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研究生(外文):Kuan-Wen Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Formation of SiO2-Fe3O4 mesoporous nanoparticles for drug delivery
指導教授(外文):Hong-Wen Wang
外文關鍵詞:Drug releaseMesoporousSiO2Fe3O4Co-precipitation method
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本研究主要分成四大部分,首先以共沉澱法將含有FeCl3.6H2O 與FeCl2.4H2O 的前驅鹽溶液加入鹼液來共沉澱製備Fe3O4粒子。由實驗結果發現,以高速均質所合成的Fe3O4 其平均粒徑約為10nm,除此之外,以此種高速均質方式所製備之Fe3O4奈米粒子在無須添加其他界面活性劑的情況下,可得到較一般水熱法或是共沉澱法較佳的分散性質。磁性質分析方面, 透過SQUID 分析,高速均質方式所合成的Fe3O4可得到約90 emu/g 的飽合磁化值。
第二部分則是Stöber process[31]合成SiO2奈米顆粒及Mesoporous SiO2 nanoparticle。並藉由改變界面活性劑的添加比例來調控SiO2 nanoparticle中的孔洞性質,使其能夠藉此得到較大的比表面積及藥物攜帶量並;進行粒徑分佈、表面型態、熱性質等性質探討。從TEM 影像觀察到SiO2 nanoparticle的粒徑約100~300 nm;添加陽離子界面活性劑—溴化十六烷基三甲基銨(CTAB),可促使SiO2 nanoparticles 形成多孔型態,TEM影像分析結果顯示孔洞呈六角堆積排列方式。
第三部份則將上述兩部分研究結合,在磁性奈米顆粒外包覆SiO2及Mesoporous SiO2的殼層。另外,利用200nm孔洞大小的PC膜做為模板製作SiO2 奈米管,利用相同材質不同型態之材料,增加樣本表面積及藥物攜帶量;由SEM影像可以觀察到奈米管管長約為10μm,管徑約200nm~300nm之間; SiO2的組成則藉由EDS分析確認。
This study is divided into four parts. In the first part, the precursors FeCl3.6H2O and FeCl2.4H2O were dissolved in water and then alkali was added to synthesis magnetite nanoparticles by co-precipitation method and high rotation speed. The distribution of particle size, surface potential, morphology, lattice structure and magnetic properties of these particles were analyzed and compared with those of commercial magnetite. From the results, the particle size of magnetite, synthesized by using homogenizer, was about 10 nm. The magnetization is 90 emu/g, as high as the commercial one, from the SQUID analysis. We have successfully used homogenizer co-precipitation method to synthesis magnetite nanoparticlese without any surfacten. The distribution of particle size, surface potential, morphology and magnetization are all better then those of particles synthesized by hydrothermal method.
At the second part, we used Stöber process to synthesis the SiO2 nanoparticles and mesoporous SiO2 nanoparticles, and control the ratio of additives to make the SiO2 nanoparticles into mesopourous state to get high surface area and more ability to carry drugs. Results of TEM analysis indicated that SiO2 nanoparticles size was about 100-300 nm. On the other hand, adding Cationic surfactants--- Hexadecyltrimethylammonium(CTAB) could make SiO2 nanoparticles have mesoporous, which was approved by TEM analysis.
By combining the above two parts, we prepared the magnetic nanoparticle coated mesoporous SiO2 shell. We also used 200 nm PC membrane to synthesis SiO2 nanotubes. Same material but different state was used to increase surface area and ability of carrying drugs. Results of SEM analysis indicated that the nanottube length about 10μm and diameter is 200~300 nm.

Finally, we took all samples to test drug release ability. the swelling method was used to load the drug into nanoparticles and nanotubes. The Ultraviolet-Visible spectrometer was employed to analyzed drug releasing rate. The results of UV analysis indicated that nanoparticles with mesoporous surface carried more drug and had longer releasing time than nanoparticles without mesoporous surface. We concluded that the properties of two materials could be combined to develop a new therapy technology to reduce the side effect of drug loader and to increase the drug releasing efficiency from this study.
