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研究生(外文):Chiou-Ling Shie
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Relationship Model between Customer Relationship Management and Direct Selling Performance Based on Direct Distributors Innovativeness.
指導教授(外文):Chung-Li Chou
外文關鍵詞:Innovativenesscustomer relationship managementdirect selling performance
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本研究以直銷商之創新特質為切入點,期能經過實證研究,達成本研究之目的:一、探討每一位直銷商不同創新特質的表現對顧客關係管理的影響為何? 二、探討每一位直銷商不同創新特質的表現對直銷績效的影響為何? 三、探討每一位直銷商不同顧客關係管理的運用對直銷績效之影響為何?四、探討在創新特質程度高低不同之直銷商群組下,其創新特質、顧客關係管理與直銷績效間之影響關係是否存在著差異性?
Due to the global depression and the job market of unemployment rate raise continuously, the characteristic which low entry to start an enterprise of direct selling industry attracts a lot of fresh graduates and job seekers, therefore, direct selling companies will face so many direct distributors. How to confirm the direct distributor who can be success? And what’s the model should make use of in training new direct distributors? Those cause the motive of this research. Besides, direct selling industry is a person-to-person contact commercial, so the direct distributors’ different personality traits can affect whose success or failure. For this reason, the study expects based on innovativeness of direct distributors to explore it whether the different innovativeness affects customer relationship management and direct selling performance.
The purposes of this study are raised as follows:
1.To explore that the innovativeness of direct distributors will influence the customer relationship management.
2.To explore that the innovativeness of direct distributors will influence the direct selling performance.
3.To explore that the customer relationship management will influence the direct selling performance.
4.To explore that under different direct distributor groups of degree of innovativeness, the influence among innovativeness, customer relationship management, and direct selling performance will different.
This research’s objects of studies were direct distributors of Amway Company and Nu Skin Company, and it adopted convenient sampling. The sample of this study total of 200 questionnaires, 184 were recovered, after deducting 8 respondents did not complete the questionnaire was invalid, the actual recovery of 176 valid questionnaires, recovery rate of 88 percent. SPSS statistical software package used to descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, validity analysis, exploratory factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, cluster analysis, multiple regression analysis, and other statistical methods of empirical analysis.
The major conclusions are summarized as follows:
1.Innovativeness has partial significant positive effect on customer relationship management. Cognitive and change innovativeness has significant positive effect on identify/ differentiate/ interact, analysis/ refinement, and customize of customer relationship management. Sensory innovativeness has significant positive effect on customize of customer relationship management. Cautious deliberate innovativeness has significant positive effect on identify/ differentiate/ interact, and analysis/ refinement of customer relationship management.
2.Innovativeness has partial significant positive effect on direct selling performance. Cognitive and change innovativeness has significant positive effect on behavioral performance and service performance. Cautious deliberate innovativeness has significant positive effect on behavioral performance and financial performance.
3.Customer relationship management has partial significant positive effect on direct selling performance. Identify/ differentiate/ interact of customer relationship management has significant positive effect on service performance. Analysis/ refinement of customer relationship management has significant positive effect on behavioral performance. Customize of customer relationship management has significant positive effect on behavioral performance and service performance.
4.Under different direct distributor groups of degree of innovativeness, the influence among innovativeness, customer relationship management, and direct selling performance are different.
