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研究生(外文):Chih-hsiang Chang
論文名稱(外文):Applying Supply Chain Management Push/Pull Concept on Iinventory Management
指導教授(外文):Nai-Chieh Wei
外文關鍵詞:Push moderisk poolingSupply Chain ManagementPull modeprocess modeling
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According to the increasing challenge of economic environment worldwide, supply chain management becomes more and more important for business corporations. In contrast to traditional management only focusing on improving the internal performance of corporation, supply chain management tends to integrate the related core business processes within and across different corporations. By adopting supply chain management into logistics system, the integration is concentrated on collaborating from original suppliers, distributors, retailers through end customers.To meet the future competition demand under multiple pressures such as insufficient budget and manpower reduction, the most important issues for logistics at present are to precisely deal with component needs and to control stock as well as to reduce the cost of investment, and to avoid from the accumulation of fund and avoid from the waste of storage space. Therefore, the revolution work for logistics should focus on the planning, reformation, and transformation of the operation procedure and on the set-up of the information system framework.There will be problems if every member of every level in the push mode of the current supply chain system only cares about one’s own stock satisfaction. Given that, the number of stock will be growing in order to meet various demands. As a result, too much stock will lessen the competition advantage as consequences. Excepting the concern of the stock problem, the lack of communication among all the members can also be harmful to both the whole system and the members. In the real network of the supply chain, it is not only one hero to take all the credit. In other words, push mode may be sufficient under some circumstances while pull mode can perform a better job under other circumstances.This research adopts the ideas of risk pooling, process modelling to build up a set of conceptual module of supply chain in order to prove the fact that under different circumstances, by changing the portion of the use of push and pull modes, the result can be surprising. In conclusion, we are able to better facilitate the supply chain system by combining or adjusting various modes and we are able to make the system more practical.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的3
第三節 研究範圍與限制3
第四節 研究流程4
第二章 文獻探討6
第一節 供應鏈管理的定義及目的6
第二節 供應鏈管理的功能與應用6
第三節 供應鏈管理的效益9
第四節 長鞭效應11
第五節 集中式與分散式配銷系統13
第六節 供應鏈推式、拉式與推-拉式的系統15
第七節 推-拉式供應鏈系統策略意涵20
第八節 供應鏈管理的績效評估23
第三章 研究方法26
第一節 研究方法的採用26
第二節 訪談設計27
第三節 專家訪談意見28
第四節 建構供應鏈推-拉界限觀念模式30
第五節 評估模式之建立32
第六節 小結36
第四章 個案分析37
第一節 個案介紹37
第二節 績效評估分析42
第三節 結果分析與評估48
第五章 結論與建議51
第一節 結論51
第二節 後續研究建議52
表2.1 供應鏈管理的定義8
表2.2 供應鏈管理對成員之效益分析表10
表2.3 推式和拉式供應鏈系統之特性19
表2.4 績效評估指標說明25
表3.1 專家訪談單位人員統計表27
表4.1 模式一各級庫房存貨數量及成本統計表42
表4.2 模式一各級庫房作業及運補時間比較表44
表4.3 模式二各級庫房存貨數量及成本統計表45
表4.4 模式二各級庫房作業及運補時間比較表47
表4.5 模式一、二各級庫房存貨數量及成本統計表48
表4.6 模式一、二各級庫房作業及運補時間比較表49
表4.7 各模式庫房作業及運補時間效益比較表50
圖1.1 保修零附件支援程序圖2
圖1.2 研究流程步驟5
圖2.1 供應鏈管理流程7
圖2.2 推式供應鏈模式15
圖2.3 拉式供應鏈模式16
圖2.4 推式—拉式供應鏈模式17
圖2.5 供應鏈結構示意圖20
圖2.6 供應鏈績效評估系統24
圖3.1 研究方法步驟程序圖27
圖3.2 資訊共享之作業流程觀念性架構30
圖3.3 現行零附件申請補給作業流程圖32
圖3.4 零附件補給供應鏈模式一33
圖3.5 零附件補給供應鏈模式一申請補給作業流程圖34
圖3.6 零附件補給供應鏈模式二35
圖3.7 零附件補給供應鏈模式二申請補給作業流程圖36
圖4.1 零附件申請補給作業流程38
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