謝誌 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言: 1
1-2研究目的及動機: 2
1-3研究架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1奈米材料之特性 5
2-1-1奈米材料之基本定義 5
2-2磁性理論 7
2-2-1 磁性物質種類 7
2-2-2 磁滯曲線 9
2-3 磁性材料 11
2-3-1氧化鐵之介紹 12
2-3-2四氧化三鐵之結構 14
2-4磁性奈米科技於生醫上之應用 21
2-4-1磁性分離(Magnetic separartion) 21
2-4-2藥物傳輸系統(Drug delivery system) 23
2-4-3核磁共振造影(Magnetic resonance imaging) 23
2-4-4磁流體溫熱療法(Magnetic fluid hyperthermia) 24
2-4-5生化感測(Biochemical sensing 26
2-5磁性流體基本原理: 27
2-5-1磁性流體之製作方式: 27
2-5-2合成磁性奈米粒子之機構: 28
2-6二氧化矽特性及其應用 29
2-6-1二氧化矽之簡介 29
2-6-2 二氧化矽之特性 30
2-7核-殼結構粒子 33
2-7-1 高分子披覆 34
2-7-2 無機物披覆 36
2-7-3 生化分子的披覆 37
2-8藥物控制釋放技術 39
2-9 水熱法原理(Hydrothermal method) 40
2-9-1水熱法製備粉體的優點 40
2-10 微波法(microwave method) 41
2-10-1微波介紹 41
2-10-2微波加熱原理 42
2-10-3微波加熱法與傳統加熱法的差異 42
2-10-4微波水熱合成法 42
第三章 實驗方法 43
3-1 實驗藥品 43
3-2 實驗設備及器材 44
3-3 性質鑑定儀器 45
3-3-1 廣角X-Ray繞射儀 (Wide-angle XRD) 45
3-3-2 穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission Electron Microscopy) 46
3-3-3紫外光-可見光光譜測量儀 (uv-vis spectrophotometer) 46
3-3-4 FT-IR吸收光譜分析: 47
3-3-5 超導量子干涉儀(SQUID) 47
3-3-6 Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) 磁力顯微鏡 49
3-4 實驗流程 51
3-4-1共沉澱製備Fe3O4 nano-particle 流程 51
3-4-2 Stober process法製備Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 52
3-4-3 Stober process法製備Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 53
3-4-4 超音波Stober process法製備SiO2 nano-tube 54
3-4-5包覆藥物之製備 55
第四章 結果與討論 56
4-1共沉澱製備Fe3O4 nano-particle 56
4-1-1廣角X-Ray繞射儀 (Wide-angle XRD) 56
4-1-2 穿透式顯微鏡(TEM)分析 57
4-1-3超導量子干涉儀(SQUID)磁性分析 60
4-1-4 Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) 磁力顯微鏡磁性分析 61
4-1-5 結論 62
4-2 Stober process法製備Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 63
4-2-1 合成SiO2 nano-particle 63
4-2-1-1 SiO2 nano-particle FT-IR光譜分析 63
4-2-1-2 SiO2 nano-particle 之X-Ray分析 (Wide-angle XRD) 64
4-2-1-3場發式掃描電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM) 型態觀察 65
4-2-1-4穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM) 型態觀察 66
4-2-2製備Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 67
4-2-2-1 Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 之FT-IR光譜分析 67
4-2-2-2 Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 之X-Ray分析(Wide-angle XRD) 68
4-2-2-3 Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 之磁性分析 69
4-3 以Stober process法製備Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 70
4-3-1 Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle 71
4-3-1-1 Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle之FT-IR光譜分析 71
4-3-1-2 Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle之XRD圖譜分析 72
4-3-1-3 Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle之TEM分析 74
4-3-1-4 Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle之EDS分析 75
4-3-2製備Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 76
4-3-2-1 Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle之FT-IR光譜分析 76
4-3-2-2 Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle之XRD圖譜分析 77
4-3-2-3 Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle之TEM分析 78
4-3-2-4 Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle之EDS能譜分析 80
4-3-2-5 Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 之磁性分析 81
4-3-3 結論 83
4-4超音波Stober process法製備SiO2 nano-tube 84
4-4-1超音波Stober process法製備SiO2 nano-tube之SEM型態分析 84
4-4-2超音波Stober process法製備SiO2 nanotubes之TEM型態分析 86
4-5藥物釋放 87
4-5-1 Vitamin B12 之UV光波長分析 87
4-5-2 Vitamin B12檢量曲線 88
