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研究生(外文):Hung-en Liu
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Heavy Metals and MSWI Ashes on OFMSW Biodegradation by Earthworms
指導教授(外文):Huang-mu Lo
外文關鍵詞:earthwormsfly ashKeywords: bottom ashorganic wasteheavy metals
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1. 蚯蚓的生長繁殖與餌料的pH值有密切關係,一般以6.8-7.6中性或弱鹼性為宜。過高或過低,常出現不良反應,如脫水萎縮,感覺遲鈍,以至逃逸影響生產。添加重金屬,造成pH明顯下降,成為蚯蚓不喜歡生活的環境。
2. 重金屬添加組監測之重金屬含量趨勢上顯示,重金屬在蚯蚓體內,均有明顯累積的情形。重金屬濃度 10 mg kg-1,蚯蚓均有很高的存活率。並且隨著外在重金屬濃度而增加體內的累積濃度,存活率也有下降的趨勢,其中,蚯蚓對Zn濃度耐受度、存活率最高。
Earthworms have been used to assess the toxicity of heavy metals on the biological effects, such as cadmium, zinc, copper, chromium and nickel.
The main purpose of this study was to add in the use of heavy metals and ash (bottom ash and fly ash) on earthworms affect decomposition of organic waste. Based on the results of this study, the conclusions obtained are as follows:
1. Earthworm growth and reproduction and diet are closely related to the pH value, add the heavy metals Cd, Cr, caused by decreased pH, earthworms do not like to become a living environment.
2.In addition the body of heavy metals in earthworms, there is obviously the case of accumulation of earthworms on the accumulation of heavy metals to the highest cadmium. Heavy metal concentration of 10 mg kg-1, earthworms have a high survival rate. And with increasing external concentration of heavy metals accumulated body concentration, the survival rate is also a downward trend, in which the concentration of earthworms on Zn tolerance, the highest survival rate.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
總目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1台灣的蚯蚓 3
2.1.1 蚯蚓養殖條件的控制和調節 5
2.2蚯蚓與土壤重金屬的關係 7
2.2.1以蚯蚓處理重金屬之研究 7
2.2.2蚯蚓對土壤中重金屬的吸收與累積 9
2.2.3 重金屬對蚯蚓的影響 10
2.3 施用農藥、殺蟲劑及堆肥對蚯蚓毒性及生質量的影響 14
2.4 蚯蚓生態毒理性與生物累積效應之評估 15
2.5 土壤重金屬污染之評估方法 16
2.5.1 土壤重金屬有效性之分析 16
2.5.2 重金屬全量分析 16
2.5.3 生物方法 17
2.6 廢棄物焚化灰燼 19
2.6.1 焚化爐灰燼的來源 19
2.6.2 底灰之物化特性 19
2.6.3 飛灰之物化特性 20
2.6.4 焚化灰燼金屬含量 24
第三章 實驗材料與方法 26
3.1 實驗流程圖 26
3.2 實驗材料 27
3.2.1 焚化爐灰燼 27
3.2.2 有機廢棄物 27
3.2.3 供試蚯蚓 29
3.3 研究方法與步驟 30
3.3.1 實驗設置 30
3.3.4 實驗方法 33
3.3.5基本參數分析 38
第四章 結果與討論 40
4.1添加灰燼、土壤與重金屬對蚯蚓影響之基本參數監測 40
4.1.1小型反應槽基本參數監測之pH值 40
4.1.2小型反應槽基本參數監測之ORP 45
4.1.3小型反應槽基本參數監測之EC 49
4.1.4小型反應槽基本參數監測之DO 53
4.1.5小型反應槽基本參數監測之TS 57
4.1.6小型反應槽基本參數監測之VS 61
4.2蚯蚓之重金屬含量與致死率分析 65
4.2.1灰燼添加組: 65
4.2.2重金屬Cd之添加組: 70
4.2.3重金屬Cr之添加組 72
4.2.4重金屬Cu之添加組 74
4.2.5重金屬Pb之添加組 76
4.2.6 重金屬Ni之添加組 78
4.2.7重金屬Zn之添加組 80
4.2.8混重金屬之添加組 83
第五章 結論與建議 85
參考文獻 87
表2-1 土壤樣品中重金屬含量......................................................................8
表2-2 環保署公告之土壤重金屬污染管制標準...........................................8
表2-3 不同粒徑底灰之化學特性................................................................ 22
表2-4 垃圾焚化飛灰與底灰之物理性質...................................................... 22
表2-5 都市垃圾焚化飛灰之化學主要組成................................................. 23
表2-6 都市固體廢棄物焚化爐灰燼金屬含量分析...................................... 25
表3-1 灰燼與土壤添加組........................................................................... 31
表3-2 重金屬添加組.................................................................................. 31
表4-1 BA 添加組之存活率....................................................................... 67
表4-2 FA 添加組之存活率....................................................................... 67
表4-3 Soil 添加組之存活率...................................................................... 67
表4-4 重金屬Cd 添加組之存活率........................................................... 71
表4-5 重金屬Cr 添加組之存活率............................................................ 73
表4-6 重金屬Cu 添加組之存活率........................................................... 75
表4-7 重金屬Pb 添加組之存活率............................................................ 77
表4-8 重金屬Ni 添加組之存活率............................................................ 79
表4-9 重金屬Zn 添加組之存活率............................................................ 81
