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論文名稱(外文):The Thermo-Mechanical Effects of Lead and Lead-Free Solder Alloys on the WLCSP Packages
外文關鍵詞:Lead-Free SolderTemperature Cyclic LoadingsHysteresis Loops
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本文使用有限元素分析對三種無鉛銲料及一含鉛材料受兩種不同溫度循環負載作用,探討WLCSP組合於PCB上之彈-塑性-潛變行為與特性,其結果可得:(1) 彈性應變效應對這四種錫球材料之熱機械行為的影響是很微小的。(2) 對96.5Sn-3.5Ag來說,其剪應變範圍的貢獻幾乎由塑性應變效應提供,也即96.5Sn-3.5Ag承受潛變能力最強。(3) 95.5Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu及63Sn-37Pb的塑性或潛應變效應很相近。(4) 由應變能密度所得到之熱機械效應與上述之剪應變範圍的趨勢是一致的。(5) 對於95.5Sn-3.9Ag-0.6Cu所受之包辛格效應最為明顯,而95.5Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu次之,之後為96.5Sn-3.5Ag,63Sn-37Pb是最不明顯的。

The removal of lead (Pb) from electronic products necessitates the replacement of the classical eutectic Sn-Pb solder by an adequate material. Among alternative lead-free solders the Sn-Ag/Sn-Ag-Cu materials seem to have the most promise as lead-free solders in the IC industry. The plastic-creep analyses of solder-bumped IC on substrate or printed circuit board (PCB) assemblies subjected to the different temperature cyclic loadings are presented. For example, the melting point of Sn-Ag/Sn-Ag-Cu solders is higher than that of Sn-Pb solders by 30℃ in particular. These in turn lead to significant divergences in plastic and creep behaviors.
This research uses the validated finite-element analyses to study the elastic-plastic-creep behaviors of the 96.5Sn-3.5Ag, 95.5Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu and 95.5Sn-3.9Ag-0.6Cu lead-free solders and the classical 63Sn-37Pb solder bumped wafer level chip scale package on PCB assemblies subjected to two different temperature cyclic loadings. The behaviors of shear stress-strain hysteresis loops and strain energy density are examined on the key upper-right spot at the outmost corner solder joint. It can be seen that, (1) the effect of the elastic strain is slight on the thermo-mechanical behavior of these four solder alloys; (2) the shear strain range of the 96.5Sn-3.5Ag solder alloy derive almost from the plastic strain, that is, it can sustain more creep than others; (3) the plastic or creep strain effect of the 95.5Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu solder alloy is close to the 63Sn-37Pb solder respectively; (4) the effect of the strain energy density on these solder alloys is consistent with that of the shear strain range; (5) the 95.5Sn-3.9Ag-0.6Cu solder alloy is the most significant on the Bauschinger effect among the four solder alloys and the secondary is the 95.5Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu solder, then is the 96.5Sn-3.5Ag. Besides, the 63Sn-37Pb solder is not noticeable.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 晶圓級封裝 2
1-3 鉛的危害與無鉛的未來 3
1-4 研究目的與方法 5
1-5 文獻回顧 6
1-6 本文架構 8
第二章 理論基礎與文獻驗證 9
2-1 簡介 9
2-2 材料性質 9
2-2-1 彈性與塑性[9] 10
2-2-2 降伏準則 11
2-2-3 隨動硬化法則 12
2-2-4 包辛格效應 13
2-2-5 潛變 14
2-2-6 溫度循環負載 15
2-3 文獻驗證 16
2-3-1 CAE分析基本假設 17
2-3-2 材料參數 17
2-3-3 封裝體結構與尺寸 19
2-3-4 負載及邊界條件 21
2-3-5 驗證 23
第三章 3-D模型推延與模擬分析 25
3-1 材料參數與溫度循環負載 25
3-2 模擬分析 26
3-2-1 有/無彈性應變效應之錫球材料的熱機械行為 26
3-2-2 有/無塑性應變效應之錫球材料的熱機械行為 31
3-2-3 有/無潛應變效應之錫球材料的熱機械行為 36
3-2-4 彈、塑性與潛應變效應在不同之FEA的比較 41
3-2-5 錫球材料與溫度範圍對熱機械行為的比較 55
第四章 結果分析與討論 62
第五章 結論與未來展望 64
5-1 結論 64
5-2 未來展望 64

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