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研究生(外文):Chen, Xou-Xuan
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Inter-Organizational Learning on Relationship Performance: An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Advertiser and Advertising Agency
外文關鍵詞:Inter-organizational LearningLearning MemoryRelationship Performance
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本研究以組織間學習、知識管理等相關理論為基礎,將環境不確定、合作關係、共同價值、依賴、信任等五個變數當作組織間學習之前置因素,以探討其對組織間學習之影響,並加上學習記憶之變數對組織間學習的相互關係,來驗證上述因素對關係績效之影響。本研究之研究對象為廣告主與廣告商之關係,針對回收問卷進行下列分析(1)樣本資本資料分析(2) Cronbach α進行信度分析(3)複迴歸分析,進行研究模式之假說檢定。實證資料分析的驗證,研究發現環境不確定、共同價值、學習記憶會影響組織間學習,組織間學習也會影響關係績效。但合作關係、依賴、信任對於影響組織間學習僅部分顯著。本研究建議產業界應在進行合作時,應重視建立彼此雙方的共同價值、學習記憶及關係的建立等之影響;而後續研究者可探討不同理論基礎、不同產業之組織間學習對關係績效等之影響。
The Influence of Inter-Organizational Learning on Relationship Performance: An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Advertiser and Advertising Agency

Chen, Xou-Xuan


With Taiwan's economic take-off, Taiwan's advertising industry began to flourish, and the ad has been seen as the promotion of one of the factors of economic growth for Taiwan's economy toward industrialization, in order to not be the lack of an important link. General study will advertiser and advertising agency as the relationship between the agency problem, and ignore the advertisers and the relationship between advertisers, we have accumulated over time, gradually learning by experience in running, partnership and trust. In recent years, the relationship marketing research has explored not limited to manufacturers with customers and suppliers, the relationship between the study and the study of inter-organizational point of view, to measure the advertisers and the relationship between advertising performances.
The research object advertiser and advertising agency ,and questionnaire for the following analysis by (1) the descriptive statistics of the samples analyzed (2) Cronbach α to examine reliability analysis of constructs (3) multiple regression analysis, that are exam the hypothesis model. By the empirical test data analysis, the study found that environmental uncertainty, shared values, learning memory will affect the inter-organizational learning, and inter-organizational relations will also affect the performance of learning. However, cooperative relationship, and trust that affect only part of inter-organizational learning. This study suggests the industry should attention on the influence of establishment of shared value, learning memory and the relationship between each other. And the future researchers can discuss the different theories and different industries for inter-organizational learning to impact relationship performance.
中文摘要 .................................................i
Abstrat .................................................ii
目錄 .....................................................v
圖目 ....................................................vi
表目 ...................................................vii
第壹章 緒論................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機......................................1
第二節 研究目的與問題.......................................3
第三節 研究範圍與限制.......................................3
第四節 研究流程............................................4
第貳章 文獻探討............................................5
第一節 廣告主與廣告代理商關係之研究...........................5
第二節 前置因素之研究.......................................8
第三節 組織間學習..........................................16
第四節 學習記憶...........................................19
第五節 關係績效...........................................21
第參章 研究方法...........................................23
第一節 研究架構...........................................23
第二節 研究假設...........................................24
第三節 操作性定義與問卷設計.................................26
第四節 研究樣本與資料蒐集方法...............................30
第肆章 資料分析...........................................33
第一節 樣本資料結構........................................33
第二節 問卷分析...........................................37
第伍章 結論與建議..........................................52
第一節 結論...............................................52
第二節 建議...............................................56
參考文獻 .................................................59
圖1-1 研究流程.............................................4
圖2-1 廣告作業流程圖........................................5
圖2-2 資源能力與依賴關係...................................12
圖3-1 研究架構............................................23
圖3-2 資料分析步驟........................................32
表2-1 廣告主與廣告代理商關係.................................7
表2-2 環境不確定性之定義....................................8
表2-3 合作關係之定義.......................................10
表2-4 共同價值之定義.......................................11
表2-5 依賴的定義..........................................13
表2-6 信任的定義..........................................15
表2-7 組織間學習的定義.....................................18
表2-8 學習記憶的定義.......................................20
表2-9 關係績效的定義.......................................22
表3- 1 操作性定義.........................................32
表3- 1 操作性定義(續).....................................33
表3- 1 操作性定義(續).....................................34
表4- 1 合作時間...........................................40
表4- 2 廣告公司規模排名....................................40
表4- 3 營運規模排名.......................................41
表4- 4 廣告預算...........................................41
表4- 5 職稱..............................................42
表4- 6 廣告商服務的項目....................................42
表4- 7 組織間學習之因素分析................................44
表4- 8 學習記憶之因素分析..................................45
表4- 9 關係績效之因素分析..................................46
表4- 10 環境不確定之因素分析...............................46
表4- 11 合作關係之因素分析.................................47
表4- 12 共同價值之因素分析.................................47
表4- 13 依賴之因素分析....................................48
表4- 14 信任之因素分析.....................................48
表4- 15 前置因素與資訊分享之迴歸分析........................49
表4- 16 前置因素與資訊分享之變異數分析表.....................49
表4- 17 前置因素與資訊傳播之迴歸分析........................50
表4- 18 前置因素與資訊分享之變異數分析表....................50
表4- 19 前置因素與資訊掌握之迴歸分析........................51
表4- 20 前置因素與資訊掌握之變異數分析表....................51
表4- 21 學習記憶與資訊分享之迴歸分析........................52
表4- 22 前置因素與資訊分享之變異數分析表.....................52
表4- 23 學習記憶與資訊傳播之迴歸分析........................53
表4- 24 學習記憶與資訊傳播之變異數分析.......................53
表4- 25 學習記憶與資訊掌握之迴歸分析........................54
表4- 26 學習記憶與資訊掌握之變異數分析.......................54
表4- 27 資訊分享與關係績效之迴歸分析.......................55
表4- 28 資訊分享與關係績效之變異數分析......................55
表4- 29 資訊傳播與關係績效之迴歸分析......................56
表4- 30 資訊傳播與關係績效之變異數分析.......................56
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