表4-10 6種重金屬添加組之重金屬含量變化總表................................... 82
表4-11 混重金屬添加組之存活率............................................................ 84圖3-1 實驗流程圖...................................................................................... 26
圖3-2 有機廢棄物採集地點....................................................................... 28
圖3-3 有機廢棄物採集情形....................................................................... 28
圖3-4 惡臭愛勝蚓 (Eisenia fetida)的照片............................................... 29
圖3-4 蚯蚓養殖容器.................................................................................. 32
圖3-5 微波消化法...................................................................................... 34
圖3-6 微波消化操作示意圖....................................................................... 36
圖4-1 底灰添加組之pH 變化..................................................................... 41
圖4-2 飛灰添加組之pH 變化..................................................................... 41
圖4-3 土壤添加組之pH 變化..................................................................... 41
圖4-4 Cd 添加組之pH 變化........................................................................ 42
圖4-5 Cr 添加組之pH 變化........................................................................ 43
圖4-6 Cu 添加組之pH 變化........................................................................ 43
圖4-7 Pb 添加組之pH 變化........................................................................ 43
圖4-8 Ni 添加組之pH 變化........................................................................ 44
圖4-9 Zn 添加組之pH 變化........................................................................ 44
圖4-10 混金屬添加組之pH 變化................................................................ 44
圖4-11 底灰添加組之ORP 變化.................................................................45
圖4-13 土壤添加組之ORP 變化.................................................................46
圖4-14 Cd 添加組之ORP 變化................................................................... 46
圖4-15 Cr 添加組之ORP 變化.................................................................... 46
圖4-16 Cu 添加組之ORP 變化................................................................... 47
圖4-17 Pb 添加組之ORP 變化.................................................................... 47
圖4-18 Ni 添加組之ORP 變化.................................................................... 47
圖4-19 Zn 添加組之ORP 變化................................................................... 48
圖4-20 混金屬添加組之ORP 變化............................................................. 48
圖4-21 底灰添加組之EC 變化................................................................... 49
圖4-22 飛灰添加組之EC 變化................................................................... 50
圖4-23 土壤添加組之EC 變化................................................................... 50
圖4-24 Cd 添加組之EC 變化...................................................................... 50
圖4-25 Cr 添加組之EC 變化...................................................................... 51
圖4-26 Cu 添加組之EC 變化...................................................................... 51
圖4-27 Pb 添加組之EC 變化...................................................................... 51
圖4-28 Ni 添加組之EC 變化...................................................................... 52
圖4-29 Zn 添加組之EC 變化...................................................................... 52
圖4-30 混金屬添加組之EC 變化................................................................ 52
圖4-31 底灰添加組之DO 變化................................................................... 53
圖4-32 飛灰添加組之DO 變化................................................................... 54
圖4-33 土壤添加組之DO 變化................................................................... 54
圖4-34 Cd 添加組之DO 變化..................................................................... 54
圖4-35 Cr 添加組之DO 變化...................................................................... 55
圖4-36 Cu 添加組之DO 變化..................................................................... 55
