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論文名稱(外文):A study of the concept of Arahant and its development in Indian Buddhist History: Focusing on Mahdeva’ s Five points.
指導教授(外文):Chun-Wai Wong
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Arahant is a concept came to exist before the appearance of Buddhism. It was used popularly in Indian religions to denote an ascetic or a truth seeker who has attained enlightenment. By the same way, Buddhism also used it to describe the final emancipation of a recluse who has fully awakened to selflessness and eradicated all selfish passions and desires. In Primitive Buddhism, Arahant was the highest rank in the four holy stages of attainment. Sakyamuni himself achieved this accomplishment. In fact, the ten titles attributed to the Buddha are only the ten epithets praising the particular merits he had completed, others common Arahants had not. These titles definitely are neither fruits (phala) nor stages. During this period, Arahant was comprehended as a recluse who has eliminated completely all the defilements of mind, i.e. greed, anger and ignorance. However, it does not mean that an Arahant knows everything, all phenomena in this world. He only knows what is needed to be known, to be understood and puts aside the futile things, not concerning to final liberation or nirvana. That was why the Buddha refused not be a Sarvajna, one who possesses the knowledge of everything.
Although he has attained Arahantship, his body, like others’, was impermanent and decay, the subject of birth, ageing, sickness and death. So, when an Arahant goes to sleep, he minds to wake up. It does not mean that an Arahant is awaked when he is sleeping. This is the explanation of the nature of an Arahant in Nikayas and Agama literatures, depicting a Buddha or an Arahant was born, grown up and accomplished enlightenment in the worldly life. Until 137 years after the Mahaparinirvana of the Buddha, Mahadeva pointed out five matters arguing about Arahantship. As the result, Buddhism was divided into two sects, i.e., the Mahasanghika and the Sthaviravāda (Theravada), ended the period of conservation over one hundred years under the leadership of Mahakassapa, and also opened up a new era, i.e., the era of Sectarian Buddhism or Abhidharma Buddhism.
There were twenty Buddhist sects at least. Based on their own varied perceptions, each of them expounded the Buddha’s teachings differently. In this period of complicated ideas, there appeared a debate on the nature of an Arahant, for instance, Arahant was still contaminated (āsrava) or free from all defilements (anāsrava); an Arahant was the one who has never receded and went straight to nirvana (avaivartika) or he may retreat on the path to the final goal; Arahant was a dull who takes time in attaining to deliverance or a clever who takes “no time” to the final liberation etc. In my opinion, the above mentioned matters were relating to two tendencies. The first one was the conservatives persisted to observe the traditional life in primitive period, represented by the Theravada and its sub-sects. The second one desired to expose the belief more liberal approach in a developing society. The Mahasanghika and its sub-sects supported this policy.
