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研究生(外文):Yung-Husan Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Bioactive Constituents of Davallia solida, Pteris ensiformis and Hedyotis biflora
指導教授(外文):Yang-Chang Wu
外文關鍵詞:Davallia solidaPteris ensiformisHedyotis biflora
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從箭葉鳳尾蕨水抽出物中分離得到三個新化合物及五個已知化合物。針對箭葉鳳尾蕨水萃取物進行組分之高效能液相層析 (HPLC) 分析,發現箭葉鳳尾蕨水萃取物中caffeic acid 和hispidin 衍生物有較高含量與抗氧化活性,對於箭葉鳳尾蕨水抽出物抗氧化力,多酚類化合物佔重要角色,尤其是 caffeic acid、hispidin 及 kaempferol 等衍生物。
此外,從箭葉鳳尾蕨乙酸乙酯抽出物中分離得到四個新化合物,十三個已知化合物,其中兩個蕨酸衍生物,針對人類血癌細胞(HL 60)具有細胞毒殺活性。
另一方面,藉由細胞毒殺活性導引分離,將雙花耳草分離得到三個新化合物,十九個已知化合物,將雙花耳草植物中分離得到的化合物進行細胞毒殺實驗,測試不同細胞,其中三個新香豆素化合物、ursolic acid、oleanolic acid 和6''-(??-sitosteryl-3-O-??-D-glucopyranosidyl)-pentadecanoate 針對人類肝癌細胞(Hep G2)及乳癌細胞(MDA-MB-231、MCF-7)具有抑制作用。
Using the DPPH radical scavenging activity-guided fractionation method, four new compounds were isolated from the aqueous extract of Davallia solida rhizome (DS), together with ten known compounds. Among them, mangiferin derivatives have the strongest antioxidant activity. Solvent partition yielded of aqueous extract different layers and total phenol content. n-Butanol layer has the highest phenol content. Among the fourteen compouds of n-butanol, eleven compounds have stronger free radicals scavenging activity than vitamin E. The antioxidant activity of DS may be therefore attributed in part to its constituents.
Three new compounds were isolated from the aqueous extract of Pteris ensiformis Sword Brake fern (SBF) with five known compounds. HPLC with UV detector was further employed to analyze the content of each compound based on the retention time by comparison with isolated pure compounds. It was found that the most abundant phenolic compound in SBF were caffeic acid and hispidin derivatives. This data indicates that SBF is rich in phenolic antioxidants, especially derivatives of caffeic acid, hispidin and kaempferol.
The antioxidants from DS and SBF, together with their antioxidant activity were discussed for the SAR (Structure Activity Relationship).
Therefore, four new compounds, together with thirteen known compounds, were isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of Pteris ensiformis. Two pterosin derivatives.show cytotoxicity against HL 60 cells (human leukemia).
In the other hand, using the bioactivity-guided fractionation method, three new coumarin derivatives were isolated from the methanol extract of Hedyotis biflora (HB), together with nineteen known compounds. Three new compounds, ursolic acid, oleanolic acid, and 6''-(??-sitosteryl-3-O-??-D-glucopyranosidyl)- pentadecanoate showed cytotoxicity against human tumor cell lines, Hep G2, MCF-7, and MDA-MB-231.
In conclusion, we demonstrated for the first time that DS and SBF exhibited strong DPPH scavenging activity and fund out the new cytotoxic compounds from SBF and HB. The structural elucidation of all isolated compounds are base on spectroscopic analyses (mianly 1D and 2D NMR techniques), as well as chemical ecidence.
第一章 緒言-----------------------------------------------1
第一節 闊葉骨碎補植物型態---------------------------------1
第二節 箭葉鳳尾蕨植物型態---------------------------------4
第三節 雙花耳草植物型態闊---------------------------------9
第二章 研究動機與目的------------------------------------11
第一節 闊葉骨碎補部分------------------------------------17
第二節 箭葉鳳尾蕨部分------------------------------------19
第三節 雙花耳草部分--------------------------------------20
第三章 藥理與化學成份研究回顧----------------------------21
第一節 闊葉骨碎補研究回顧--------------------------------21
第二節 箭葉鳳尾蕨研究回顧--------------------------------28
第三節 雙花耳草研究回顧---------------------------------41
第四章 萃取與分離---------------------------------- -----58
第一節 闊葉骨碎補成分抽取與分離--------------------------58
第二節 箭葉鳳尾蕨成分抽取與分離--------------------------61
第三節 雙花耳草成分抽取與分離----------------------------66
第五章 化合物之結構證明----------------------------------70
第一節 3''-O-p-Hydroxybenzoylmangiferin(1)之結構證明--70
第二節 4''-O-p-Hydroxybenzoylmangiferin(2)之結構證明--78
第三節 6''-O-p-Hydroxybenzoylmangiferin(3)之結構證明--86
第四節 3-O-p-Hydroxybenzoylmangiferin(4)之結構證明---94
第五節 Kaempferol 3-O-??-L-rhamnopyranoside-7-O-
第六節 7-O-Caffeoylhydroxymaltol 3-O-??-D-glucopyranoside (17)
第七節 7-O-Cis-coumaroylhydroxymaltol 3-O-??-D-
glucopyranoside (18)之結構證明--------------------------120
第八節 Hispidin 4-O-D-glucopyranoside (21) 之結構證明-128
第九節?nD-Xylopyranosyl(1→2)-7-O-benzoyl-D-glucopyranoside (13) 之結構證明-------------------------135
第十節 4-O-Benzoyl-D-xylopyranosyl(1→2)-
第十一節 2R,3R-Pterosin L 3-O-??-D-glucopyranoside (27)
第十二節 Hedyotiscone A(42)之結構證明-----------------153
第十三節 Hedyotiscone B(43)之結構證明-----------------161
第十四節 Hedyotiscone C(44)之結構證明-----------------170
第六章 生物活性相關試驗---------------------------------175
第一節 闊葉骨碎補塊莖與箭葉鳳尾蕨之抗氧化活性成分-------175
第二節 闊葉骨碎補塊莖與箭葉鳳尾蕨之抗氧化活性成分含量分析----------------------------------------------------------180
第三節 箭葉鳳尾蕨與雙花耳草之細胞毒殺試驗---------------183
第七章 結論---------------------------------------------186
第八章 相關實驗部分-------------------------------------188
第一節 闊葉骨碎補植物材料與分離純化---------------------190
第二節 箭葉鳳尾蕨植物材料與分離純化---------------------192
第三節 雙花耳草植物材料與分離純-------------------------194
第四節 抗氧化活性篩選試驗-------------------------------196
第五節 抗氧化活性成份含量試驗---------------------------198
第六節 細胞毒殺試驗之實驗方法---------------------------200第七節 各化合物之物理與光譜數據總-----------------------202
第九章 參考文獻-----------------------------------------246
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