4-5-3Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle釋放效果 89
4-5-4 Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle釋放效果 90
4-5-5結論 91
第五章 結論 92
參考文獻 94

表2-3-1 常見之鐵氧化物之晶格結構參數…………….………………5
表2-3-2 normal spinel 與inverse spinel 陽離子的分佈…….................16
表3-1 所需藥品…………………………………………………….….43
表3-2 所需儀器……………………………………………………….44

圖1-2 研究架構…………….……………………………………………4
圖2-1-1 奈米材料之分類……………………………………………….6
圖2-2-2 磁滯曲線…………………………………………………..….10
圖2-3-2(a) cubic ferrite 晶體結構圖………………………………......15
圖2-3-2(b) Fe3O4的結構圖……………………………………………. 17
圖2-3-1(c) spinel 分層結構圖……………………………………...….18
圖2-3-2 (d) Fe3O4的A-site和B-site離子分佈圖………………………..18
圖2-4-1 利用磁性粒子分離之示意簡圖……………………………...22
圖2-6-2(a)SiO2 表面結構………………………………………...……31
圖2-6-2(b)SiO2 粒子的凝結機制………………………………....…...31
圖3-3-5 超導量子干涉磁量儀(SQUID)…………………………….48
圖3-4-1 製備Fe3O4 nano-particle的流程圖…………………………....51
圖3-4-2 製備Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle的流程圖……………………...52
圖3-4-3 製備Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle的流圖……….....53
圖3-4-5 製備Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-tube的流圖……………..54
圖4-1-1 Fe3O4之XRD………………………………………………..56
圖4-1-2 (a)Fe3O4 nanoparticles TEM照片………………………….....57
圖4-1-2(b)Fe3O4 nanoparticles TEM 照片(c)單晶Fe3O4 nanoparticles 繞
圖4-1-2 (d) Fe3O4 nanoparticles EDS 圖譜……………………………59
圖4-1-3 Fe3O4 nanoparticles 磁滯曲線…………………………….....60
圖4-1-4 (a)(b) MFM掃描圖、AFM表面凡德瓦爾力圖……………….61
圖4-1-4 (c) MFM掃描圖、AFM表面凡德瓦爾力圖…………………..62
圖4-2-1-1 不同氨水添加量合成SiO2 nano-particle 之FT-IR………63
圖4-2-1-2 SiO2 nano-particle 之XRD………………………………..64
圖4-2-1-3 氨水濃度 (a) 0.1% (b) 0.5% (c)1% (d)1.5% (e) 2%的SiO2 奈
圖4-2-1-4(a) SiO2 奈米粒子TEM 照片……………………………...66
圖4-2-1-4(b) SiO2 奈米粒子EDS 分析………………………………66
圖4-2-2-1 Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 之FT-IR 光譜…………………..67
圖4-2-1-2 Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 之X-Ray 圖譜………………..,,68
圖4-2-2-3 Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 之磁滯曲線………………………69
圖4-3-1-1 Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle 之FT-IR 光譜圖………….71
圖4-3-1-2 (a)Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle 之XRD圖譜……………72
圖4-3-1-2 (b)Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle 之低角度XRD 圖譜…..72
圖4-3-1-3 Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle 之TEM 分析(a)添加1g
CTAB(B)添加5g CTAB………………………………………………..73
圖4-3-1-4 Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle 之EDS 圖譜……………..74
圖4-3-2-1 Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 之FT-IR 光譜……..75
圖4-3-2-2 Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 之XRD 圖譜………76
圖4-3-2-3(a) Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 之TEM 照片…..77
圖4-3-2-3(b) Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 之TEM 照片……78
圖4-3-2-4 Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 之EDS 能譜……….79
圖4-3-2-5(a)不同CTAB 添加量Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle
圖4-3-2-5(b) 不同Fe3O4 添加量Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle
圖4-4-1(a)氨水添加量0.5ml 之SiO2 nano-tube………………………83
圖4-4-1(b)氨水添加量1ml 之SiO2 nano-tube………………………....84
圖4-4-1(c)-(f) 200nm 的PC 膜為模板合成之SiO2
圖4-4-2 超音波Stober process 法製備SiO2 Nanotubes TEM…………85
圖4-5-1 Vitamin B12 最大吸收波長…………………………………..86
圖4-5-2 Vitamin B12 檢量曲線………………………………………..87
圖4-5-3 Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle 釋放效果…………………..88
圖4-5-4 Mesoporous Fe3O4/SiO2 nano-particle 及5g 的CTAB 添加量
Mesoporous SiO2 nano-particle 的釋放圖……………………………...88
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