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研究生(外文):Kun-huang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Between website translation and learning Japanese- focus on the vocabularies related to electrical industry-
指導教授(外文):xing su Huang
  • 被引用被引用:0
  • 點閱點閱:1153
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The semiconductor industry and optoelectronic industry in Taiwan(these two items are generally called as electronic and mechanical equipments) are prospering increasingly in recent years. Moreover, they become the main fountainhead of economy in Taiwan. According to the Department of statistics, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the largest amount of exportation are electronic and mechanical equipments. Although the semiconductor industry is flourishing in Taiwan, several components are rely on the importation from other well development of hi-tech industry countries, such as the United States, European countries, and Japan. Especially the relation between Japan and Taiwan is intimate. Based on the Department of statistics, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan imports from Japan is still trade deficit. It could show Taiwan depends on Japan in some respects. However, the instructions of importations from Japan are not written in English which is the semiconductor industry workers familiar with. So that the workers have to spend a lot of time on figuring out the words in Japanese. It is easier for Taiwanese workers to deal with English documents than Japanese. even though they want to learn Japanese, they couldn''t have time to learn aside from work. And they need to cultivate the reading comprehension ability, the semiconductor industry workers in particular. I want to solve this problem as a result of the above-mention. That is to cultivate the ability of Japanese reading comprehension is my objective. When practicing reading, translation website can be an instrument to solve the problem in facing new words. Through this thesis, I expect to help the semiconductor industry workers accomplish their learning on Japanese reading comprehension smoothly.industry countries, such as the United States, European countries, and Japan. Especially the relation between Japan and Taiwan is intimate. Based on the Department of statistics, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan imports from Japan is still trade deficit. It could show Taiwan depends on Japan in some respects. However, the instructions of importations from Japan are not written in English which is the semiconductor industry workers familiar with. So that the workers have to spend a lot of time on figuring out the words in Japanese. It is easier for Taiwanese workers to deal with English documents than Japanese. even though they want to learn Japanese, they couldn''t have time to learn aside from work. And they need to cultivate the reading comprehension ability, the semiconductor industry workers in particular. I want to solve this problem as a result of the above-mention.That is to cultivate the ability of Japanese reading comprehension is my objective. When practicing reading, translation website can be an instrument to solve the problem in facing new words. Through this thesis, I expect to help the semiconductor industry workers accomplish their learning on Japanese reading comprehension smoothly.
第一章 序論
1-1 研究動機1
1-2 研究目的3
1-3 論文の構成4
第二章 研究手法及び本論で扱う資料
2-1 文章の集め及びその分類9
2-2 専門用語選びについて12
2-3 語彙の選定基準13
第三章 本論で用いる翻訳サイト
3-1 翻訳サイトの収集と選定基準17
3-1-1 本論で用いる翻訳サイト21
第四章 本論で用いる読解技法
4-1 各読解教材における概観46
4-2 本論で用いる読解技法51
第五章 コースデザインと実践
5-1 コースデザインとは53
5-2 本コースのコースデザイン54
5-2-1 コースの内容59
5-2-2 コースの実践61
5-2-3 実践後の結果分析76
第六章 結論と今後の課題
6-1 翻訳サイトと日本語の学習78
6-2 今後の課題80
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