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研究生(外文):Cheng-Ta Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Quality Cost Model with Economic Order Quantity Consideration for Ceramic Substrate Material Selection
指導教授(外文):Chih-sen WuDer-chiang Li
外文關鍵詞:Ceramic patch antennaEconomic order quantityQuality loss function
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陶瓷平板天線(Ceramic patch antenna)主要品質特性為天線的共振頻率(Resonator frequency,f0),因陶瓷材料物理特性、製程能力與客戶規格等因素,其生產成本上有不同之變化,共振頻率變異程度之大小,成為生產成本高低的要素。個案公司即遭遇到因共振頻率變異大,須額外增加特性調整成本,導致生產成本偏高之問題。陶瓷基板材料(Ceramic substrate material)是影響造成共振頻率製程變異優劣的要因,如何評估陶瓷基板材料的優劣,一直是個案公司待解決的問題。
本論文以個案公司25mm×25mm×4mm陶瓷平板天線為研討對象,利用品質損失函數(Quality loss function)之觀念,並考量經濟採購量(Economic order quantity)之因素,建構出陶瓷基板材料之評估選擇模式,分析不同陶瓷基板材料廠商品質成本上之差異,進而取得出最適生產的陶瓷基板材料。
One of the most important items for business administration is to think how to improve quality and how to reduce the cost in nowadays-competitive market. However the statement of quality and cost is contradiction, which means people usually need to spend more cost, as they want to improve quality. Therefore, it would be a tough problem to make a perfect balance between quality and the cost.
Aerial resonator frequency is the main character of ceramic patch antenna. The production costs will depend on some factors such as the natural characteristics of ceramic material, the process capability and the customer standards. The variation of resonator frequency will be the main cause for the prime cost. According to these factors, the sample company would confront the variance inflation, need to add extra characteristics to revise the cost, and the problem of a superior grade of the production cost. Ceramic substrate material is the principal factor to cause pros and cons of the resonator frequency. How to estimate the advantage or the inferiority of ceramic material is always an un-solved problem for the sample company.
The 25mm×25mm×4mm ceramic patch antenna of the sample company is the discussion object in this study. We use the quality loss function concept and measuring the economic order quantity factor to construct the evaluation option models of ceramic substrate material. Analyzing the difference between the diverse ceramic substrate material qualities of vendor to draw out the most suitable ceramic substrate material for output.
According to this investigation, we find that, if we don’t consider the economical purchase quantity, BK20 ceramic substrate will be the lowest total cost of ceramic patch antenna in the resonator frequency specification of ±3MHz; however if we consider the economical purchase quantity, SK20 ceramic substrate will be the lowest total cost of ceramic patch antenna in the resonator frequency specification of ±3MHz.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
符號表 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍及限制 2
1.4 研究流程與論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 品質損失函數 6
2.1.1 望目特性 8
2.1.2 望小特性 10
2.1.2 望大特性 10
2.2 經濟採購量 12
2.2.2 基本經濟訂購量模型 13
2.2.2 數量折扣模型 15
2.3 品質損失函數應用經濟概念之文獻 17
2.4 微波介電陶瓷材料原理與應用 18
2.4.1 介電材料性質與極化現象 18
2.4.2 高頻微波介電陶瓷材料 21
2.5 陶瓷平板天線原理 23
2.5.1 微帶天線 23
2.5.2 陶瓷平板天線的結構 25
2.5.3 圓極化的設計 27
第三章 研究方法 28
3.1 研究規劃 28
3.2 陶瓷平板天線生產系統 29
3.3 成本項目 30
3.3.1 材料成本 30
3.3.2 製造成本 31
3.3.3 檢測成本 31
3.3.4 特性調整成本 31
3.3.5 廢品成本 32
3.3.6 重製成本 32
3.3.7 品質損失成本 33
3.4 品質成本模式之建構 33
3.4.1 材料成本數學式 34
3.4.2 製造成本數學式 34
3.4.3 檢測成本數學式 34
3.4.4 特性調整成本數學式 35
3.4.5 廢品成本數學式 35
3.4.6 重製成本數學式 36
3.4.7 品質損失成本數學式 36
第四章 研究成果 38
4.1 陶瓷基板試驗結果 38
4.2 數據彙整 43
4.3 陶瓷平板天線總合成本分析 48
4.4 研究結果 58
第五章 結論與建議 64
5.1 結論 64
5.2 建議 66
參考文獻 67
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