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論文名稱(外文):A Design of Emotional Expression Robot Head
外文關鍵詞:RobotEmotional Expression RobotRobot Head
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This research developed an emotional expression robot head in order to achieve interactive functions of a humanoid robot. This robot head includes modules of eyebrows, eyes, a mouth, and a neck. At the beginning, there are totally 12 degrees of
freedom (DOF) in modules. It is driven by RC servos that have advantages in low power consumption and small volume. This robot head can express surprised, frightened, sad, disgust, happy, and angry feelings. In mechanism design, eyebrow modules adopt flexible transmission with wires. Eye modules include eyelid and eyeball parts. The first edition of eyelid parts is designed with neo-intermittent motions. Two partially interlocked wheels will make the upper and lower eyelids having motions with different strokes. In the second edition of eyelid parts, only the upper eyelids can move and that is more like human beings. The first edition of eyeball parts has 3 DOF’s in total that can achieve pan and tilt motions. In the second edition of eyeball parts, each eyeball part has 2 DOF’s and can achieve pan and tilt motions independently. The mouth module is designed with a moving chin that is operated by a four bar linkage. The lips adopt flexible transmission with wires. The design of neck module makes the robot head having 3 DOF’s. In the control part, a multi-axes control board is used for driving RC servos.

摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 相關文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究流程 3
1-4 論文架構 4
第二章 機構設計分析 5
2-1 眉毛之機構 5
2-2 眼瞼之機構 7
2-3 眼球之機構 12
2-4 嘴部之機構 19
2-5 頸部之機構 22
2-6 加工製作 28
2-7 機構組裝 28
第三章 機電整合設計與控制 32
3-1 機電系統規劃 32
3-1-1 伺服馬達控制晶片 34
3-1-2 伺服機 35
3-2 控制軟體介面 36
3-2-1 伺服機控制介面 36
3-2-2 表情播放程式 38
3-3 控制實務 40
3-3-1 表情動作 40
3-3-2 表情分析 41
3-3-3 表情呈現 43
3-4 成果討論 46
第四章 逆向快速成型製作 48
4-1快速成型製作流程 48
4-2 機械人頭顱快速成型 51
4-2-1 ATOS取像 51
4-2-2 臉骨快速成型 53
4-2-3 眼球快速成型 56
4-2-4 眼瞼快速成型 57
第五章 結論與未來展望 59
5-1 結論 59
5-2 未來展望 60
參 考 文 獻 61
附錄A 快速成型技術 64
附錄B 控制程式 69

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