附錄一 正式問卷.....................................126

表1-1-1 1992與2005-2008直銷營業概況................1
表2-2-1 顧客關係管理定義總彙表......................16
表2-2-2 顧客關係管理................................19
表3-3-1 創新特質衡量題項............................30
表3-3-2 顧客關係管理衡量題項........................31
表3-3-3 直銷績效衡量題項............................32
表3-4-1 直銷商基本資料設計..........................34
表3-7-1 創新特質變項之預試信度分析..................39
表3-7-2 顧客關係管理變項之預試信度分析..............40
表3-7-3 直銷績效變項之預試信度分析..................41
表4-0-1 問卷回收概況................................42
表4-1-1 正式回收樣本基本資料結構....................43
表4-2-1 創新特質同意程度表..........................44
表4-2-2 顧客關係管理同意程度表......................45
表4-2-3 直銷績效同意程度表..........................46
表4-3-1 創新特質量表信度分析........................47
表4-3-2 顧客關係管理量表信度分析....................48
表4-3-3 直銷績效量表信度分析........................49
表4-3-4 創新特質之轉軸後的成分矩陣..................51
表4-3-5 顧客關係管理之轉軸後的成分矩陣..............51
表4-3-5 顧客關係管理之轉軸後的成分矩陣(續).........52
表4-3-6 直銷績效之轉軸後的成分矩陣..................52
表4-4-1 創新特質變項之KMO與Bartlett檢定.............54
表4-4-2 創新特質變項之因素分析......................54
表4-4-3 顧客關係管理變項之KMO與Bartlett檢定.........55
表4-4-4 顧客關係管理變項之因素分析..................55
表4-4-4 顧客關係管理變項之因素分析(續)............56
表4-4-5 直銷績效變項之KMO與Bartlett檢定.............57
表4-4-6 直銷績效變項之因素分析......................57
表4-5-1 性別與本研究各構面的t檢定表.................58
表4-5-2 年齡與本研究各構面的ANOVA檢定表.............59
表4-5-3 教育程度與本研究各構面的ANOVA檢定表.........60
表4-5-4 婚姻狀況與本研究各構面的t檢定表.............61
表4-5-5 居住地與本研究各構面的ANOVA檢定表...........62
表4-5-6 平均月收入與本研究各構面的ANOVA檢定表.......63
表4-5-7 從業時間與本研究各構面的ANOVA檢定表.........64
表4-5-8 從業直銷公司與本研究各構面的t檢定表.........65
表4-6-1 各變項間之相關分析..........................66
表4-6-1 創新特質集群分析之各集群樣本統計............67
表4-6-2 創新特質集群分析後之敘述性統計..............67
表4-8-1 創新特質變項對顧客關係管理變項之複迴歸分析─「確認、區別與互動」構面為依變項........................72
表4-8-2 創新特質變項對顧客關係管理變項之複迴歸分析─「分析修正」構面為依變項 ..................................74
表4-8-3 創新特質變項對顧客關係管理變項之複迴歸分析─「客製化」構面為依變項....................................76
表4-8-4 創新特質變項對直銷績效變項之複迴歸分析─「行為績效」構面為依變項....................................79
表4-8-5 創新特質變項對直銷績效變項之複迴歸分析─「財務績效」構面為依變項....................................81
表4-8-6 創新特質變項對直銷績效變項之複迴歸分析─「服務績效」構面為依變項....................................83
表4-8-7 顧客關係管理變項對直銷績效變項之複迴歸分析─「行為績效」構面為依變項..................................86
表4-8-8 顧客關係管理變項對直銷績效變項之複迴歸分析─「財務績效」構面為依變項 ..................................88
表4-8-9 顧客關係管理變項對直銷績效變項之複迴歸分析─「服務績效」構面為依變項 ..................................90
表4-8-10在創新特質程度高低不同之直銷商群組下,其創新特質變項對顧客關係管理變項影響之複迴歸分析 ................95
表5-1-1 研究假說驗證結果............................108
表5-1-3 在創新特質程度高低不同之直銷商群組下,其研究假說驗證結果明細..........................................115

圖1-3-1 研究流程....................................4
圖2-2-1 顧客關係管理三面向..........................17
圖2-2-2 整合式顧客關係管理架構圖....................18
圖2-2-3 顧客關係管理四循環..........................20
圖3-1-1 概念性研究架構圖............................25
圖3-4-1 問卷發展過程................................33
圖4-8-1 修改後概念性研究架構圖......................68
圖4-8-2 修改後細部研究架構..........................69
圖4-8-3 細部研究架構之創新特質變項對顧客關係管理變項之影響分析─「確認、區別與互動」構面為依變項..............72
圖4-8-4 細部研究架構之創新特質變項對顧客關係管理變項之影響分析─「分析修正」構面為依變項......................74
圖4-8-5 細部研究架構之創新特質變項對顧客關係管理變項之影響分析 ─「客製化」構面為依變項.......................76
圖4-8-6 細部研究架構之創新特質變項對直銷績效變項之影響分析 ─「行為績效」構面為依變項..........................79
圖4-8-7 細部研究架構之創新特質變項對直銷績效變項之影響分析 ─「財務績效」構面為依變項..........................81
圖4-8-8 細部研究架構之創新特質變項對直銷績效變項之影響分析─「服務績效」構面為依變項..........................83
圖4-8-9 細部研究架構之顧客關係管理變項對直銷績效變項之影響分析─「行為績效」構面為依變項......................86
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