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研究生(外文):Shu-Hua Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Reality Behind College Students' Motivation to Learn English Considering Taiwan's English Education Policy and Recent Developments in the New Media Environment
指導教授:Petra Rehling
指導教授(外文):Petra Rehling
外文關鍵詞:Cultural StudiesGlobalisationNew MediaMotivation to EnglishEducational Reform
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在資訊經濟的時代,新媒體與英語學習間存在著互相依附的關係。有鑑於近年來台灣政府對大學生英語教育的重視與英語能力的強調,從十年教育改革政策、 發展全民英檢、 設立英語畢業門檻,以及營造英語環境等等的努力,來提升學生的英語程度,還是未見台灣學生的英語能力有明顯提升;本研究試圖以文化研究以及社會學的角度,探討全球化浪潮中多媒體的應用。從文化、政治,以及教育環境面向,來分析台灣面對全球化效應帶來的挑戰、競爭與合作的潛在能力。以英語為全球語的認知,此研究檢視大學生的英語教育,從英語教學媒體的使用、學生在教育制度下的學習成果、學習動機,以及學生在校內外英語學習的態度之間的關係進行探討。研究調查以隨機抽樣的方式,選出37所大學,共160名的大學生進行問卷調查及訪談;共計獲得有效問卷157份,其中16位大學生接受訪談,研究者另外訪問三位教育學者對此發表專業意見。調查訪談結果顯示,大部分的學生贊同畢業門檻的實施,但也認為此項政策只能有限地影響學習動機以及學習效果;另一項結果並指出,大部分的大學生認同多媒體能提升學習興趣以及學習成效, 然而,以全球化的角度來看,學生對於多媒體的應用明顯不足,尤其是在學習方面。
In the information age, it is often argued that English education and “new media” technology depend on each other, especially in a time of accelerated processes of globalization. During the last decade, the Taiwan government has placed great importance on the reinforcement of English education, starting with the educational reform in 1994 and continuing with the implementation of GEPT and English graduation requirements in higher education. All of these policies were employed in order to develop students’ general English proficiency. This research probes into recent trends in globalization and worldwide multimedia usage, based in cultural and sociological studies. By analyzing the cultural, political and educational environment this thesis desires to evaluate Taiwan’s potential to face economic challenges, competitiveness and collaboration, in the global arena. Through acknowledging the importance of English as a “global language”, this study analyses the present English education environment on the tertiary level. Taiwanese college students' English-language media use together with their responses toward educational policies, their motivation, in-class learning behaviour, and autonomous learning is hereby taken into consideration.
A random sample of 157 college students from 37 colleges was taken. Questionnaires and semi-structured interview questions were employed for the qualitative part of this study. One publisher and two educators also contributed to this research in interviews. The results show that a majority of students agree that there is a necessity for the governmental English graduation requirements, but they also believe that it has a limited effect on their motivation and learning outcomes. The findings of this study indicate that students recognize how multimedia English courses help to improve their English skills and cultivate personal interests; however, the results also imply that, measured by global standards, students’ both formal and informal multimedia usage in Taiwan still appears to be quite inefficient when it comes to learning. On an international basis, current trends and concepts in education suggest that EFL language policies, language curricula, teaching strategies and the utilization of new media applications need to be well designed by policymakers and educators to create better learning environments for the future.

