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研究生(外文):Yu-Chieh Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Prior Knowledge, Learning Ability and Opportunity Identification on Real Options Reasoning
指導教授(外文):Yueh-Chin Chen
外文關鍵詞:FailurePrior knowledgeLearning abilityOpptunity identificationReal options reasoning
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Is failure asset or liability? What influence does failure experience have on the business development? In the traditional stream research, studies mostly focus on how to achieve success and what are the factors which can influence being successful, but few studies focus on the causes of failure and its influence on the individual and personal concept of value. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, "White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in 2007", the report pointed out that 40 percent of small and medium-size enterprises cannot survive for first five years and it is a significant and common phenomenon in the business world. Besides, the unemployment rate had increased to 5.82 percent in May 2009 and the number of unemployed had reached 630,000 which was 8,000 more than the previous month. It can be seen obviously that failure can occur in each class, regardless of personal academic background.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the experience of decision-making or investment errors, and business failure or bankrupt of entrepreneurs and high-ranking professional managers on the new venture operation. This study is to explore the relationship of variables among the prior knowledge, learning ability and the opportunity identification and its impact on the arguments of the substance of real options reasoning. Three-phased research methodology are adopted. The first phase of this study applied the case study trying to explore the impact of failure and prior experience on running new business base on the four samples of small and medium-sized enterprises. Quantitative analysis of the second phase of mining method, in accordance with the literature data and the first phase of the research findings in the design of the questionnaire, using 216 entrepreneurs and high-ranking professional managers as a sample to comprehend how learning ability based on the prior knowledge influences the opportunity identification, the impact of real options reasoning as well as the arguments of cognitive performance. The third phase of the study adopted expert interviews with the venture capitalists to conduct a more advanced interviews to find the failure type of concept extraction and understand whether failed entrepreneur''s unsuccessful experiences have any influence on investment willingness and attitude of venture capitalist when failed entrepreneur starting a new business. The research results found that the learning ability based on the prior knowledge had a significant interference with opportunity identification the cognitive performance. The impact of prior knowledge on real options reasoning: the effect will be better through the impact of opportunity identification. In addition, failure types can be divided into two types from the interviews with experts and entrepreneurs "quasi-addition of failure" and "quasi-subtraction of the failure" which can explain the failure may be the effect of assets or liabilities. The results of this study will provide entrepreneurs as well as the individual who is experiencing failure with the chance to learn from unsuccessful experienced and use other''s experiences for reference.

摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程圖 4
第貳章 文獻探討 5
第一節 先前知識 5
第二節 機會辨識 8
第三節 學習能力 11
第四節 實質選擇權論據 15
第參章 研究方法 21
第一節 研究架構與研究假設 21
第二節 研究方法與設計 25
第肆章 個案敘述與分析 42
第一節 久允工業股份有限公司 42
第二節 東毓油壓機械股份有限公司 50
第三節 昱程科技股份有限公司 59
第四節 宏傑科技股份有限公司 67
第五節 個案分析小結 75
第伍章 資料分析與討論 76
第一節 樣本基本資料分析 76
第二節 敘述性統計分析 80
第三節 信度與效度之分析 84
第四節 變數間相關分析 86
第五節 個人基本資料與本研究變數之獨立t檢定與變異數分析 87
第六節 迴歸分析 94
第陸章 專家訪談分析 99
第一節 創投公司董事長產業界背景介紹與談內容分析 99
第二節 創投公司經理產業界背景介紹與訪談內容分析 104
第三節 小結 107
第柒章 結論與建議 110
第一節 研究結論 110
第二節 研究貢獻 117
第三節 研究限制 118
第四節 未來研究建議 119
參考文獻 120
附錄一 正式問卷 128

表2-1 組織學習定義整合表 12
表3-1 中小企業認定標準表 26
表3-2 受訪企業介紹表 27
表3-3 訪談紀錄表 28
表3-4 訪談問項來源表 28
表3-4 訪談問項來源表(續) 29
表3-5 問卷設計題項表 31
表3-5 問卷設計題項表(續) 32
表3-6 先前知識之前測信度分析表 33
表3-7 機會辨識之前測信度分析表 34
表3-8 學習能力之前測信度分析表 35
表3-9 實質選擇權論據之前測信度分析表 36
表3-10 問卷回收概況表 38
表3-11 訪談問項表 41
表4-1 久允公司大事紀表 42
表4-2 久允個案概念整合表 48
表4-3 東毓公司大事紀表 51
表4-4 東毓個案概念整理表 57
表4-5 昱程大事紀表 60
表4-6 昱程個案概念整理表 65
表4-7 宏傑大事記表 68
表4-8 宏傑個案概念整理表 73
表5-1 正式回收問卷之基本資料結構 78
表5-1 正式回收問卷之基本資料結構(續) 79
表5-2 先前知識同意程度表 80
表5-3 機會辨識同意程度表 81
表5-4 學習能力同意程度表 82
表5-5 實質選擇權論據同意程度表 83
表5-6 各研究變數之信度值表 84
表5-7 變數間之區別效度表 85
表5-8 各研究變數Pearson相關係數 86
表5-9 性別與本研究變數之t檢定表 87
表5-10 目前事業和學歷是否相關與本研究變數之t檢定表 88
表5-11 目前工作和上一份工作是否相關與本研究變數之獨立t檢定表 89
表5-12 有無創業失敗經驗者與本研究變數之獨立t檢定表 90
表5-13 有無創業經驗者與本研究變數之獨立t檢定表 91
表5-14 年齡與本研究變數之ANOVA檢定表 91
表5-15 教育程度與本研究變數之ANOVA檢定表 92
表5-16 工作年資與本研究變數之ANOVA檢定表 93
表5-17 目前職務與本研究各變數之ANOVA檢定表 93
表5-18 假說1與假說2線性迴歸分析表 95
表5-19 學習能力之干擾效果分析表 96
表5-20 機會辨識中介先前知識與實質選擇權論據之影響分析表 98
表7-1 究假設驗證結果表 113


圖1-1 研究流程 4
圖3-1 研究架構圖 21
圖4-1 久允個案變數間關係圖 49
圖4-2 東毓個案變數間關係圖 58
圖4-3 昱程個案變數間關係圖 66
圖4-4 宏傑個案變數間關係圖 74
圖5-1 學習能力對先前知識與機會辨識交互作用圖 97
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