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研究生(外文):Chung-Wen Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Study on Consumer’s Purchasing Decision Factor of Medical Instruments
指導教授(外文):Chih-Sung LaiShu-Chin Huang
外文關鍵詞:AHPMedical DevicesConsumer Behavior
  • 被引用被引用:7
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本研究旨在探討消費者對醫療器材之選購決策,經由相關文獻探討,以消費者行為中的Engel – Kollat - Blackwell Model,提出消費者購買決策三大構面(產品訊息、顧客價值與溝通媒介),透過專家討論,建立消費者醫療器材購買決策衡量構面及層級架構。之後製作AHP層級分析問卷,以對消費者有整體性了解之醫療器材行及醫療器材相關之連鎖通路商為問卷發放對象,問卷回收後運用層級分析法(AHP)進行量化分析。
Medical care is closely related to the process of human growth and ageing. During the process of medical services, the diagnosis of illnesses or the medical devices for treatments all play crucial roles. Due to the rapid development of technology, the varieties, functions, and the efficiency of medical devices became more and more precise and complex, not to mention the increased utility rate.
This research aimed to investigate consumers’ purchasing decision on medical devices. After a review of related literature, three major dimensions of consumers’ purchasing decision (product information, customer value, and communication media), based on the Engel-Kollat-Blackwell Model of consumer behavior, were proposed. After discussions with experts, the measuring dimensions and the hierarchy structure of consumers’ purchasing decision for medical devices were developed. An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) questionnaire was designed and distributed to medical device companies and to related chain distributors that have a thorough understanding of the consumers. The collected questionnaires were then analyzed quantitatively using AHP.
The findings indicated that in the first level of the hierarchy structure of consumers’ purchasing decision on medical devices, product information had the highest weight, followed by customer value, and communication media. In the results of the relative weight analysis, for the factor “product information”, the priorities for exterior information were ranked in the order: manufactured nation, brand, price, and specifications. As for the interior information, precision ranked first, followed by stability. Regarding “customer value”, the priorities were ranked in the order: durability, service, convenience, and product mix. For “communication media”, the attitude of marketing and sales personnel was more important than knowledge.
According to the results of this research, in the levels of the hierarchy structure, whether the most weighted factors were manufactured nation, brand, precision, stability, or durability, they were all considerably related to the quality assurance of the products. This could be because medical devices are highly professionalized products, which results in the tendency of consideration of this type of factor in consumers’ purchasing decision on medical devices.

摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目次 V
表目次 VI
圖目次 VII
第一章 緖論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 醫療器材概述 6
第二節 消費者行為與消費決策 7
第三章 研究設計 17
第一節 研究方法及研究工具 17
第二節 問卷發放對象 26
第三節 研究架構 27
第四節 問卷設計 30
第五節 本章小結 31
第四章 研究結果 32
第一節 問卷基本資料分析 32
第二節 整體醫療器材消費者購買決策要素之評析 33
第三節 連鎖通路行消費者購買決策要素之評析 43
第四節 綜合結果分析 48
第五章 結論與建議 49
第一節 結論 49
第二節 研究建議 51
參考文獻 53
附 錄 60


表 1- 1 2009 年第一季我國醫療器材進出口狀況 2
表 3- 1層級分析法之評量尺度定義與說明 22
表 3- 2 隨機指標表 24
表 3- 3層級分析法之優、缺點 26
表 3- 4 醫療器材消費者購買決策構面及要素評估準則 29
表 4- 1 整體醫療器材消費者購買決策要素第二層次構面權重表 33
表 4- 2 「產品訊息」項下各評估因素權重表 34
表 4- 3 「溝通媒介」項下各評估因素權重表 34
表 4- 4 「產品外在訊息」項下各評估因素權重表 34
表 4- 5 「產品內在訊息」項下各評估因素權重表 35
表 4- 6 「顧客價值」項下各評估因素權重表 35
表 4- 7 「溝通媒介」項下各評估因素權重表 36
表 4- 8 第四層級各因素標準化之整體相對權重及排序表 37
表 4- 9 醫療器材行消費者購買決策要素第二層次構面權重表 38
表 4- 10「產品訊息」項下各評估因素權重表 38
表 4- 11「溝通媒介」項下各評估因素權重表 39
表 4- 12「產品外在訊息」項下各評估因素權重表 39
表 4- 13「產品內在訊息」項下各評估因素權重表 40
表 4- 14「顧客價值」項下各評估因素權重表 40
表 4- 15「溝通媒介」項下各評估因素權重表 41
表 4- 16 第四層級各因素標準化之整體相對權重及排序表 42
表 4- 17 連鎖通路行消費者購買決策要素第二層次構面權重表 43
表 4- 18「產品訊息」項下各評估因素權重表 43
表 4- 19「溝通媒介」項下各評估因素權重表 44
表 4- 20「產品外在訊息」項下各評估因素權重表 44
表 4- 21「產品內在訊息」項下各評估因素權重表 45
表 4- 22「顧客價值」項下各評估因素權重表 45
表 4- 23「溝通媒介」項下各評估因素權重表 46
表 4- 24 第四層級各因素標準化之整體相對權重及排序表 47


圖 1- 1 研究流程 5
圖 2- 1醫療器材消費者購買決策要素構面 9
圖 2- 2 醫療器材消費者購買決策產品訊息要素 13
圖 2- 3醫療器材消費者購買決策顧客價值要素 15
圖 2- 4 醫療器材消費者購買決策溝通媒介要素 16
圖 3- 1 AHP 作業流程圖 18
圖 3- 2 AHP完整層級示意圖 20
圖 3- 3 AHP不完整層級示意圖 21
圖 3- 4 醫療器材消費者購買決策要素層級分析圖 28
圖 3- 6醫療器材消費者購買決策要素問卷 30
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