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研究生(外文):Jian-Ren Chen
論文名稱(外文):Protein Folding Simulation Using a Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
指導教授(外文):De-Yu WangCheng-Jian Lin
外文關鍵詞:Swarm intelligenceEvolution strategies.Artificial Bee Colony AlgorithmHP lattice modelProtein structure prediction
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In the computational biology, the prediction of proteins conformation from its amino acid sequence is one of the most prominent problems, solving the problem of protein structure is the most important works for study proteins, Hydrophobic-hydrophilic (HP) model is highly simplified model; it can represent behavioral properties of real-world proteins. Protein folding problem in the HP lattice model is the problem of finding the lowest free energy conformation. In order to enhance the performance of predicting protein structure, we propose a modified artificial bee colony (MABC) algorithm to determine the protein structure from sequence. We demonstrate that our algorithm can be applied successfully to the protein folding problem based on the hydrophobic-hydrophilic lattice model. Simulation results indicate that our approach performs better than those of existing evolutionary algorithms.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgment IV
List of Figures VII
List of Tables IX
Chapter 1 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Literature Survey 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 3
Chapter 2 5
2.1 Properties of Proteins 5
2.2 The HP Protein Model 8
2.3 Calculating the Free Energy 11
Chapter 3 13
3.1 Review the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 13
3.1.1 Behavior of Real Bees 14
3.1.2 Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 18
3.2 Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 21
3.3 Numerical Simulation Results 23
Chapter 4 32
4.1 2D Protein Structure Simulation 32
4.2 3D Protein Structure Simulation 39
Chapter 5 47
Bibliography 48

List of Figures
Figure 1: A sequence of all the protein structures from primary to quaternary 7 Figure 2: An optimal conformation for the sequence “(HP)2PH(HP)2(PH)2HP(PH)2”; (a) the 2D HP lattice model; (b)the 3D HP lattice model 10
Figure 3: Behavior of honeybee foraging for nectar 17
Figure 4: The flowchart of the modified artificial bee colony algorithm 23
Figure 5: Evolution of mean best values for function 1 27
Figure 6: Evolution of mean best values for function 2 28
Figure 7: Evolution of mean best values for function 3 29
Figure 8: Evolution of mean best values for function 4 30
Figure 9: Evolution of mean best values for function 5 31
Figure 10: The schemes were represented by internal coordinates (the black cube represents the current location). 33
Figure 11: Opposite motion: the second to fifth residues motioned opposite position. 34
Figure 12: Rotation motion. The second to fifth residues will move to 35
clockwise position and form the structure as the right 35
Figure 13: Results of the structure of 8 protein sequences. 38
Figure 14: The schemes were represented by internal coordinates (the black cube VIII represents the current location). 40
Figure 15: All the residues move in the opposite direction 41
Figure 16: (a) The clockwise rotation motion; (b) the counterclockwise rotation motion 42
Figure 17: Results of the structure of 7 protein sequence 45
List of Tables
Table 1: The symbolic expression of twenty amino acids and their hydrophobic 6
Table 2: Numerical benchmark functions 24
Table 3: Results from function 1 27
Table 4: Results from function 2 28
Table 5: Results from function 3 29
Table 6: Results from function 4 30
Table 7: Results from function 5 31
Table 8: In 2D case, the residue folds direction with local search 35
Table 9: The 2D HP benchmarks 36
Table 10: Comparison of our approach with the genetic algorithm (GA), ant
colony optimization (ACO), Monte Carlo (MC), and tabu search with genetic
algorithm (GTS) 39
Table 11: In 3D case, the residue folds direction with local search 43
Table 12: The 3D HP benchmarks 43
Table 13: The simulation results obtained from the proposed algorithms
compared with the methods given in the literature 46
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