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研究生(外文):Chen Yi-Ru
論文名稱(外文):The Exploration of impact on Enterprise Image for the Enterprise Responding Negative eWOM from the Customer Perception Perspective
指導教授(外文):Chung Yu-Ming
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Recently, the Internet developed as a result of a new type of "electronic word-of-mouth communication" (eWOM), the eWOM communication disseminates more effective than traditional WOM communication, and in the consumer purchase decision-making process, the WOM communication that plays a critical role, in addition to WOM contains two kinds of positive and negative, the negative WOM will be even a threat to enterprise image damage, so enterprises must take by the effective response to reduce the negative impact of WOM.
Therefore, this study was to explore enterprise response strategy to negative eWOM and the impact on enterprise image from consumer views, and further to the negative eWOM of information sources are divided into three types, namely, opinion leader, market maven and the general consumer to understand the different source of information impact on enterprise response strategy. After validation of this study showed negative eWOM has significant positive effects to enterprise response strategy, and enterprise response strategy has significant positive effects to enterprise image, an interesting issue is the negative eWOM to enterprise image will be affected by the en-terprise response strategy, and in part of the information source, the market maven and the general consumer has significant positive effects to enterprise response strategy.
中文摘要 ...................... iii
英文摘要 ...................... iv
誌謝辭 ....................... v
內容目錄 ...................... vi
表目錄  ...................... viii
圖目錄  ...................... x
第一章  緒論.................... 1
  第一節  研究背景與動機............. 1
  第二節  研究目的................ 4
第三節  研究方法與流程............. 5
第四節  論文架構................ 6
第二章  文獻探討.................. 7
  第一節  口碑溝通................ 7
第二節  企業回應策略.............. 12
第三節  企業形象................ 15
第三章  研究設計.................. 22
第一節  研究架構................ 22
第二節  研究假設................ 23
第三節  研究變數之操作型定義.......... 25
第四節  問卷設計................ 26
第五節  資料分析方法.............. 30
第四章  資料分析與研究結果............. 31
第一節 樣本基本資料分析............ 31
第二節 信度分析與探索性因素分析........ 35
第三節 相關係數檢定.............. 40
第四節 研究假設檢定.............. 42
第五章 結論與建議................. 52
第一節 研究結論................ 52
第二節 研究限制................ 56
第三節 未來研究與建議............. 57
參考文獻 ...................... 58
附錄  研究問卷................... 73










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