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研究生(外文):Chieh-chi Chang-chien
論文名稱(外文):Moisture Damp Detection and Water Proof for the Mortar Wall-Painting in Historical Buildings
指導教授(外文):Der-her Lee
外文關鍵詞:rising dampwall-paintingleakageinfrared(IR) thermographyhistorical buildings
  • 被引用被引用:6
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The joint mortar has been used on the walls of historical buildings, which ensures adhesive brickwork, bed and cross joints applied with a spreader of rending mortar to maintain smooth and splendid constructed, with some of its wall of painting to further convey the compound functions of theme and improve to enhance the artistic space. Painting ensured the value of time, history, technology, education and aesthetics. But the mortar on the wall and the painting on the wall (mural) have been easily damaged by rising damp and leakage. The guiding principle to protect historical buildings is how the water tester is going as well as realize the affection with damp and to take effective measure of being damp.
The study of this research is to collect the mix proportion and material, using bricks and mortar to apply and spread on the wall, which are with rending mortar and mortar wall-painting, simulating the condition of rising damp, using infrared thermography with water measurement tools, the condition of the surface temperature and water content, attempting to evaluate the effect of indoor trial and error to be applied with historical building, simulating the leakage condition of brick. Mortar wall-painting, using infrared thermography to test the influence of leaking of infrared thermography, and the varying condition of the surface of mortar wall-painting, the final course is using moistureproofing material–high effect silicone powder into the joint mortar and rending mortar to achieve an “antidamp mortar”. To gain the result of anti-damp, using “IR” on the simulating wall. The benefit of this study is for reference to maintain historic sites reservation in the future.
The result of this study:
1.For moistureproofing material–Using high effected silicone powder was a better result. When the grain size of the waterproofing additives was 1 %, the samples were compared with mortar, and with a better homogeneity of depression, low absorption of water and better anti-damp effect. When added more than 3%, the joint mortar and rending mortar specimens had excellent moistureproof result but their initial and final strength were lower compared to imitated ancient joint mortar and rending mortar specimens.
2.As infrared thermography was used to detection the leaking condition of the wall, the lowest temperature was at the leaking point and the temperature increased in divergence direction within the leaking area. When the wall was heated by a heater for a long time (more thermal energy was provided), the joint mortar behind the wall-painting can be observed indistinctly.
3.When infrared thermography was used to evaluate the rising damp effect on the wall, the relation between water content (Y) and surface radiation temperature difference (X) obtained in this study are:
a.Imitated ancient wall-painting mortar base layer:
b.Imitated ancient rending mortar layer:
c.Moistureproof rending mortar layer:
4.As infrared thermography was used to detection on-the-spot historical buildings wall-painting affected by rising damp, the affected area can be decided during heating period. The water content of the on-the-spot historical buildings wall-painting should be measured during dusk to night avoiding weather affection for more stable temperature.
5.This research used the experimental results of moistureproof joint mortar and rending mortar ash, applied moistureproof mortar (joint mortar and rending mortar) to simulating specimens. After 10 days, the experiments were performed to simulate the condition affected by rising damp. The result showed the moisture did not go through moistureproof mortar (joint mortar and rending mortar) after 30 days, which proved its excellent moistureproof results.
第ㄧ章 緒論...............................................1
1-1 研究動機...........................................1
1-3-1 灰泥壁畫受潮檢測...............................2
1-3-2 防潮方法之研究.................................3
1-3-3 研究流程圖.....................................3
第二章 文獻回顧...........................................5
2-1 傳統建築灰漿材料...................................5
2-1-1 傳統建築灰漿材料種類與演變.....................5
2-1-2 傳統建築灰漿之配比文獻.........................7
2-2 傳統建築壁畫種類與劣化介紹........................15
2-2-1 壁畫基礎結構..................................15
2-2-2 壁畫灰作材料與配比............................17
2-2-3 壁畫劣化變質的現象與原因......................18
2-3 壁體潮氣相關文獻..................................24
2-4 紅外線熱影像應用之相關研究........................27
2-4-1 紅外線熱影像技術於土木工程之應用..............27
2-5 增溫設備相關研究..................................38
2-5-1 增溫設備之相關研究............................40
2-6 防潮方法介紹......................................44
2-6-1 國內防潮方法..................................44
2-5-2 國外防潮方法..................................44
第三章 熱影像基本原理與儀器介紹..........................51
3-1 紅外線熱影像基本原理..............................51
3-1-1 熱傳遞原理....................................51
3-1-2 黑體理論......................................52
3-1-3 實體物體的輻射................................53
3-1-4 相關重要因素..................................55
3-2 紅外線熱影像儀器介紹..............................58
第四章 研究內容與方法....................................63
4-1 試驗材料介紹......................................63
4-2 灰泥壁畫配比介紹..................................67
4-3-1 滲水模擬壁畫試體製作..........................69
4-3-2 上升潮氣模擬壁畫試體製作......................71
4-3-3 室內滲水與上升潮氣試驗方法....................74
4-4 傳統與防潮灰漿試體之配比、製作與養護..............79
4-4-1 材料之拌合用水量..............................81
4-4-2 試體製作與養護................................81
4-5 現地壁畫受潮檢測..................................82
4-5-1 台南市國定古蹟大天后宮........................83
4-5-2 嘉義縣國定古蹟水仙宮..........................84
4-6 其它試驗項目、儀器................................86
4-6-1 抗壓試驗......................................86
4-6-2 中性化試驗....................................87
4-6-3 吸水率試驗....................................88
4-6-4 流度試驗......................................88
4-6-5 超音波檢測試驗................................90
4-6-6 毛細吸水試驗..................................90
4-6-7 水分計校正試驗................................91
4-6-8 鹵素燈增溫器增溫均勻度試驗....................92
第五章 試驗結果與討論....................................96
5-1 非破壞性含水量校正試驗............................96
5-3 灰漿試體試驗結果.................................104
5-3-1 物理性質試驗結果.............................104
5-3-2 中性化試驗結果...............................111
5-3-4 綜合討論.....................................116
5-4 室內潮氣模擬試驗.................................116
5-4-1 滲水模擬試驗.................................116
5-4-2 上升潮氣模擬試驗.............................127
5-4-3 受上升潮氣後溫差與含水量之關係...............142
5-4-4 表面輻射溫度差與含水量關係式之套用...........147
5-4-5 防潮灰縫與抹灰於現地傳統建築之應用...........149
5-4-6 各非破壞性檢測儀器之優缺點...................151
5-4-7 室內壁畫壁體受潮檢測流程.....................152
5-5 現地檢測試驗.....................................154
5-5-2 壁畫受潮範圍評估.............................163
5-5-3 現地受潮檢測與含水量判釋驗證比較.............168
5-5-4 現地壁畫受潮檢測流程.........................171
5-6 未來應用之壁畫受潮檢測規劃流程...................173
第六章 結論與建議.......................................174
6-1 結論.............................................174
6-1-1 灰漿試驗結論...............................174
6-1-2 非破壞性檢測試驗結論.......................174
6-2 建議.............................................176
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