究之比較 64
第三節 研究限制與建議 64
參考文獻 66
附錄一 關聯性問卷 70
附錄二 正式問卷 78
表2-1 部落格的特性 9
表2-2 部落格相關研究 11
表2-3 傳統服務品質定義 12
表2-4 傳統服務品質衡量構面 13
表2-5 SERVQUAL服務品質衡量構面 14
表2-6 網站服務品質之定義 15
表2-7 e-SQ衡量構面 16
表2-8 「e-SERVQUAL」與「recovery e-SERVQUAL」量表 17
表2-9 「E-S-QUAL」與「E-RecS-QUAL」量表 18
表2-10 網站服務品質評估構面文獻 19
表2-11 網路程序分析法之應用文獻 20
表3-1 準則之來源 22
表3-2 專家訪談結果與回應方式 23
表3-3 研究架構 24
表3-4 準則間相互影響關係強弱表 25
表3-5 準則間相互依存關係表 27
表3-6 研究構面定義與來源 29
表3-7 準則i與準則j之間之偏好關係或重要程度 34
表3-8 重要性程度評估尺度 34
表3-9 購車模型之兩兩比較矩陣 41
表4-1 使用部落格供應商分佈表 48
表4-2 構面矩陣 49
表4-3 構面之相對重要性 49
表4-4 未加權超級矩陣 52
表4-5 加權超級矩陣 53
表4-6 極限超級矩陣 54
表4-7 準則之相對重要性分析 56
表4-8 各準則之變異係數 58
表4-9 受訪者5之準則排序 59
表4-10 受訪者12之準則排序 59
表4-11 受訪者16之準則排序 60
表4-12 受訪者22之準則排序 60
表4-13 受訪者26之準則排序 61
表4-14 受訪者28之準則排序 61
圖1-1 部落格供應商(BSP)的到達率排名 3
圖1-2 研究流程圖 4
圖2-1 部落格分類 10
圖3-1 平均分數分佈 26
圖3-2 準則間相互依存關係示意圖 28
圖3-3 三角模糊數 30
圖3-4 模糊語意尺度 34
圖3-5 語意評估尺度 35
圖3-6 語意值評估 35
圖3-7 轉換後之語意值 36
圖3-8 AHP 法與ANP 法結構上之異同 36
圖3-9 ANP 網路架構圖 37
圖3-10 購車模型 40
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