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研究生(外文):Tse-Yen Lin
論文名稱(外文):Development of a Real Time Scheduling System by Genetic Algorithm with Ensemble
指導教授(外文):Yeou-Ren Shiue
外文關鍵詞:Real Time Scheduling (RTS)EnsembleMachine LearningBack Propagation Neural Network (BPNN)Decision Tree (DT)Support Vcctor Machine (SVM)
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本研究的目的是將三種不同的機器學習演算法(BPNN,DT,and SVM)以GA進行屬性篩選並同時進行參數最佳化建立出機器學習分類器,然後以多數決的投票機制將三種分類器進行集成並命名為GA+Voting分類器。最後將GA+Voting相對於機器學習為基所建構的分類器進行線上模擬實驗,驗證本實驗提出的方法在不同生產績效指標皆具有優越表現,長期而言對於生產績效提升具有顯著的成效。
On the basis of earlier study results have found that if the constrtlction of the machinelearning based RTS system knowledge base (KB) results in a scheduling KB with bettergeneralization ability (i.e., classification accuracy rate); the KB also leads to superiorproduction performance with respect to the RTS system KBs with bad generalization ability.Besides, there are two issues that significantly affect the generalization ability of machinelearning-based classifiers: the issue of feature subset selection (including parameteroptimization) and ensemble of the classifiers.
The fealure subset selection issue results fi'om the Ihct that a data set usually containshundreds of features, many of which are irrelevant and heavily correlated with others.Without feature selection, they tend to deteriorate perlbrmance of the model, as well asincrease the model training time. Feature subset selection can be t~3rmulated as anoptimization problem which involves searching the space of possible features to identify asubset that is optimum or near-optimal with respect to classification accuracy rate. Ensemblecombines the predictions of individual classifiers with the equal weight or weights based onestimated prediction accuracy; earlier study indicated that ensemble models have demonstrated consistent in some cases, remarkable improvements in prediction accuracy overindividual classifiers.
This researchwill develop GA-based wrapper feature selection andparameter optimization with three different machine learning algorithms (BPNN, DT, and SVM) as a base learner and then uses majority voting scheme that ensemble threeclassification algorithms denoted as GA+Voting classifiers.
The performance of this thesis proposed ensemble of the classifiers based on GA wrapper approach will be compared using datasets in FMS model (i.e., RTS system on line simulation experiment verification) to those of other machine learning-based classifiers (GA+BPNN, GA+DT, and GA+SVM) to demonstrate the proposed approaches superiority.
摘要 ............................................................ Ⅱ
ABSTRACT ....................................................... Ⅲ
目錄 ............................................................. Ⅳ
表錄 ............................................................. Ⅵ
圖錄 ........................................................... Ⅷ
一、緒論 .......................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景..................................................... 1
1.2 研究目的 .................................................... 3
1.3 研究流程 .................................................... 4
二、文獻探討 ...................................................... 5
2.1即時排程法則選擇機制 ........................................ 5
2.2彈性製造系統 ................................................. 7
2.3 k交叉驗證 ................................................... 9
2.4屬性篩選 .................................................... 10
2.4.1 Wrapper Model ............................................. 11
2.4.2 Filter Model ............................................... 11
2.5基因演算法 .................................................. 12
2.6決策樹 ...................................................... 17
2.7 類神經網路 ................................................. 21
2.8支援向量機 .................................................. 23
2.8.1線性支援向量機 ............................................ 24
2.8.2非線性支援向量機 .......................................... 26
2.9集成 ........................................................ 27
2.9.1 多數決投票 ............................................... 28
三、研究方法 ..................................................... 29
3.1 模擬為基礎的訓練樣本產生機制 ............................... 30
3.2 資料正規化 ................................................. 35
3.3整合式GA+BPNN、GA+DT、GA+SVM ........................... 35
3.3.1 GA+BPNN染色體表示 ...................................... 36
3.3.2 GA+DT染色體表示 ......................................... 39
3.3.3 GA+SVM染色體表示 ....................................... 40
3.3.4最初母體和適合度函數的選擇 ................................ 42
3.3.5基因運算 .................................................. 43
3.3.6產生一個新的母體 .......................................... 43
3.3.7終止條件 .................................................. 44
3.4集成投票 .................................................... 44
四、實驗與結果分析 ............................................... 46
4.1 模擬實驗模式之建構與訓練樣本之產生 ......................... 46
4.2 三種不同的機器學習演算法屬性篩選結果與參數 ................. 48
4.3 分類正確率之比較 ........................................... 58
4.4線上實驗結果................................................. 61
五、結論與未來研究方向 ............................................ 63
5.1結論 . .............................................63
5.2未來研究方向 ...................................... 64
參考文獻 ......................................................... 65
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