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研究生(外文):Yu, Chang-Huai
論文名稱(外文):A Research of the Zirconia Element Surface Coating Technology:The Application of TRIZ and Taguchi Method
指導教授(外文):Huang, Hsin-Hsing
外文關鍵詞:Oxygen SensorSurface CoatingTRIZTaguchi Method
  • 被引用被引用:9
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Zirconia ceramic element is one of the main parts of the Oxygen sensor. Its surface needs especially protective layer. In the early period, people always used the flame spray method to coat a protective layer on the surface of the ceramic element to protect its external platinum layer. Recently, based on the breakthrough of the protective layer slurry technology, a new wet coating technology has been invented and replaced the flame spray method. However, due to the quantity and quality requirement of the production, an automatic coating system becomes necessary to replace the present manual tasks.
In this point of view, we have firstly studied the manual coating procedures, and applied TRIZ theory to improve the process and design an automatic coating system. The research also used the Taguchi method to find out the optimum working parameters, and verified the production capability of the automatic system. The main result of this study is the development of the automatic coating system for the ceramic element, which is very useful for the manufacturer to carry out their mass production.

摘 要 i
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究範圍與限制 5
1.3 研究流程 5
1.4 章節架構 7
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 塗裝技術研究 8
2.2 TRIZ 9
2.3 田口方法 13
2.4 製程能力分析 17
第三章 研究過程 21
3.1 人工動作流程分析 21
3.1.1 人工動作流程介紹 21
3.1.2 人工動作缺點 23
3.2 TRIZ方法運用 23
3.3 系統設計 26
3.4 系統試製 28
3.4.1 第一次試製與運轉測試 28
3.4.2 系統問題與改善對策 31
3.4.3 第二次系統試製 36
3.5 田口方法流程步驟 39
3.6 田口方法實驗規劃 41
3.6.1 要因分析 41
3.6.2 控制因子及水準 42
3.6.3 直交表 44
第四章 研究分析與討論 45
4.1 實驗分析 45
4.1.1 變異數分析 45
4.1.2 殘差檢定分析 49
4.1.3 最佳化參數設計 54
4.1.4 製程能力分析 54
4.1.5 自動化成果分析 55
4.2 測試結果 56
第五章 結論與建議 57
5.1 結論 57
5.2 建議 58
參考文獻 59
附錄A 62
附錄B 68
附錄C 71

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