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研究生(外文):Chieh Ho
論文名稱(外文):Time after time -The nostalgia patterns for 3 different generations
外文關鍵詞:nostalgia emotionnostalgic cognitionmeans-end chain
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「懷舊」為一種念舊與懷念過去的心理狀態,懷舊一詞最早源於希臘文nostos-「返家、返回祖國」及algia「一種引起痛苦的狀態」二字組合而成(Davis, 1979;Holak & Havlena,),演變至今日,懷舊逐漸由一種負面的心理疾病轉而成為一種正向的行銷媒介,進而運用到各領域中,像是消費者行銷、醫學上的照護與治療、觀光的體驗價值等。而懷舊的本質是一種建構在對於過去時代懷念的情緒狀態,並且藉由過去的符號與象徵物,企圖再創造與重視過去所擁有的一切(Hirsch, 1992)。
Nostalgia is originally derived from the Greek “nostos”--to return home, and “algia”--a negative condition which is a painful yearning to return home(Davis, 1979;Holak & Havlena, 1997). Today, concept of nostalgia is changed gradually from a negative mental illness to a positive commercial marketing strategy.
This research adopted Means-End Chain theory to explore nostalgia experience. There were 100 photos which taken from Taiwan-Story land and Taiwan Banana New Paradise settings. Through laddering theory proudure, subjects watched these photos and described their feelings and emotions. Subjects were selected from 3 genera-tions: traditional generation (age 59 and above), post-war baby boomer generation (age 58-43), and Y generation (age 42-32). Totally, there were 50 respondents in this study.
The attribute-consequence-value results showed that attributes (objects) which aroused the most nostalgic emotional reactions subjects had were sewing machine, followed by classroom desk and chair, movie theater, bicycle, and grocery store. Res-pondents indicated consequences of watching nostalgia objects as arousing, interest-ing, happy, admirable, and restoring ancient way. The values of nostalgia objects were considered as cherishing the things you have right now, encountering the world is progressing, appreciating what you own now, and feeling sad about what we lost.
For traditional generation, aged objects and settings stimulated these subjects to remember simple and tranquil in the past compared to speedy and unstable at present. Post-war baby boomer generation expressed that history was tremendous and trea-sured, and criticized current real world. For Y generation, these amusing objects and settings were attractive and fashioned. By way of consuming reproductions of these objects, they wish they could have strong connection to the past.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究基地與對象 4
第四節 研究內容與流程 4
第五節 名詞解釋 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 懷舊意涵 7
第二節 環境認知與懷舊體驗 16
第三節 懷舊刺激媒介與懷舊體驗的關聯 18
第四節 文獻閱讀後的歸結 20
第三章 研究方法 21
第一節 研究方法 21
第二節 研究設計 24
第三節 資料分析方法 29
第四章 研究結果分析 32
第一節 受訪者屬性 32
第二節 方法目的鏈解析世代的懷舊體驗 33
第二節 三個世代對於懷舊刺激物的各自詮釋 40
第五章 研究總結與後續建議 71
第一節 研究結論 71
第二節 研究貢獻 76
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 77
文獻回顧 80
附錄 84
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