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研究生(外文):YO-RONG SYU
論文名稱(外文):The Ergonomics Analysis of Notebook on the Relationship Screen and Keyboard
外文關鍵詞:NotebookAnalysis EMGErgonomics
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人因實驗設計採用肌電儀(EMG)測量人體操作電腦主要會使用到的四條肌肉,分別為:頸部夾肌(Splenius capitis),肩部三角肌前側(Deltoid),背部斜方肌下側(Trapezius),手前臂尺側曲肌,五分鐘並計算其iemg值即此肌肉單位時間內所作之功,實驗採四種螢幕與鍵盤位置進行比較,並以平均做功數值與單因子變異數分析,實驗結果顯示鍵盤位置與肩部三角肌肌肉做功程度具顯著影響,而螢幕高度則對於背部,頸部肌肉產生顯著影響,整體評估受測者使用筆記型電腦時整體肌肉做功較桌上型電腦高出150%,而在受測者主觀評量問卷的結果方面,受測者對於使用筆記型電腦之舒適度與肌肉負荷主觀程度上也劣於使用桌上型電腦。
In the recent years, notebook computers have been much more popular than ever for its handiness and portability. Taiwan is one of the countries famous for and has its stand in manufacturing of notebook computer in the world. Although using notebook computers can bring more convenience, it seems more harmful to human health because its structure than using desktops. Therefore, seeking for improvement for this product by ergonomic design becomes crucial and inevitable.
In the experiment, electromyography (EMG) has been performed to measure how four main muscles (Splenius capitis, Deltoid, Trapezius and ) function as four different kinds of particular positions of keyboard and monitor of notebook computers are set for people to use for five minutes and calculate its integrated electromyography (IEMG) that shows the work (W) of these muscles performance in every time unit of five minutes to do one-way analysis of variation (One Way ANOVA) by the average work. It can be seen from this experiment, how Deltoid functions tends to be affected by how people use the keyboard, while Splenius capitis and Trapezius mostly by the position of the monitor. In addition, in the overall evaluation, the work that muscles perform while the testees are using notebook computers can be more than using desktops by up to 150 % as well as what testees respond in the questionnaire survey is that it seems more comfortable and easy to use desktops.
論文證明 .............................................i
摘要 ............................................ii
英文摘要 ...........................................iii
目錄 .............................................v
圖目錄 ..........................................viii
表目錄 .............................................x
第一章 緒論 ....................................1
1-1 研究背景 ....................................1
1-2 研究動機 ....................................2
1-3 研究目的與重要性 ...........................4
1-4 研究範圍與限制 ...........................5
1-5研究方法與流程 ...........................5
1-5-1準備階段 ....................................5
1-5-2題目確定 ....................................5
1-5-3文獻探討 ....................................6
1-5-4實驗階段 ....................................6
1-5-5 實驗結果 ....................................6
第二章 文獻探討 ....................................8
2-1筆記型電腦演進發展 ...........................8
2-2 工作站使用相關法規 ...........................9
2-3 人體肌肉結構 ...................................10
2-3-1頸部相關肌肉 ..........................10
2-3-2軀幹相關肌肉 ..........................12
2-3-3上肢與手臂相關肌肉 ..........................13
2-5 相關人因實驗整理 ..........................16
2-6 肌電儀介紹 ...................................18
第三章 研究方法 ...................................19
3-1實驗規劃 ...................................19
3-1-1 受測者 ...................................19
3-1-2 實驗場景配置 ..........................20
3-1-3 實驗器材設置 ..........................20
3-2 前測實驗 ...................................23
3-2-1實驗步驟 ...................................23
3-2-2實驗小結 ...................................24
3-3主實驗 ...................................25
3-3-1前置設置 ...................................25
3-3-2實驗步驟 ...................................28
3-3-3實驗變項 ...................................30
3-3-4實驗蒐集 ...................................32
3-4實驗流程圖 ...................................34
3-5分析方法 ...................................34
第四章 實驗結果與討論 ..........................35
4-1 前測實驗結果探討 ..........................35
4-1-1實驗數據定義 ..........................35
4-1-2實驗結果整理與分析 ..........................36
4-2 人因實驗結果探討 ..........................41
4-2-1變異數分析 ..........................41
4-2-2個變項平均值比較 ..........................45
4-3 主觀問卷量表結果 ..........................50
4-3-1頸部部分里克尺度量表分析比較 ........50
4-3-2肩部部分里克尺度量表分析比較 ........51
4-3-3背部部分里克尺度量表分析比較 ........52
4-3-4手臂部分里克尺度量表分析比較 ........53
4-3-5整體里克尺度量表分析比較 .................54
第五章 結論與建議 ...................................55
5-1結論 ............................................55
5-2後續研究與發展 ..........................56
參考文獻中文部分 ...................................57
參考文獻外文部分 ...................................59
附錄一:主觀問卷量表 ..........................63
附錄二:伯格尺度紀錄表 ..........................64
附錄三:各項實驗數據 ..........................66
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