Mahāyāna Buddhism has its roots in the doctrine of Mahasanghika. Of course, it has its own particular points of view. Mahāyāna Buddhist doctrine emphasizes the bodhisattva’s idea, the thought of engaging into the world for the happiness of all sentient living beings without any discrimination. To fulfill this mission, a bodhisattva must mature the Perfect Wisdom (prajnaparamita) and based on that wisdom a bodhisattva come over all the principles formulated in the Vinaya, such as, five precepts of a householder, two hundred fifty principles of a bhikkhu, all the rules in their various forms. That is one of the reasons Mahāyāna Buddhism proposed the doctrine of the Three-Vehicles (triyāna), i.e., the vehicle of the Voice-hearer (śrāvaka), the vehicles of the Solitary Buddha (pratyekabuddha) and the vehicle of the Bodhisattva. According to Mahāyāna Buddhism, the Voice-hearer is the lowest one among these three vehicles and the Arahantship is the final goal of the Voice-hearer. It means that Arahantship is not equal to Buddhaship because the Buddha has gone outside the passion-stream (Anāsarva), fully attains enlightenment, achieves the stage of omniscience and possesses supernatural power. Such a Buddha may satisfy all the religious calls for the belief of all sentient livings.
Thus, in primitive Buddhism, the Buddha was an Arahant. He was not an omniscient one and his body was a subject of decay, sickness and death. In the following period, the question about the nature of an Arahant came to be a standing controversy. When Mahāyāna Buddhism arose and stepped up onto the scene of thought, it ignored those mentioned subjects, however, built up the doctrine of the Three Vehicles to fulfill the bodhisattva’s ideal.
摘要: I
Abstract: III
緒論: 1
  一、研究動機和目的 1
  二、研究方法 2
  三、研究範圍的界定 3
    (一)、原始佛教的阿羅漢 3
    (二)、部派佛教的阿羅漢 9
      1. 有漏、無漏阿羅漢 12
      2. 有退、無退阿羅漢 14
      3. 時解脫、非時解脫阿羅漢 15
    (三)、大乘佛教的阿羅漢 16
第一章:原始佛教的基本思想與修證的原理 19
第一節:南傳《五部尼柯耶》與北傳《四阿含經》是佛教最早的資料 19
一、從口傳至文字化的阿含經 20
二、重律與種法之爭議 25
第二節:釋迦牟尼佛的根本教理 30
一、釋迦牟尼時代的背景 30
二、緣起法是諸法生滅的法則 35
三、無常是諸法的本質 37
四、非我、非我所是真正的認識 38
第三節:原始佛教的修行觀 39
一、無明是人生之苦因 40
二、正知正見是斷除煩惱的方法 45
  第四節:修習成就阿羅漢果的過程 47
一、知慚愧 48
    二、戒清淨 48
    三、守護諸根 51
    四、飲食知量 52
    五、注心警寤 53
    六、正念正知 54
    七、斷五蓋 55
    八、成就四禪 56
    九、證三明 58
    十、成就阿羅漢 60
第五節:本章小結 61
第二章:在南傳《五部尼柯耶》與北傳《四阿含經》中阿羅漢的意義 65
第一節:在印度文化史中的阿羅漢 65
第二節:四聖果及其證得果位的意義 67
一、四果中阿羅漢是最高的果位 68
二、四果的意義 69
(一)、須陀洹果. 69
(二)、斯陀含果 70
(三)、阿那含果 71
(四)、阿羅漢果 73
  三、辟支佛 74
第三節:釋迦牟尼是第一阿羅漢及其特徵 77
一、在佛教中釋迦牟尼是第一位證阿羅漢 77
二、十號 80
三、無師自悟的世尊 84
四、釋迦牟尼是智者並非一切智者 87
    (一)、外道對一切智、一切見的定義 87
    (二)、世尊否認睡覺時知見現起 89
(三)、否認一時知一切、見一切 91
  (四)、否認無所不知的知見 92
  (五)、世尊是智者、三明者 93
第四節:阿羅漢的特性 97
一、成就戒、定、慧 97
二、斷盡貪、瞋、癡 101
三、能自證知 102
四、阿羅漢是不可退、不可還俗的聖果 104
五、阿羅漢的父母生身是有漏 107
第五節:不同性質的阿羅漢 110
一、釋迦牟尼及其弟子阿羅漢的異點 110
二、阿羅漢與阿羅漢之間的差別 113
第六節:女性阿羅漢 116
  第七節:《小部》中的阿羅漢 120
一、在家阿羅漢 122
二、異常阿羅漢 123
第八節:犯五逆罪能成阿羅漢否? 126
一、誰造五逆罪名? 126
二、犯了五逆罪能不能懺悔成阿羅漢之討論 128
第九節:本章小結 131
第三章:大天人物及其資料之討論 133
第一節:大天當時佛教之背景 133
第二節::有關大天五事的資料之討論 136
一、北傳漢譯的論書 136
二、藏傳的論書 139
三、南傳巴利的論書 140
四、南北傳的「阿含經」 143
第三節:大天人物 145
一、在《大毗婆沙論》中的大天 145
二、印度佛教史上有一或二大天? 149
三、大天年代 153
第四節:本章小結 155
第四章:五事的意義 157
第一節:餘所誘 158
第二節:無知 170
第三節:猶豫 177
第四節:他令入 183
第五節:道因聲故起 187
一、語發表論 188
二、苦導入論 192
第六節:從大天五事到大眾部的思想之演變 195
第七節:本章小結 196
第五章:各部派對於阿羅漢的討論 199
第一節:有漏、無漏的阿羅漢 200
   第二節:有退、無退的阿羅漢 205
一、說一切有部對阿羅漢有退論 207
二、銅鍱部主張:阿羅漢無退論 209
   第三節:有時、非時解脫阿羅漢 210
第四節:本章小結 212
第六章:大乘經、論中的阿羅漢 215
第一節:大乘思想形成的背景 215
   第二節:菩薩道 217
一、南傳《五部尼柯耶》與北傳《四阿含經》中的菩薩之意義 218
     二、大乘經、論中的菩薩觀 219
   第三節:阿羅漢被視為小乘聲聞 222
一、三乘、五乘中的阿羅漢 223
(一)、阿含經中的三乘之意義 223
(二)、大乘經、論中的三乘之意義 224
二、 阿羅漢為一乘之方便非究竟果位 229
第四節:本章小結 232
結論 233
參考書目 247

