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研究生(外文):Ying-Ta Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Using Choice Modelling to Value the Willingness to Pay the Labelling of Vegetable Product
外文關鍵詞:Choice ModellingWillingness to PayPerceived CostsPerceived benefitLabelling of Vegetable Product
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Gap, Organic and Traceability, there is different interests attribute among the three, this research wants to direct against different interests and cost attribute, attempt to find out the markets of goal of three kinds of Labelling of Vegetable Product. This research utilizes cluster to analyze and choose the model, assessing different consumers will mark willingness to pay the three kinds of Labelling of Vegetable Product, with buying having a partiality for of the Labelling.
The result of study reveals: Analyze that distinguishes out three groups of consumers with cluster, respectively for negative suspecting type, indifference type with the positive supporting type. Hold the attitude suspected to the vegetables authentication of fruit in negative suspecting type. Holds the positive attitude to three kinds of Labelling of Vegetable Product, but have higher sensitivity to price in indifference type. The consumers of the positive supporting type hold the positive attitude to three kinds of Labelling of Vegetable Product, chosen the model to come to look, relatively two groups of other consumers relatively have a partiality for the Gap, Organic and Traceability, and to especially showing organically.
All interviewee mark to three Labelling of Vegetable Product have apparent partiality, women consumer have apparent demands to have a partiality for to Organic and Gap, the main buyer has apparent demands to have a partiality for to the Gap ground in the family. Consumer think eat organic fruit vegetables really can obtain interests of health, to the tasty of the organic fruit vegetables separately too, with agreeing on protection of the environment. To Organic, GAP and Traceability to willingness to pay price $31.6, $29.3 and $13 Labelling of Vegetable Product ground all interviewee, among them it is highest to willingness to pay prices by Organic. Positive consumer of person who support, as to to willingness to pay price $44.7 Organic, and Gap willingness to pay price $39.7, there is quite high willingness to pay prices too. Willingness to pay prices to Gap ground of women consumer is $39, higher than two kinds of other Labelling of Vegetable Product. House main buyer willingness to pay to Gap price $32.8, higher than other two Labelling too. Income $50000 of families, as to to willingness to pay price $34.8 Organic, and Gap willingness to pay price $32.9, and $70,000 of families high than, reveal income to be high to Labelling of Vegetable Product. to willingness to pay for price to be instead the lower Labelling of Vegetable Product.
摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與研究流程 4
一、研究範圍 4
二、研究流程 4
第三節 資料來源 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 市場區隔 7
第二節 知覺利益與知覺成本 12
第三節 產銷履歷認證 15
第四節 有機與吉園圃認證 22
第三章 實證模型與理論基礎 28
第一節 研究架構 28
第二節 選擇模型 29
第三節 集群分析 31
第四章 問卷調查與統計分析 36
第一節 產品組合設計 36
第二節 問卷內容與步驟 36
第三節 問卷調查與統計資料分析 38
一、問卷調查 38
二、統計資料分析 38
第四節 信度分析 53
第五章 實證模型的結果與分析 54
第一節 因素分析的分析結果 54
第二節 集群分析探討 63
第三節 實證模型估計結果 66
第六章 結論與建議 97
第一節 結論 97
第二節 建議 98
第三節 本文研究限制與未來研究方向 99
參考文獻 100
附表一 問卷 106

表2-1消費者市場區隔基礎 8
表2-2市場區隔文獻整理 10
表2-3問卷所引用之文獻 13
表2-4知覺利益與知覺成本文獻整理 14
表2-5產銷履歷的定義整理 18
表2-6產銷履歷屬性整理 19
表2-7產銷履歷文獻整理 20
表2-8有機認證文獻整理 23
表2-9吉園圃認證文獻整理 27
表3-1衡量變數與問卷設計 35
表4-1受訪者個人基本資料次數分配表 40
表4-2受訪者的家庭人數與採購頻率次數分配表 42
表4-3受訪者的家庭每月收入次數分配表 43
表4-4購買認證蔬果的頻率的次數分配表 44
表4-5受訪者對產銷履歷標章利益的同意 46
表4-6受訪者對有機蔬果標章利益的同意程度 47
表4-7受訪者對吉園圃標章之利益的同意程度 48
表4-8受訪者對於購買產銷履歷蔬果所付成本的同意程度 50
表4-9受訪者對於購買有機蔬果所付成本的同意程度 51
表4-10受訪者對於購買吉園圃蔬果所付成本的同意程度 52
表4-11潛在解釋變數信度 53
表5-1知覺利益與知覺成本因素分析 55
表5-2知覺利益與知覺成本因素差異之單因子變異數分析 64
表5-3產品屬性變數及不同消費群體定義與量測方式 67
表5-4全體消費者對三種蔬果認證標章的屬性效用函數推估值 70
表5-5不同集群與產品屬性效用函數推估值 71
表5-6負面懷疑型與產品屬性效用函數推估值 72
表5-7無差別型與產品屬性效用函數推估值 73
表5-8正面信任型與產品屬性效用函數推估值 74
表5-9不同社經變數與產品屬性效用函數推估值 75
表5-10性別與產品屬性效用函數推估值 76
表5-11年齡與產品屬性效用函數推估值 77
表5-12主要購買者與產品屬性效用函數推估值 78
表5-13家庭所得與產品屬性效用函數推估值 79
表5-14知覺利益各題項與產品屬性效用函數推估值 80
表5-15有機無毒與產品屬性效用函數推估值 81
表5-16有機蔬果的口感與產品屬性效用函數推估值 82
表5-17知覺利益各題項與產品屬性效用函數推估值 83
表5-18交通成本與產品屬性效用函數推估值 84
表5-19產銷履歷的疑慮與產品屬性效用函數推估值 85
表5-20有機蔬果的疑慮與產品屬性效用函數推估值 86
表5-21吉園圃蔬果的疑慮與產品屬性效用函數推估值 87
表5-22吉園圃蔬果的處理成本與產品屬性效用函數推估值 88
表5-23不同知覺利益、知覺成本屬性與產品屬性效用函數推估值 89
表5-24有機蔬果的健康利益與產品屬性效用函數推估值 90
表5-25有機的利益與產品屬性效用函數推估值 91
表5-26環境保護與產品屬性效用函數推估值 92
表5-27安全保證與產品屬性效用函數推估值 93
表5-28全體受訪者與產品屬性願付價格 95
表5-29各題項與產品屬性願付價格 95
圖1-1研究流程圖 5
圖3-1研究架構 28
圖4-1問卷實施步驟 37
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