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研究生(外文):Kulagin, Denis
論文名稱(外文):Economic and Trade Cooperation between Russia and Taiwan: Challenges and Opportunities
指導教授(外文):Wu, Jack
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The paper discusses the development of trade cooperation between Russia and Taiwan. The first part addresses historical evolution of such relations, discussing political and economic environments that affected them. In the second part of the paper a close attention is paid to the period of 1990s – 2000s during which trade between two countries picked. The last part argues the existing inefficiencies (e.g., issues of taxation and shipping) and challenges that are facing businesses of both countries when dealing with each other. Particularly, the current “order in Taiwan, deliver from China” framework of business interaction is addressed. Finally, the paper suggests how existing inefficiencies can be avoided or mitigated so that to potentially increase bilateral trade volume and increase profitability.
Introduction 1
Part 1 4
USSR and ROC: period of confrontation 4
USSR and ROC bilateral relations during Cold War 7
The end of anti-Sovetism 12
Part 2 16
The new period in cooperation 16
Building up unofficial relations 20
Trade – driving force of cooperation relations 26
Growing concerns of PRC 34
Part 3 41
Current situation and prospects of cooperation 41
Conclusion 47
Bibliography 48
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