1.1 Research Motivation 4
1.2 Statement of Purpose 5
1.3 Research Questions 6
1.4 Limitations of the Class Survey 8
1.5 Organisation of the Thesis 9
2.1 Cultural Studies and New Media Theory 10
2.1.1 Define Cultural Studies 10
2.1.2 New media theory 11
2.1.3 New Media Literacy 13
2.2 Motivation and Autonomy in Second Language Acquisition 14
2.2.1 Gardner’s Socio-Educational Model 15
2.2.2 Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory 15
2.2.3 Autonomy 16
2.3 The Graduation Requirement Test in Tertiary Level 17
2.3.1 Problems of the Policy 17
2.3.2 Positive Impact of the Policy 20
2.3.3 Students’ Motivation and Attitude toward the Policy 20
2.4 Multimedia Assisted Language Learning 21
2.4.1 Advantages of Multimedia Technologies in EFL Context 22
2.4.2 Disadvantages of Multimedia Technologies in EFL context 23
2.5 Government Policies 24
2.5.1 The Challenge 2008: National Development Plan 24
2.5.2 Policy White Paper on Media Literacy Education 26
3.1 Research Design 28
3.2 Participants 30
3.3 Instrumentation 32
3.3.1 Paper-Based Questionnaire 32
3.3.2 Internet-Based Questionnaire 33
3.3.3 Interview Questions 33
3.4 Procedure 34
3.5 Data Collection and Analysis 35
4.1 English as a Global Language 37
4.1.1 Globalisation 38
4.1.2 What Makes a Global Language? 40
4.1.3 English in Other Asian Countries 41
4.2 The Principles of a New Media Society 46
4.2.1 The Internet 47
4.2.2 Multimedia and Its Use in Education 48
4.2.3 Open source 50
4.2.4 Global Economy 52

5.1 The Role of the Government and Parents in English Education 55
5.1.1 Parental Expectations 56
5.1.2 Educational Reforms 58
5.1.3 The Implementations of GEPT and the Graduation Requirement 61
5.1.4 Problems 68
5.2 English in Higher Education/Tertiary Level 70
5.2.1 English Curriculum 70
5.2.2 English Performance 74
5.2.3 Problems 78
5.3 English Environmental Developments in Taiwanese Society 79
5.3.1 Available Language Learning Channels 79
5.3.2 English Activities in Schools 79
5.3.3 Government Actions and Achievements 81
6.1 The Application of New Media in the Higher Education Curriculum 83
6.1.1 Television/ Film 85
6.1.2 Video/ Online Games 86
6.1.3 Group E-Mailing/ Chatroom Discussions 86
6.1.4 Videoconferencing 87
6.1.5 Distance Education 87
6.1.6 Blogging 87
6.1.7 Podcasting 88
6.1.8 Cell Phones 89
6.2 Findings for the College Students' Media Consumption in Formal Education 89
6.2.1 Teaching and Learning Strategies in English Multimedia Classes 89
6.2.2 Problems 92
6.3 Advancing Media Environments 93
6.4 Findings for the college students’ Out of School Media Consumption 95
6.4.1 Students Motivation in Using New Media 95
6.4.2 Frequency and Preference in Using New Media for Learning 96
6.4.3 Problems 98
6.5 Student Evaluation of New Media Applications 100
6.5.1 Disadvantages of Using New Media for Autonomous Learning 100
6.5.2 The Advantages of Using New Media for Autonomous Learning 103
7.1 Review and Discussion of Research Results 105
7.1.1 Current English Education Situations in Taiwan 105
7.1.2 How Students Incorporate New Media Applications into Their English Learning 108
7.2 Suggestions 110
7.3 Recommendations for Further Research 111

Appendix A: A Questionnaire of Learner Motivation and Behavior Affected by the Graduation Requirement Tests and Multimedia Learning Environment (Chinese Version) 133
Appendix B: A Questionnaire of Learner Motivation and Behavior Affected by the Graduation Requirement Tests and Multimedia Learning Environment (English Version) 138
Appendix C: Interview Questions for Students 144
Appendix D: Interview Questions and Transcription of the Former Web Content Manager of Studio Classroom, Mr. Gareth Morgan (Edited Version) 146

Appendix E: Interview Questions and Transcription of the Multimedia English Teacher 154
Appendix F: Interview Questions and Transcription of the GEPT Remedy course Teacher 158
Appendix G: A Statistic Report of Students Questionnaire Responses 161

Table 3.1: Portfolio for 157 Participants......................................................................30
Table 3.2: Portfolio for 16 Interviewees.......................................................................31
Table 5.1: The Reference List of English graduation Requirement Tests................... 65
Table 5.2: Graduation requirement test improves motivation to English learning......68
Table 6.1: Numbers of media before and after 1987....................................................94
Table 6.2: Frequency rank and Satisfactory Degree of Media Usage..........................98

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