圖4-37 Pb 添加組之DO 變化..................................................................... 55
圖4-38 Ni 添加組之DO 變化...................................................................... 56
圖4-39 Zn 添加組之DO 變化..................................................................... 56
圖4-40 混金屬添加組之DO 變化............................................................... 56
圖4-41 底灰添加組之TS 變化.................................................................... 57
圖4-42 飛灰添加組之TS 變化.................................................................... 58
圖4-43 土壤添加組之TS 變化.................................................................... 58
圖4-44 Cd 添加組之TS 變化...................................................................... 58
圖4-45 Cr 添加組之TS 變化....................................................................... 59
圖4-46 Cu 添加組之TS 變化...................................................................... 59
圖4-47 Pb 添加組之TS 變化...................................................................... 59
圖4-48 Ni 添加組之TS 變化....................................................................... 60
圖4-49 Zn 添加組之TS 變化...................................................................... 60
圖4-50 混金屬添加組之TS 變化................................................................ 60
圖4-51 底灰添加組之VS 變化................................................................... 61
圖4-52 飛灰添加組之VS 變化................................................................... 62
圖4-53 土壤添加組之VS 變化................................................................... 62
圖4-54 Cd 添加組之VS 變化...................................................................... 62
圖4-55 Cr 添加組之VS 變化...................................................................... 63
圖4-56 Cu 添加組之VS 變化...................................................................... 63
圖4-57 Pb 添加組之VS 變化...................................................................... 63
圖4-58 Ni 添加組之VS 變化...................................................................... 64
圖4-59 Zn 添加組之VS 變化...................................................................... 64
圖4-60 混金屬添加組之VS 變化................................................................ 64
圖4-61 底灰添加組之重金屬含量變化..................................................... 65
圖4-62 飛灰添加組之重金屬含量變化..................................................... 66
圖4-63 土壤添加組之重金屬含量變化..................................................... 66
圖4-64 灰燼與土壤添加對蚯蚓之存活率................................................... 68
圖4-65 底灰添加對蚯蚓之致死率.............................................................. 68
圖4-66 飛灰添加對蚯蚓之致死率.............................................................. 69
圖4-67 土壤添加對蚯蚓之致死率.............................................................. 69
圖4-68 Cd 添加組之重金屬含量變化....................................................... 71
圖4-69 Cd 添加組對蚯蚓之致死率........................................................... 71
圖4-70 Cr 添加組之重金屬含量變化....................................................... 73
圖4-71 Cr 添加組對蚯蚓之致死率........................................................... 73
圖4-72 Cu 添加組之重金屬含量變化....................................................... 75
圖4-73 Cu 添加組對蚯蚓之致死率........................................................... 75
圖4-74 Pb 添加組之重金屬含量變化....................................................... 77
圖4-75 Pb 添加組對蚯蚓之致死率........................................................... 77
圖4-76 Ni 添加組之重金屬含量變化....................................................... 79
圖4-77 Ni 添加組對蚯蚓之致死率........................................................... 79
圖4-78 Zn 添加組之重金屬含量變化....................................................... 81
圖4-79 Zn 添加組對蚯蚓之致死率........................................................... 81
圖4-81 混金屬添加組之重金屬含量變化................................................. 84
圖4-82 混重金屬添加組對蚯蚓之致死率................................................. 84
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