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研究生(外文):Chang, Chu Chun
論文名稱(外文):Music recommendation based on music features and textual information
指導教授(外文):Chen, Arbee L.P.
外文關鍵詞:music recommendationuser clusteringfeature partition
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In the era of Web2.0, it is flooded with a variety of interactive platforms on the internet. In terms of music web site, in addition to listening to music, users got used to exchanging their comments and sharing their experiences through virtual platforms. And through the process of exchanging and sharing, they left their footprints. These footprints indirectly provide more information about users that contains personal characteristics. Moreover, from this information, we can construct a music recommendation system, which provides personalized service.
In this research, we will focus on user’s access histories and comments of users to recommend music. Moreover, the user’s access histories are analyzed to derive the music features, then to find the valuable range of music features, and construct music profiles of user interests. On the other hand, the comments of users are analyzed to derive the textual features, then to calculate the importance of textual features, and finally to construct textual profiles of user interests. The music profile and the textual profile are behaviors for user grouping. The collaborative recommendation methods are proposed based on the favorite degrees of the users to the user groups they belong to.
第一章、序論................................. 1
第二章、相關研究................................. 3
2.1 推薦系統................................. 3
2.2 推薦方法................................. 4
2.3 音樂推薦系統................................. 5
2.4 音樂特徵擷取................................. 6
2.5 文字特徵擷取................................. 6
第三章、研究方法................................. 8
3.1 使用者特徵擷取(User Profile Extractor)................................. 10
3.1.1 音樂偏好管理(Music Profile Manager)................................. 10
3.1.2 文字偏好管理(Textual Profile Manager)................................. 19
3.1.3 相似度距離定義(Definition of Similarity Distance)................................. 21
3.2 推薦模組(Recommendation Module)................................. 21
3.2.1 特徵結合(Feature Combination)................................. 22
3.2.2 協同式推薦(Collaborative Recommendation)................................. 25
第四章、驗證方法................................. 26
4.1 使用者音樂偏好檔案之效能(Effectiveness of the Music Profile)......................... 26
4.2 評估使用者標籤以及使用者評論之品質(Evaluation the quality of User Tags and
User Comment)................................. 28
4.3 推薦結果評估方法(The evaluation method of Recommendations)......................... 30
4.4 特徵結合方法之比較(Compare with Combination methods)................................. 31
第五章、結論................................. 35
第六章、參考資料................................. 36
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