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研究生(外文):Jhong-Ning Huang
論文名稱(外文):A study of grinding characteristics for UV-LIGA fabrication of micro-type diamond wheelsA study of grinding characteristics for UV-LIGA fabrication of micro-type diamond wheelsA study of grinding characteristics for UV-LIGA fabrication of micro-type d
指導教授(外文):Shenq-Yih Luo
外文關鍵詞:Micro type diamond wheelMicro grindingHard and brittle materialsMaterial removal efficiency
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The purpose of this paper is to develop a micro type diamond wheel combined a micro arbor that can be applied to precision micro grinding. Joining method between the micro wheel and the micro arbor was investigated and the grinding process for the silicon wafer and sodium calcium glass was established.
The experiment results showed that using a micro type diamond wheel with a micro arbor of tool steel SKD61 was fabricated to grind silicon wafer and sodium calcium glass under a lower feed rate, the resulting material removal efficiency was relatively higher. For the same spindle speed, when the micro wheel under a lower depth of cut was employed, the material removal efficiency obtained was relatively better. Oppositely, the more the depth of cut was, the poorer the material removal efficiency was obtained. The reason for this is that a higher depth of cut during the micro grinding will cause a larger deformation of micro arbor. When the micro type diamond wheel during the grinding at a lower depth of cut, a slower spindle speed, and a lower feed rate was used, the material removal efficiency produced was relatively better. Besides, the silicon wafer and sodium calcium glass ground by a micro type diamond wheel during the micro grinding displayed mainly a ductile appearance, but the edges of grinding groove showed a brittle fracture.
致 謝 I
摘 要 II
Abstract III
目 錄 IV
圖 目 錄 VII
表 目 錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究動機與目的 6
1.4 本文內容 7
第二章 相關理論基礎 8
2.1 LIGA.............................................................................................8
2.1.1 LIGA製程....................................................................10
2.1.2 LIGA-like 11
2.2 複合電鑄 13
2.2.1 電鑄原理 16
2.2.2 胺基磺酸鎳鍍液與添加劑 17
2.3磨削加工原理 18
2.3.1 硬脆性材料受壓印的特性[21-25] 18
2.3.2 脆性材料磨削過程 22
2.3.3磨削工具磨粒狀態 26
第三章 微型鑽石砂輪磨棒製作及磨削加工 29
3.1 微型鑽石砂輪製作 29
3.1.1 塗佈光阻…………………………………...………….29
3.1.2 曝光……………………………………..……………..32
3.1.5 微型砂輪取出…………………………………………34
3.2微型鑽石砂輪磨棒製作及磨削實驗 35
3.2.2 磨棒黏著及烘烤…………………………...…….………36
3.2.3 磨削加工裝置……………………………...…………….36
3.3 實驗設備 39
第四章 實驗結果與討論 45
4.1碳化鎢柄之微型鑽石砂輪 45
4.2 SKD61微型鑽石砂輪磨棒 50
4.2.1 SKD61磨棒設計 50
4.2.2 SKD61微型鑽石砂輪磨棒黏著情況 51
4.3微型鑽石砂輪之磨削加工 53
4.3.1 磨削去除效率 53
4.3.2 矽晶圓與鈉鈣玻璃材料去除效率之比較....................71
4.3.3微型鑽石砂輪磨削硬脆材料之表面外觀 77
第五章 結論與未來展望 86
5.1 結論 86
5.2 未來展望 87
參考文獻 88

圖1.1 微機械加工分類表[2]..................................................................02
圖2.1 LIGA製程示意圖[11] 09
圖2.2 電鑄技術應用產業及產品關連圖[15] 14
圖2.3壓印實驗示意圖[19] 20
圖2.4硬脆材料受尖銳壓印施壓之變化過程[23] 21
圖2.5刮痕試驗四種刮痕形態示意圖[24] 23
圖2.6工件磨削脆性破壞去除情形[19] 23
圖2.7磨削區域所產生的交互作用[25] 25
圖2.8切刃的變化形態[26] 27
圖3.2 微型鑽石砂輪製作流程示意圖[27] 30
圖3.3 光阻之塗佈轉速與時間關係[27] 31
圖3.4 微型砂輪光罩示意圖[27]............................................................33
圖3.5 磁石攪拌電鑄,鋁基材擺放示意圖[27].....................................34
圖3.6 (a)碳化鎢材質磨棒,(b)SKD61材質磨棒....................................35
圖3.7 實驗設備架構...............................................................................37

