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指導教授(外文):Min Wei
外文關鍵詞:governancenetworklocal governancegovernabilityadministrative efficiencysocial justicepublic accountability
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Since World War II, local governments in the world have faced the tremendous challenges and the enormous changes of the environment in terms of autonomy and organization. Local governance has globally become one of the critical changes in the local government reform. The role that the government plays is no longer simply limited to traditional administrative institutions which carry out public affairs; instead, the government should play a balance role in solving public issues. The government should function as the role of navigation, starting the community partners in network, and establishing citizens' participation and enthusiasm in public affairs. In short, the role that government plays should put emphasis on more network than institutional level, more consultation than control, and more delegation than management. Meanwhile, to increase the government's administrative efficiency, we may give consideration to some significant values, such as social justice, public accountability, and public interest. Furthermore, through civic participation and dialogue to promote the establishment of shared values and promote a more civilized society.
This research is first to clarify the meaning of governance, local governance, and theory structure. In the perspective of network, the local governance can be analyzed in four directions. Politics, the administration, market and society are involved with various coordination, cooperation and communication. In addition, there are three functions of governance to be explored, i.e. administrative efficiency, social equity and public accountability.
This paper deals with the most grass-roots level to local governments - cities, towns and villages as the main focus of the study, which gives analysis of the governance process of cities, towns and villages in the country. Regarding the case studies in Taoyuan City, we recall the development of the governance process in the light of the theory of the concept of local governance, and in view of the status of governance in Taoyuan City. We explore the local governments of Taoyuan City and find out ways to make improvement in terms of " governability " In this study, literature review, qualitative interviews serve as research methods, and the subjects are elected political figures, employees of local governments within the civil service, civilian groups, and township leaders. Through interviews, we hope to understand the network-related groups in the community network of local governance, and recognize the concept of local governance as well as expectations of the governance of Taoyuan City.
第一章 緒論………………………………………………………………………….…….1
第一節 研究背景………………………………………………………………….….1
第二節 研究動機與目的………………………………………………………….….3
第三節 研究問題與架構………………………………………………………….….5
第四節 研究流程與方法………………………………………………………….….8
第五節 研究範圍與限制………………………………………………………….…13
第二章 理論分析與文獻探討………………………………………………………….…15
第一節 治理的緣起及內涵……………………………………………………….…15
第二節 地方治理的轉型及內涵…………………………………………………….33
第三節 治理能力的結構與指標………………………………………………….…39
第四節 國內文獻探討……………………………………………………….............64
第三章 研究設計………………………………………………………………………….75
第一節 訪談問題大綱……………………………………………………………….75
第二節 訪談對象與選擇標準……………………………………………………….78
第三節 訪談過程…………………………………………………………………….81
第四章 桃園市治理現況分析…………………………………………………………….83
第一節 我國鄉鎮市之發展過程…………………………………………………….83
第二節 桃園市的發展過程………………………………………………………….93
第三節 桃園市的治理現況………………………………………………………….100
第五章 調查結果分析…………………………………………………………………….139
第一節 政治面向訪談結果分析…………………………………………………….139
第二節 行政面向訪談結果分析…………………………………………………….151
第三節 市場面向訪談結果分析…………………………………………………….162
第四節 社會面向訪談結果分析……………………………………………………..171
第五節 行政效率、社會公平與公共課責的調和之訪談結果分析………………..179
第六章 研究結論與建議…………………………………………………………………..203.
第一節 研究結論……………………………………………………………………..203
第二節 研究建議……………………………………………………………………..213
第三節 未來研究建議………………………………………………………………..218
參考書目………………………………………………………………………. …………..221
附錄三……………………………………………………………………….. …………….315
附錄四……………………………………………………………………….. …………….323

表 2-1政府與治理觀點的對照………………..…………………….…………………...22
表 2-2從地方政府到地方治理…………………………………………………………..37
表 2-3地方治理理論探討文獻一覽表………………………………………..…………69
表 2-4我國鄉鎮縣轄市治理相關文獻一覽表…………………………………………..72
表 3-1訪談對象一覽表…………………………………………………………………..79
表 4-1鄉鎮縣轄市發展過程……………………………………………………………..89
表 4-2桃園市都市發展歷程……………………………………………………………..95
表 4-3桃園鎮(市)民代表會各屆代表名錄…………………………………………..101
表 4-4桃園縣桃園市第10屆市民代表…………………………………………………104
表 4-5桃園市民代表會議決案執行情形報告表………………………………………..110
表 4-6 桃園市(鎮)公所歷任首長名錄……………………………………………….118
表 4-7桃園縣各鄉鎮(市)公所97年度收入規模與結構分析…………………………..128
表 4-8桃園縣各鄉鎮(市)公所97年度支出規模與結構分析………………………129
表 5-1政治面向之訪談成果分析表……………………………………………………..150
表 5-2行政面向之訪談成果分析表……………………………………………………..161
表 5-3市場面向之訪談成果分析表……………………………………………………..170
表 5-4社會面向之訪談成果分析表……………………………………………………..178
表 5-5其他面向之訪談成果分析表……………………………………………………..198

圖 1-1 研究構架…………………………………………………………..........................7
圖 1-2 研究流程…………………………………………………………..........................9
圖 2-1 治理概念內容…………………………………………………………..…………17
圖 2-2地方治理之多層次治理結構…………………………………………..………….30
圖 4-1鄉鎮市自治之權力分立模式…………………………………………..………….92
圖 4-2桃園市五大區分布圖…………………………………………………..………….99
圖 4-3桃園市公所組織編制…………………………………………………..…………123
圖 5-1政治面向之訪談成果分析圖…………………………………………..…………150
圖 5-2行政面向之訪談成果分析圖…………………………………………..…………162
圖 5-3市場面向之訪談成果分析圖…………………………………………..…………170
圖 5-4社會面向之訪談成果分析圖…………………………………………..…………178
圖 5-5效率面向之訪談成果分析圖…………………………………………..…………199
圖 5-6公平面向之訪談成果分析圖………………………………………..……………199
圖 5-7課責面向之訪談成果分析圖………………………………………..……………200
圖 6-1桃園市治理現況……………………………………………………..……...…….205
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