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論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Knowledge Creating Activities on International Business Operational Performance:An Example of the Machine Tool Industry
指導教授(外文):TUNG, HUI-LING
外文關鍵詞:knowledge creationorganization learning abilitybusiness operational performanceknowledge characteristic
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面對知識經濟時代,知識已經取代自然資源與勞力密集產業,成為首要創造經濟成長的泉源。組織唯有透過知識的創造,始能建立持久的競爭優勢(Wong, 2000)。
Facing the era of knowledge economy, knowledge already substituted for the natural resource and the labor-intensive form industry, becomes the most important source for economic growth, the Organization only has by the knowledge creation. Organization can establish the lasting competitive advantage, only through knowledge creation (Wong, 2000).
This research mainly investigated the relation between knowledge creation activi- ties and business operational performance. A Variable (organization learning ability) was adopted between knowledge creation activities and business operational performance An adjustable variable (knowledge characteristic) was also included for further investi- gating how knowledge creation activities affect business operational performance.
The study object of this research is machine tools industry. 300 copies of ques- tionnaires were sent out totally, but only 237 copies were returned. Eliminating the ine- ffective 32 copies of questionnaires which were not completed, total effective question- naires are 205 copies. Effective return rate is 68.33%.
Through multiple regression analysis and ANOVA, the mutual relations of various factors had been tested. Tested results indicated that knowledge creation activity has positive effects on business operational performance and organization learning ability. Organization learning ability also affected apparently business operational performance. Organization learning ability played a part of media role between knowledge creation activity and business operational performance. Knowledge characteristic has no mode- rating effect between knowledge creation and organization learning ability. However, the hypothesis was not supported by the empirical data.
內 容 目 錄
中文摘要 ..................... iii
英文摘要 ..................... iv
誌謝辭  ..................... vi
內容目錄 ..................... vii
表目錄  ..................... ix
圖目錄  ..................... x
第一章 緒論................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機............ 1
第二節 研究目的............... 3
第三節 研究流程............... 4
第二章 文獻探討................. 6
第一節 企業經營績效............. 6
第二節 知識創造活動............. 7
第三節 組織學習能力............. 12
第四節 知識特性............... 15
第三章 研究方法................. 17
第一節 研究架構............... 17
第二節 研究假設............... 18
第三節 研究對象與受測方式.......... 19
第四節 變數之操作性定義及衡量........ 20
第五節 資料分析方法............. 26
第四章 資料分析與發現.............. 28
第一節 描述性統計分析............ 28
第二節 相關分析............... 35
第三節 差異分析............... 36
第四節 迴歸分析............... 39
第五節 假設驗證彙整............. 43
第五章 結論與建議................ 45
第一節 結論................. 45
第二節 建議................. 47
第三節 研究限制............... 48
參考文獻 ..................... 50
附錄 問卷................... 60

表 3- 1 知識創造活動量表之因素及信度分析..... 21
表 3- 2 知識特性量表之因素及信度分析....... 23
表 3- 3 組織學習能力量表之因素及信度分析..... 24
表 3- 4 企業經營績效量表之因素及信度分析..... 25
表 4- 1 研究樣本背景資料............. 30
表 4- 2 知識創造活動量表各題之得分情形...... 31
表 4- 3 知識特性量表各題之得分情形........ 33
表 4- 4 組織學習能力量表各題之得分情形...... 34
表 4- 5 企業經營績量表各題之得分情形....... 34
表 4- 6 研究變項之相關係數表........... 35
表 4- 7 職稱於研究變項之差異比較......... 36
表 4- 8 有設立專職於研究變項之差異比較...... 37
表 4- 9 公司成立之年數於研究變項之差異比較.... 37
表 4-10 公司員工人數於研究變項之差異比較..... 38
表 4-11 公司直接外銷比例於研究變項之差異比較... 38
表 4-12 公司資本額於研究變項之差異比較...... 39
表 4-13 企業經營績效與組織學習能力之簡單分析... 41
表 4-14 知識創造活動與外顯程度交互作用對組織學習能
力之迴歸分析............... 42
表 4-15知識創造活動與組織程度交互作用對組織學習能
力之迴歸分析............... 43
表 4-16 假說驗證結果............... 44

圖 1- 1 研究流程圖................ 5
圖 2- 1 內隱與外顯知識的轉換........... 10
圖 2- 2 知識的螺旋成長圖............. 11
圖 3- 1 研究架構................. 17
參 考 文 獻

Arthur Anderson. Business Consulting(2000),知識管理推行實務(許史金譯),台北:商周出版社。


















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