圖3.8 微型鑽石磨棒磨削流程示意圖...................................................38
圖3.9 CNC磨削裝置................................................................................41
圖3.10 數位攝影機(300萬像素CCD)....................................................41
圖3.11 Piezosystem Jena三軸奈米平台.................................................42
圖3.12 YAMAHA線性滑軌...................................................................42
圖3.14 工具顯微鏡.................................................................................43
圖3.15 掃描式電子顯微鏡.....................................................................44
圖4.1 碳化鎢柄微棒尺寸.......................................................................45
圖4.2 柄徑設計.......................................................................................46
圖4.3 碳化鎢柄徑黏著圖.......................................................................47
圖4.4 微型鑽石砂輪磨棒之黏著劑過多...............................................48
圖4.5 砂輪及試片溝槽圖外觀...............................................................49
圖4.6 SKD61磨棒設計圖....................................................................50
圖4.7 電鑄微型鑽石砂輪與光阻結構間平坦示意圖.........................51
圖4.8 SKD61磨棒黏著微型鑽石砂輪過程........................................52
圖4.9 SKD61柄之微型鑽石砂輪磨棒................................................52

圖4.10 磨削矽晶圓溝槽的量測圖,切深1μm,進給速度(a)0.25mm/s,(b) 0.33mm/s,(c)0.5mm/s .........................................................61
圖4.11 磨削矽晶圓溝槽的量測圖,切深2μm,進給速度(a)0.25mm/s,(b) 0.33mm/s,(c)0.5mm/s………………………………...…….63
圖4.12 磨削矽晶圓溝槽的量測圖,切深3μm,進給速度(a)0.25mm/s, (b) 0.33mm/s,(c)0.5mm/s……………………………...……..….65
圖4.13 磨削鈉鈣玻璃溝槽的量測圖,切深1μm,進給速度(a)0.25mm/s, (b) 0.33mm/s,(c)0.5mm/s……………………………...……..….67
圖4.14 磨削鈉鈣玻璃溝槽的量測圖,切深2μm,進給速度(a)0.25mm/s, (b) 0.33mm/s,(c)0.5mm/s………………………………….....….69
圖4.15 磨削鈉鈣玻璃溝槽的量測圖,切深3μm,進給速度(a)0.25mm/s, (b) 0.33mm/s,(c)0.5mm/s…………………………….………….71
圖4.16 矽晶圓與鈉鈣玻璃之磨削去除效率比較,切深為1μm.…...…74
圖4.17 矽晶圓與鈉鈣玻璃之磨削去除效率比較,切深為2μm……..75
圖4.18 矽晶圓與鈉鈣玻璃之磨削去除效率比較,切深為3μm…….76
圖4.19 矽晶圓與鈉鈣玻璃之磨削表面外觀………………………….76
圖4.20 微型砂輪磨削試片示意圖………………………………..…...77
圖4.21 微型鑽石砂輪磨削矽晶圓的工件表面外觀,(a)切深1μm、(b)切深2μm、(c)切深3μm………………………………………80
圖4.22 微型鑽石砂輪磨削鈉鈣玻璃的工件表面外觀,(a)切深1μm、(b)切深2μm、(c)切深3μm……………………………………83

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表2.1 LIGA與LIGA-like之比較[14] 12
表2.2 常用複合鍍層之金屬材料與微粒[17]........................................15
表3.1 微型鑽石砂輪製作.......................................................................37
表4.1 微型鑽石砂輪磨削矽晶圓之去除切深與效率,(a)切深1μm、
表4.2 微型鑽石砂輪磨削鈉鈣玻璃之去除切深與效率,(a)切深1μm、
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