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研究生(外文):Chia-Chun Weng
論文名稱(外文):Design of a Recurrent Functional Neural Fuzzy Network Using Modified Differential Evolution and Cultural Algorithm
指導教授(外文):De-Yu WangCheng-Jian Lin
外文關鍵詞:cultural algorithmpredictioncontrolneural fuzzy networksfunctional link neural networkrecurrent networksdifferential evolutionary algorithm
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In this thesis, a recurrent functional neural fuzzy network (RFNFN) with modified differential evolution (MDE) and cultural-based modified differential evolution (CMDE) is proposed for solving prediction and control problems. The proposed RFNFN model has feedback connections added in the membership function layer that can solve temporal problems. Moreover, two efficient learning algorithms, called modified differential evolution (MDE) and cultural-based modified differential evolution (CMDE) for tuning parameters of the RFNFN. In order to increase the diversity of mutations in differential evolution, we randomly choose four individual from the population to mutation. The solution can search capacity more efficiently. In cultural based modified differential evolution (CMDE) combined the cultural algorithm and modified differential evolution. It during the evolutionary process, the belief spaces extraction and use of the information is very effective in increase the performance. Simulation results show that the converging speed and root mean square error (RMSE) of the proposed method has a better performance than those of other methods.
摘要 I
Abstract III
Acknowledgment V
Contexts VII
List of Figures IX
List of Tables XI
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Thesis Organization 6
Chapter 2: The Modified Differential Evolution (MDE) 7
2.1 Review of Differential Evolution 8
2.2 The Proposed Modified Differential Evolution (MDE) 10
2.2.1 Initialization 11
2.2.2 Mutation 11
2.2.3 Crossover 12
2.2.4 Selection 13
2.3 Functions Optimization 14
Chapter 3: The Proposed Recurrent Functional Neural Fuzzy Network (RFNFN) 18
3.1 Functional Link Neural Networks 19
3.2 Structure of the RFNFN Model 21
3.3 Learning Algorithm 25
3.4 Illustrative Examples 25
3.5 Discussion 33
Chapter 4: The Cultural-Based Modified Differential Evolution (CMDE) 34
4.1 The Cultural Algorithm 35
4.2 The Proposed Cultural-Based Modified Differential Evolution (CMDE) 36
4.3 Illustrative Examples 41
Chapter 5: Conclusion 51
Bibliography 53
個人簡歷 59
List of Figures
Figure 1: Pseudo-code of DE/1. 9
Figure 2: Pseudo-code of DE/2. 9
Figure 3: Flowchart of the MDE algorithm. 10
Figure 4: Illustration of the ranking process for 7 individuals. 12
Figure 5: Illustration of the crossover process for D=10 parameters. 13
Figure 6: Structure of FLNN. 20
Figure 7: Structure of the proposed RFNFN model. 22
Figure 8: (a) The prediction results of the proposed MDE method. (b) The prediction errors of the proposed MDE method. (c) The prediction results of the DE2 method. (d) The prediction errors of the DE2 method. (e) The prediction results of the DE1 method. (f) The prediction errors of the DE1 method. 29
Figure 9: The learning curves of the MDE, DE2 and DE1 methods. 30
Figure 10: The learning curves of the MDE, DE2 and DE1 methods. 32
Figure 11: The framework of cultural algorithm. 36
Figure 12: The framework of the proposed CMDE learning method. 37
Figure 13: Flowchart of the CMDE algorithm. 37
Figure 14: (a) The prediction results of the proposed CMDE method. (b) The prediction errors of the proposed CMDE method. 43
Figure 15: The learning curves of the CMDE, MDE, DE2 and DE1 methods. 43
Figure 16: Sphere and coil arrangement of the magnetic levitation system. 45
Figure 17: Control block diagram for the magnetic levitation system. 48
Figure 18: Experimental magnetic levitation system. 49
Figure 19: (a)-(c) Experimental results of RFNFN-CMDE controller, the RFNFN-DE2 controller, and the RFNFN-DE1 controller due to periodic sinusoidal command for reference position and actual position. 50
List of Tables
Table 1: Benchmark function. 14
Table 2: The function value of best, worst, average and standard deviations of MDE, DE2 and DE1 on the test function 1. 15
Table 3: The function value of best, worst, average and standard deviations of MDE, DE2 and DE1 on the test function 2. 15
Table 4: The function value of best, worst, average and standard deviations of MDE, DE2 and DE1 on the test function 3. 16
Table 5: Comparison of proposed performance MDE, DE2 and DE1 methods. 30
Table 6: Comparison of proposed performance MDE, DE2 and DE1 methods. 32
Table 7: Comparison of proposed performance CMDE, MDE, DE2 and DE1 methods. 44
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