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研究生(外文):Sampath, Shubha
論文名稱(外文):Nano technology product commercialization in key european markets
指導教授(外文):Ho, Chester
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Objectives of the research: To identify commercial possibilities and develop an entry strategy for Nano technology product in the healthcare segment for key Western European markets. To investigate the Benelux and German customer landscape by collecting data via hospital and field expert interviews. To compile the research findings to formulate the Europe market entry strategy and provide future recommendations.

Executive Summary
This paper sets out to research the European market entry possibilities of ‘Nano technology Product’, an antimicrobial surface treatment that uses nano-scale technology to kill bacteria and viruses upon contact.

Through face-to-face interviews with infectious disease professionals in the hospital environment, a research was conducted to understand, what needs end-users have and which procedures and products are currently employed. Furthermore, the research aimed to reveal how aware potential customers are about nanotechnology in general and ‘Nano technology Product’ in specific, what institutions govern the landscape and how end users’ budgets are set.

Based on an analysis of the institutional landscape in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, a recommended market entry strategy is created for the ‘Nano technology Product’.
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Executive Summary 2
Chapter 1: Introduction 7
1.1 The Company 7
1.2 ‘Nano technology Product’ 7
Chapter 2: Key Issues 8
2.1 Identified Issue 8
2.2 Overall Objective 8
2.3 Research Question 8
Chapter 2: Key Issues 9
3.1 Conceptual Framework 9
3.2 Procedure 9
3.2.1 Background Research 9
3.2.2 Hospital and Field Expert Selection 9
3.2.3 Interviews 10
Chapter 4: Main Issues 11
4.1 Infectious Diseases 11
4.1.1 Overview 11
4.1.2 The Netherlands 11
4.1.3 Germany 12
4.1.4 Belgium 12
4.2 Transmission Mechanisms 13
4.2.1 Overview 13
4.2.2 Hand Hygiene & Compliance 13
4.2.3 Surfaces 13
4.2.4 Linens 13
4.2.5 Air Travel 13
Chapter 5: Product Fit 16
5.1 Product Perception 16
5.1.1 Overview 16
5.1.2 Awareness 16
5.1.3 Concerns 17
5.1.4 Interest 17
5.2 Applications 17
5.2.1 Overview 17
5.2.2 Application Areas 18
5.2.3 Specific Applications 18
Chapter 6: Procedural & Competitive Landscape 20
6.1 Hospital Hygiene Products & Procedures 20
6.1.1 Overview 20
6.1.2 Hand and Surface Disinfection 21
6.1.3 Disinfection of Linens 22
6.1.4 Air Filtration 22
6.1.5 Water Filtration 23
6.2 Hospital Hygiene Practices 24
6.3 Competing Technologies & New Product Research 25
6.3.1 Overview 25
6.3.2 The Netherlands 25
6.3.3 Germany 25
6.3.4 Belgium 25
Chapter 7: Fiscal & Institutional Landscape 27
7.1 Relevant Institutions 27
7.1.1 Overview 27
Table 7.1: Institutional landscape overview 27
7.1.2 The Netherlands 28
7.1.3 Germany 30
7.1.4 Belgium 32
7.1.5 Europe 34
7.2 Key Decision Makers 34
7.2.1 Overview 34
7.2.2 Key Decision Makers 35
7.3 Outbreak Procedures 35
7.3.1 Overview 35
7.3.2 The Netherlands 36
7.3.3 Germany 37
7.3.4 Belgium 38
7.4 Budget 39
7.4.1 Overview 39
7.4.2 The Netherlands 39
7.4.3 Germany 39
7.4.4 Belgium 40
Chapter 8: Conclusions 40
8.1 Main Issues 40
8.2 Product Fit 42
8.3 Procedural & Competitive Landscape 43
8.4 Institutional Landscape 44
Chapter 9: Recommendations 49
9.1 Market Entry Point 49
9.1.1 Germany 49
9.1.2 Belgium 50
9.1.3 The Netherlands 50
9.2 Market Entry Strategy 51
9.2.1 Germany 51
9.2.2 Belgium 53
9.2*Ireland as the Port of Entry
9.3 Further Research 54
9.3.1 Methodology Insights 54
9.3.2 Further Research Opportunities 54
Chapter 10: Reflections 55
10.1 Learnings & Limitations 55
10.1.1 Anticipated Challenges 55
10.1.2 Actual Challenges 55
10.2 Value Created 56
Bibliography 57
Appendices 59
Appendix A: Sample Interview Questionnaire 59
Appendix B: Sample Online Survey 62
Appendix C: Interview Contact List 66
Appendix D:Main Issues 67
Appendix E: Ten-step outbreak scheme by Robert Koch Institute 68
Appendix F: Interview Transcripts 70
Appendix G: Berlin ESCAIDE Conference Notes 120
Appendix H: Online Survey Results 124
Articles & Reports
 Karchmer, Durbiny, Simontony, & Farry (2002), Cost-effectiveness of active surveillance cultures and contact/droplet precautions for control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Journal of Hospital Infection
 IGZ (Inspectie voor de Gezonsheidszorg, or Healthcare Inpection) (2008), Rapport van het onderzoek naar het peroperatief proces in de IJsselmeerziekenhuizen te Lelystad en Emmeloord op 5 en 12 september 2008, available on www.igz.nl
 Kim, Oh & Simor (2001), The economic impact of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Canadian hospitals, Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology
 Kunori, T. (2001), Cost-effectiveness of different MRSA screening methods, Journal of Hospital Infection
 Wertheim, H.F.L. et al. (2004), Low prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) at hospital admission in the Netherlands: the value of search and destroy and restrictive antibiotic, Journal of Hospital Infection
 Stone, K. (2008), The Rise of MRSA in Pigs and the Health Risk to Humans, http://www.naturalnews.com/023725.html
 http://www.cbo.nl/english/article20030512115620/articleCBOextra_view, Accessed November, 11 2008
 http://www.allesovermrsa.nl/, Accessed on December, 10 2008
 www.cdc.com, Accessed on December, 12 2008
 https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/, Accessed on December, 13 2008
 https://portal.health.fgov.be/portal/page?_pageid=56,4190386&_ dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&_menu=menu_3_1, Accessed on November, 11 2008
 http://www.iph.fgov.be/Index.asp?Lang=EN&Proc=MISSION, Accessed on November, 31 2008
 http://www.rivm.nl/en/aboutrivm/what/, Accessed on November, 11 2008
 http://www.vah-online.de/cmsmadesimple/index.php?page=vah-2, Accessed on November, 11 2008
 http://www.infectieziekten.org/, Accessed on December, 11 2008
 http://www.wip.nl/UK/, Accessed on December, 11 2008
 http://www.vah-online.de/cmsmadesimple/uploads/PDF/FlyerVAH_116.pdf, Accessed on December, 5 2008
 http://www.ilpi.com/msdS/ref/concentration.html, Accessed on December, 12 2008
 http://www.rki.de/cln_100/nn_201414/DE/Content/Infekt/Krankenhaushygiene/Kommission/Downloads/Ausbr__Rili,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/Ausbr_Rili.pdf, Accessed on December, 12 2008

Articles & reports
• Amnesty International (2008), Voorwoord jaarboek 2008: Geschonden beloften. http://www.amnesty.nl/bibliotheek_vervolg/jaarboek2008_voorwoord
• Cernic, J.L. (2008), Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights: A Critical Analysis of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, Hanse Law Review.
• Books
• Sachs, Jeffrey D. (2008) Common Wealth: economics for a crowded planet, Londen: Penguin Books Ltd.
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