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研究生(外文):Zi-An Peng
論文名稱(外文):Fabrications and Electro-Optical Properties of P-Type ZnO Films
指導教授(外文):Li-Min Wang
外文關鍵詞:ZnORF magnetron sputteringresistivitydoping
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在本研究裡利用RF濺鍍成長ZnO:(Al, N)薄膜,探討ZnO:(Al, N)薄膜的結構、表面形貌、摻雜比例對於導電性(conductivity)、載子濃度(carrier concentraction)、遷移率(mobility)、光穿透率 (transmission)以及光激發螢光發光(Photoluminescence)之影響,本研究透過射頻功率的調變、降低本質缺陷、活化受體,實現可控制生長 n型與 p型的氧化鋅薄膜。進而獲得具良好光電特性ZnO:(Al, N)薄膜之最佳製程條件。
實驗結果顯示最佳製程條件為 ZnO:Al靶材射頻功率230 W、工作壓力10 mTorr、工作溫度室溫環境下,薄膜厚度維持在400 nm。ZnO:(Al, N)薄膜其電阻率1.6 Ω cm、載子濃度 2.32x1016cm-3、載子遷移率 165 cm2/V-s,在可見光範圍之穿透率平均可以達到 80 %。我們發現ZnO:(Al, N)薄膜摻雜原子的比率在Al/Zn為 10~20 %與 N/Al為 1~1.3時,是適合成長出p型 ZnO: (N, Al)薄膜的條件,此結果非常接近理論值 N/Al=2:1。分析發現p 型 ZnO:(Al, N)薄膜,主要以氧空缺與鋅空缺存在。同時也提供氮原子取代氧空缺與鋁原子取代鋅空缺的機會,製程p型ZnO:(Al, N)薄膜機會也大幅增加。
In this work, the p-type N-Al co-doped ZnO films were deposited at room temperature on corning glass substrates by magnetron radio frequency (RF) sputtering. We studied the influences of crystalline orientation, surface morphology and doping concentration on the conductivity、carrier concentration、mobility、transmittance and photoluminescence. We realized controllable growth of n-type and p-type Al-N co-doped ZnO thin films by adiusting the radio frequency power, reducing intrinsic defects, and activating N-related acceptors.The sputtering parameters were adjusted and employed to obtain the optimum electro-optical properties of ZnO:(Al, N) thin film.
The optimum conditions for the growth of 400-nm ZnO:(N, Al) films are set with ZnO:Al RF power = 230 W and working pressure = 10 mTorr. The postannealing temperature was fixed in 550 oC for 30 min under nitrogen ambient. As a result, we achieve a lowest resistivity with value of 1.6 Ωcm, carrier concentration of 2.3×1016 m-3 and mobility of 165 cm2/Vs. The average optical transmittance within the visible spectra is more than 80 %. It is found that the ZnO:(Al, N) films with Al/Zn of 10~20 at.% and N/Al of 1~1.3 reveal a p-type character conduction, approaching to the theoretical calculation 2:1.It is also found that the main defects of p-type ZnO:(Al, N) are combined with Zinc vacancies (Vzn) and oxygen vacancies (Vo), possibly leading to the formation of the bonds Al-N by the substitution of Al for of Zn atoms and the substitution of N for O atoms, which may result in p-type conduction in Al-N co-doped ZnO thin films.

第一章 緒論
1.1 前言與研究目的...............1
1.2 氧化鋅薄膜(zinc oxide thin films,ZnO)的介紹...3
1.2.1 光電性質................4
1.3 p型導電氧化鋅的研究現況...........7

第二章 實驗方法與步驟
2.1 實驗流程..................12
2.2 實驗材料..................14
2.2.1 靶材..................14
2.2.2 基材..................14
2.3 實驗裝置..................15
2.4 鍍膜參數及步驟...............17
2.4.1 鍍膜參數................17
2.4.2 基座清洗................18
2.4.3 沉積 ZnO:(N, Al)薄膜 ..........19
2.5 薄膜性質測試與應用分析...........20
2.5.1 X-Ray繞射研究.............20
2.5.2 原子力顯微鏡(AFM)圖像之分析......21
2.5.3 霍爾效應量測(Hall-Effect).........22
2.5.4 光穿透率量測 (UV-visible Spectrometer)...25
2.5.5 光激螢光發光量測 (Photoluminescence, PL). 26
2.5.6 X射線能量散佈分析儀 (Energy Dispersive Spectrometer, EDS).............. 27
2.5.7 半導體的傳輸機制............ 29

第三章 結果與討論
3.1 ZnO:(N, Al)薄膜結構與組成之研究....... 31
3.1.1 製成參數對薄膜結構造成的影響......32
3.1.2 製成參數對表面形貌造成的影響......45
3.1.3 製成參數對原子組成造成的影響......76
3.2 製程參數對ZnO:(N, Al)薄膜光電特性之影響... 84
3.2.1 氮氣分壓之影響............84
3.2.2 射頻功率之影響............90
3.2.3 工作壓力之影響............95
3.2.4 基板溫度之影響............101
3.3 p型ZnO最佳條件之探討.......... 106
3.3.1 氮氣分壓之影響.............106
3.3.2 射頻功率之影響.............112
3.3.3 工作壓力之影響.............117
3.3.4 基板溫度之影響 ............122
3.4 傳輸機制之探討...............127
第四章 結論......................133
參考文獻........................ 135
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