(一) 中文

- 通妙譯,《相應部》,《漢譯南傳大藏經》,十三至十八冊,高雄市:妙林出版社。
- 通妙譯,《中部經》,《漢譯南傳大藏經》,九至十一冊,高雄市:妙林出版社。
- 通妙譯,《長部經》,《漢譯南傳大藏經》,六至八冊,高雄市:妙林出版社。
- 葉慶春譯,《增支部經》,《漢譯南傳大藏經》,十九至二十五冊,高雄市:妙林出版社。
- 郭哲彰譯,《彌蘭王問經》,《漢譯南傳大藏經》,六十四冊,高雄市:妙林出版社。
- 郭哲彰譯,《論事》,《漢譯南傳大藏經》,六十一冊,高雄市:妙林出版社。
- 宋.求那跋陀羅譯,《雜阿含經》,大正二。
- 東晉.瞿曇僧伽提婆譯,《中阿含經》,大正一。
- 後秦.佛陀耶舍、竺佛念譯,《長阿含》,大正一。
- 東晉.瞿曇僧伽提婆譯,《增壹阿含經》,大正二冊。
- 唐.玄奘譯,《大般若波羅蜜多經》,大正七冊。
- 陳.月婆首那譯,《勝天王般若波羅蜜經》,大正八冊。
- 姚秦.鳩摩羅什,《維摩結所說經》,大正十四冊。
- 東晉.鳩摩羅什,《妙法蓮華經》,大正九冊。
- 東晉.佛馱跋陀羅譯,《大方廣佛華嚴經》,大正九冊。
- 大唐.菩提流志譯,《大寶積經》,大正十一冊。
- 宋.求那跋陀羅譯,《大法鼓經》,大正九冊。
- 梁.僧伽婆羅譯,《文殊師利問經》,大正十四冊。
- 宋.求那跋陀羅譯,《楞伽阿跋多羅寶經》,大正十六冊。
- 元魏.慧覺等譯,《賢愚經》,大正四冊。
- 吳.康僧會譯,《六度集經》,大正三冊。
- 後秦.鳩摩羅什譯,《佛垂般涅槃略說教誡經》,大正十二冊。
- 失譯,《毘尼母經》,大正二十四冊。
- 蕭齊.僧伽跋陀羅譯,《善見律毘婆沙》,大正二十四冊。
- 姚秦.佛陀耶舍、竺佛念等譯,《四分律》,大正二十二冊。
- 宋.佛陀什、竺道生等譯,《彌沙塞部和醯五分律》,大正二十二冊。
- 後秦.弗若多羅、羅什譯,《十誦律》,大正二十三冊。
- 唐.義淨譯,《根本說一切有部毘奈耶雜事》,大正二十四冊。
- 東晉.佛陀跋陀羅、法顯譯,《摩訶僧祇律》,大正二十二冊。
- 姚秦.曇摩耶舍等譯,《舍利弗阿毘曇論》,大正二十八冊。
- 唐.大目乾連造,玄奘譯,《阿毘達磨法蘊足論》,大正二十六冊。
- 唐.世友造,玄奘譯,《阿毘達磨品類足論》,大正二十六冊。
- 唐.提婆設摩阿羅漢造,玄奘譯,《阿毘達磨識身足論》,大正二十六冊。
- 符秦.迦旃延子造,僧伽提婆譯,《阿毘曇八犍度論》,大正二十六冊。
- 唐.迦多衍尼子造,玄奘譯,《阿毘達磨發智論》,大正二十六冊。
- 唐.尊者舍利子說,玄奘譯,《阿毘達磨集異門足論》,大正二十六冊。
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- 唐.玄奘譯,《阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論》,大正二十七冊。
- 唐.玄奘譯,《阿毘達磨俱舍論》,大正二十九冊。
- 唐.尊者眾賢造,玄奘譯,《阿毘達磨順正理論》,大正二十九冊。
- 後秦.龍樹菩薩造,鳩摩羅什譯,,《大智度論》,正二十五。
- 陳.天友造,真諦譯,《部執異論》,大正四十九冊。
- 陳.真諦譯,《十八部論》,大正四十九冊。
- 梁.僧伽婆羅譯,《文殊師利問經》,大正十四冊。
- 唐.世友造,玄奘譯,《異部宗輪論》,大正四十九冊。
- 失譯,《分別功德論》,大正二十五冊。
- 宋.沙門釋契嵩編修,《傳法正宗記》,大正五十一冊。
- 寺本婉雅等編譯註,《藏漢和三譯對異部宗輪論》,東京:國書刊行會,1935。
- 韓廷傑譯,《大史》,台北:佛光文化事業有限公司。
- 韓廷傑譯,《島史》,台北市:慧炬出版社印行。
- 悟醒譯,《島王統史》,《南傳大藏經》,冊六十五,妙林出版社。
- 悟醒譯,《大王統史》,《南傳大藏經》,冊六十六,妙林出版社。

