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研究生(外文):Tsung-Feng Yang
論文名稱(外文):A Tree-based Scheduling Mechanism for IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks
中文關鍵詞:排程樹Mesh網路IEEE 802.16Scheduling
外文關鍵詞:Scheduling-treeMeshIEEE 802.16
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無線網路的發展,從短距離個人無線網路技術(例如:802.15)到區域性的無線網路技術(例如:802.11)發展達到一個穩定狀態後;近年來,通信技術從傳統的 cable與 optical-based轉向無線寬頻技術快速的發展,此技術的設計多被應用在移動式的傳輸中與需要較大傳輸需求者上,像是語音通訊、 家用多媒體技術、遠端搖控與監測、 信用卡驗證機制、emergency service support, 等多類的傳輸中。在無線寬頻的存取技術中,IEEE 802.16的protocol是一個重要的議題,規定了在這個傳輸架構下(Wireless Metropolitan Area Network),所有的傳輸者與基地台之間的傳輸方式。
本文提出一個應用於IEEE 802.16 mesh網路的集中式(Centralized) 排程演算法,此方法將傳輸資料的服務品質納入考量並且可以修正在Mesh網路中傳輸節點實際上可以允許存取通道但卻無法被排程的問題,並且將排程的使用延伸到downstream的方向中,模擬針對Scheduling length、Channel Utilization Ratio、Delay time三項結果顯示本研究所提之方法可以提供較好的排程的結果,並且可以提昇IEEE 802.16 mesh網路的通道使用率。
Rapid advances in the mobile communications and wireless technology fields in recent decades have prompted a move away from traditional cable- and optical-based networks toward broadband wireless networks designed to support such diverse applications as voice communications, home computing, remote surveillance and monitoring, credit card verification, emergency service support, and so forth. The broadband wireless access of IEEE 802.16 protocol introduces an important issue for bandwidth usage of subscriber stations in Wireless Metropolitan Area Network. This paper proposes a centralized node-based transmission tree scheduling (n-TTS) algorithm for IEEE 802.16 mesh networks. The proposed algorithm takes the effects of channel interference into account and is designed to improve both the channel utilization ratio and the QoS performance of the mesh network. The simulation results confirm that n-TSS achieves a shorter transmission delay time than the link-based TTS scheme and yields a significant improvement in the channel utilization ratio.
Chapter 1 Introduction ..........................................................................................1
1.1 Overview .....................................................................................................1
1.2 Motivation ...................................................................................................4
1.3 Objective ......................................................................................................4
1.4 Dissertation Outline ................................................................................5
Chapter 2 Background ............................................................................................6
2.1 Broadband Wireless Access ..........................................................................6
2.2 IEEE 802.16 Standard Introduction .............................................................6
2.3 IEEE 802.16 Scheduling ..............................................................................8
2.4 Related Work .............................................................................................11
2.5 Summary ....................................................................................................15
Chapter 3 Node-base Transmission Tree Scheduling Algorithm ........................16
3.1 Problem definitions and Symbol definitions ................................................16
3.2 N-TTS Algorithm Introduction ...................................................................17
3.3 N-TTS Upstream .......................................................................................21
3.4 N-TTS Downstream ...................................................................................25
3.5 N-TTS Downstream & Upstream output ....................................................29
3.6 Summary ....................................................................................................31
Chapter 4 N-TTS Performance Evaluation .........................................................32
4.1 Simulation Environment & Software ..........................................................33
4.2 Scheduling Length ......................................................................................35
4.3 Channel Utilization Ratio ............................................................................37
4.4 Delay time ..................................................................................................39
4.5 Summary ....................................................................................................41
Chapter 5 Conclusion ............................................................................................42
Reference ................................................................................................................43
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