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論文名稱(外文):The Study on Paternalistic Leadership and Job Characteristics for Emotional Labor Influence on the Staffs of Food and Beverage Division in Tourist Hotels- Leader-member Exchange as a Moderator
指導教授(外文):Lee, Ching-Sung
外文關鍵詞:Paternalistic Leadership of the Restaurant ManagersFood and Beverage Job characteristicsLeader-Member ExchangeEmotional labor of Food and Beverage Division
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1. 仁慈領導會正向影響員工的基本情緒表達、表層的情緒控制;德性領導會正向影響員工的情緒互動程度、威權領導會正向影響員工的情緒多樣性程度。
2. 工作多樣性及重要性對於員工基本情緒表達、情緒互動程度表層情緒控制及深層情緒偽裝有顯著的正向影響。
3. 仁慈領導者與餐飲員工的交換關係越佳,對於餐飲員工的情緒勞務越具有正相關性,且仁慈領導的成份在交換關係的作用之下會有減低的作用。
4. 餐飲工作特性與主管與部屬交換關係作用下,工作重要性會減輕員工基本情緒表達的負擔程度、工作自主回饋性會加重基本情緒表達的程度;工作自主回饋性會加重表層情緒控制及深層情緒偽裝程度。
As the concept of ―service-oriented society‖ becomes more popular, the service provided by the front-line staff in the international hotels has become the determining factor of the overall quality. In the food and beverage department, managers are more focused on the interaction between its staff and the customers. They try to control and steer their staff towards having positive and appropriate attitude in front of the customers. To comply, staff must hide their true emotions and act according to the requirements of the department. This sometimes creates conflicts that we called ―emotional labor.‖
This research is intends to find out the connection between the Paternalistic Leadership from the restaurant managers and the Job Characteristics of food and beverage service which effect on ―emotional labor‖ in International Tourism Hotel, and also to explore whether the Leader-Member Exchange moderating effect among above factors on emotional labor.
This research subjects are the service personnel from food and beverage departments of International Tourism Hotels, used questionnaires to survey, a total of five hundred fifty surveys are sent, three hundred sixty-two are returned, rendering a sixty-six percent response rate. Statistical analysis shows the following:
1. The staff’s basic emotional expression and surface emotional control are positively influenced by managers with benevolent leadership. Moral leadership positively affects the degree of the staff members’ emotional interaction. Authoritative leadership positively determines the degree of emotional variation among the staff.
2. The staff’s basic emotional expression, emotional interaction, surface emotional control as well as deep emotions acting are positively correlated to the skill variety and task significance.
3. The better the relationship between the benevolent leader and the staff, the more correlates positive effect it has on the staff’s emotional loading and decrease the factor of benevolent leadership.
4. The interplay between the characteristics of food and beverage business and Leader-Member Exchange has the following effects: task significance decreases the staff’s basic emotional expression; job autonomy increases staff’s basic emotional expression as well as surface emotional control and deep emotions acting.
第一章 緒論..................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機............................................ 1
第二節 研究目的................................................. 4
第二章 文獻探討................................................. 5
第一節 餐飲主管家長式領導......................................... 5
第二節 餐飲工作特性.............................................. 12
第三節 餐飲主管與部屬交換......................................... 20
第四節 餐飲員工情緒勞務.......................................... 26
第五節 餐飲主管家長式領導、餐飲工作特性、主管與部屬交換與員工情緒勞務之關係探討 ........................................................35
第三章 研究方法................................................. 41
第一節 研究架構................................................. 41
第二節 研究假設................................................. 42
第三節 變項之操作性定義與測量工具.................................. 43
第四節 研究對象與抽樣方法......................................... 49
第五節 資料分析方法.............................................. 52
第六節 效度與信度................................................ 53
第四章 結果與討論................................................ 58
第一節 樣本描述................................................. 58
第二節 各研究變項之描述性統計分析.................................. 62
第三節 相關分析................................................. 66
第四節 餐飲主管與部屬交換之迴歸分析................................ 69
第五章 結論與建議................................................ 80
第一節 研究發現與結論............................................ 80
第二節 研究建議................................................. 89
參考文獻........................................................ 91
附錄一 正式調查之問卷............................................ 100

表2-1 家長式領導行為與部屬反應................................... 10
表3-1 餐飲主管家長式領導型態問項................................. 44
表3-2 餐飲工作特性問項.......................................... 45
表3-3 餐飲主管與部屬交換問項.................................... 46
表3-4 餐飲員工情緒勞務問項...................................... 47
表3-5 問卷抽樣與回收統計表...................................... 51
表3-6 餐飲主管家長式領導量表因素分析結果.......................... 54
表3-7 餐飲工作特性量表因素分析結果............................... 55
表3-8 餐飲主管與部屬交換問項量表因素分析結果...................... 56
表3-9 餐飲員工情緒勞務量表因素分析結果............................ 57
表4-1 樣本資料次數分配表........................................ 61
表4-2 餐飲主管家長式領導之敘述性分析............................. 63
表4-3 餐飲工作特性之敘述性分析................................... 64
表4-4 餐飲主管與部屬交換之敘述性分析............................. 65
表4-5 餐飲員工情緒勞務之敘述性分析............................... 66
表4-6 各因素之相關分析表........................................ 69
表4-7 各因素對餐飲員工基本情緒表達之階層迴歸分析................... 72
表4-8 各因素對餐飲員工情緒互動程度之階層迴歸分析................... 73
表4-9 各因素對餐飲員工情緒多樣性程度之階層迴歸分析................. 75
表4-10 各因素對餐飲員工表層情緒控制之階層迴歸分析................... 76
表4-11 各因素對餐飲員工深層情緒偽裝之階層迴歸分析................... 78
表4-12 各因素對餐飲員工情緒勞務之階層迴歸分析...................... 80
表5-1 假設驗證結論............................................. 81

圖2-1 家長型三元領導與部屬相對反應模型圖.......................... 11
圖2-2 工作特性模式............................................. 14
圖2-3 LMX 發展模型............................................. 23
圖3-1 本研究架構圖............................................. 41
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