(二) 巴利文

- “Sayutta-nikya” Vol: I, II, III, IV, V, The Pali Text Society, London.
- “Majjhima-nikya” Vol: I, II, III, IV, The Pali Text Society, London.
- “Kathvatthu” Vol: I, II, The Pali Text Society, London.
- “Kathvatthu-ahikath” The Pali Text Society, London.

(三) 英文譯本

- Translated by Shwe Zan Aung, and Mrs. Rhys Davids, “Poits of Controversy” The Pali Text Society, London, 1969.
- Translated by Bimala Chunrn Law, “The Debates Commentary”, The Pali Text Society, London, 1969.
- Translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi, “Connected Discourses of the Buddha” Wisdom Publication. Boston, 2000.
- Translated by Khikkhu Namoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, “The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha” Wisdom Publication. Boston, 1995.
- Translated by Maurice Walshe, “The Long Discourses of the Buddha” Wisdom Publication. Boston, 1995.
- Translated by Various Oriental Scholars, Edited by F. Max Muller, “Jaina Sutras” Part I, “Sacred Books of The East” Vol. 22, Motilal Banarsidass Publications, Delhi 2002.
- Translated by Various Oriental Scholars, Edited by F. Max Muller, “Jaina Sutras” Part II, “Sacred Books of The East” Vol. 45, Motilal Banarsidass Publications, Delhi 2004.
- Translated by Bhikkhu Nnmoli, “The Path of Purification” , The Corporrate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation reprinted, Taipei, 2004.

(四) 越文譯本
- HT. Minh Châu địch, “Kinh Trung Bộ” tập 1, Viện Nghiên Cứu Phật Học Việt Nam ấn hành, Nxb Tôn Giáo, Hà Nội, 1992.
- HT. Minh Châu dịch, “Kinh Tương Ưng Bộ” tập 3, Viện Nghiên Cứu Phật Học Việt Nam ấn hành, Nxb Tôn Giáo, Hà Nội ,1993.
- HT. Minh Châu dịch, “Kinh Tăng Chi Bộ” tập 2, Viện Nghiên Cứu Phật Học Việt Nam ấn hành, Nxb Tôn Giáo, Hà Nội,năm 1996.
- HT. Minh Châu dịch, “Kinh Tăng Chi Bộ” tập 1, Viện Nghiên Cứu Phật Học Việt Nam ấn hành, Nxb Tôn Giáo, Hà Nội ấn hành, 1996.
- HT. Minh Châu dịch, “Kinh Trung Bộ” tập 2, Viện Nghiên Cứu Phật Học Việt Nam ấn hành, Nxb Tôn Giáo, Hà Nội, 2000.
- HT. Minh Châu dịch, “Kinh Trung Bộ” tập 3, Viện Nghiên Cứu Phật Học Việt Nam ấn hành, Nxb Tôn Giáo, Hà Nội ,2001.
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