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研究生(外文):KUO HSIAO YI
論文名稱(外文):Note on cross-cultural perspective to HR strategy and employee job efficiency
外文關鍵詞:cross - cultural perspectiveHR strategyjob effective
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一、因應文化差異之人資策略—總公司對各海外子公司之IHRM 策略,係採取子公司地區最高主管與財務最高主管都不當地化;總公司並制定「外派人員管理辦法」來管理海外派遣的人員;各地區HRM 政策與規章辦法,由地區子公司依當地法令有訂定之。公司並注重跨文化訓練,並盡早建立跨文化管理的訓練模式。


Many Taiwanese investors face problems in HR management during the establishment of business in China. The difference in culture especially in concepts of ideology has proved difficult to introduce the same HR management strategy used in Taiwan to the Mainland subsidiary company. In attempt to adapt to cultural differences, respective adjustments in relative HR management strategy must be made. The difficulties faced by many Taiwanese investors on cross-cultural management are mostly found in the management of HR, which can be categorized into 3 groups: 1. communication problem due to language differences; 2. collaboration difficulties between outward personnel and local staff/employee; 3. failure in policy implementation due to ethnical or cultural differences.
This research will focus on measures of adaptation taken by Taiwanese investors in dealing with cross-cultural perspective to HR strategy, employee job efficiency and influence of selected HR strategy on organization performance (include employee work efficiency). This research will guide Taiwanese investors in learning from cultural conflicts during the process of adaptation and gradually correct methods of managements and HR strategy to compromise mutual needs in creating greater business value.
There are 3 parts to the main documentation in this research: 1. exploration on the cultural meaning and relevant issue on cross-cultural differences; 2. discussion on HR management strategy issues; and 3. discussion on the influence of HR management strategy on organization performance from a cross-cultural perspective. This paper will base its research purpose and relevant documentations through individual research methods in assisting summarizations of specific affair occurrences in process of gaining effective results. Individual research method is conducted within high-tech industry companies in hope to probe deeper into the influence of HR management strategy on organization performance from a cross-cultural perspective (including employee work efficiency), thus forming the basis or fundaments of evidence analysis. This research concludes that:
1. HR strategy in response to cultural differences- the IHRM strategy implemented by company headquarter to various oversea subsidiary company is the de-localization of supreme management personnel and financial personnel; the establishment of “outward personnel management method” to manage oversea personnel; regional HRM policy and regulation will be established by local subsidiary company with accord to local legal stipulations. The company will emphasize on cross-cultural training and establish cross-cultural management training ASAP.
2. HR management activity- has the application of HR management activity by the Mainland subsidiary company post any effect on its organization performance? Should the company select suitable local personnel for efficient HR development, consider reasons for HR planning and the enhancement of organization performance through instruction by outward personnel. The need for HR integration, strategy formation inspection and manual inspection on conditions of execution are of importance in raising the competitiveness of case companies.
In the development of research topic with accord to relative documentation and case company practices, this research will provide the following topics for future evidence:
1. Relationships between cultural difference and HR strategy-in attempt to solve HR management problems as a result from cultural differences within case company, HR strategies are re-established in choosing suitable personnel in response to cross-cultural problems. Effort communications and co-ordinations within company operation team will be conducted in attempt to increase employee work efficiency and significant decrease in turnover rate. Topic 1 is thus proposed in this research.

Topic 1: Company with multi-nationality should implement different HR strategy in accordance to cultural differences to raise employee work efficiency.
2. The influence of cultural difference and HR strategy on organization performance- during case company’s initial period in entering Mainland market and establishing subsidiary companies, HR-Transfer strategy must be implemented; due to the HR management problems raised by cultural differences between Taiwan and China, different HR-reinforcement strategy must be implemented after some period of business operation. Topic 2 is thus proposed in this research.
Topic 2: Company with multi-nationality should implement different HR strategy during various stages of development in order to create significant results in operation performance.
3. The relationship between HR management activity and organization performance- during the initial period upon entering Mainland market and establish subsidiary companies, the misconception of similarity in language had resulted in the implementation of the same HR management to Mainland subsidiary companies. The actual practice in HR management activities are employment under strict standards and outward personnel education. Different HR-reinforcement strategy implemented after a period of operation are as follows: 1. a set target for company and its units; 2. reasonable evaluation system to enhance employee working performance; 3. emphasis on the importance of work objective announced by management level personnel; and 4. encourage further education to enhance employee professionalism and skill. Topic 3 is thus proposed in this research.
Topic 3: Different HR management strategy taken into action by the company will have significant influence on business operation performance.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………11
第二節 研究目的………………………………………13
第三節 論文架構………………………………………14
第四節 研究流程………………………………………15
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 文化差異的文獻回顧…………………………16
第二節 人力資源管理策略……………………………21
第三節 組織績效之文獻回顧…………………………29
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構………………………………………31
第二節 質化研究與個案研究…………………………32
第三節 個案公司說明…………………………………34
第四節 訪談過程與對象之說明………………………36
第四章 個案分析與命題發展
第一節 個案公司資料分析……………………………39
第二節 個案訪談內容分析……………………………42
第三節 命題發展………………………………………48
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論……………………………………………55
第二節 管理實務上建議………………………………58
第三節 研究限制………………………………………59
中文部分 ………………………………………………60
英文部分 ………………………………………………63
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