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研究生(外文):Fu-Sen Kang
論文名稱(外文):The trade credit policy in the integrated inventory model with negotiation scheme
指導教授(外文):Liang-Hsuan Chen
外文關鍵詞:Supply chain managementTrade creditNegotiation schemeInventory
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Given the fierce competition created by globalization, success in increasing market share and profits relies on better cooperation between vendors and the buyers. To maintain long-term cooperative relationships, vendors can negotiate with buyers to sign a reciprocal contract that includes price discount and payment time. Based on the negotiation results, vendors can provide an incentive to buyers that enables both sides to profit from the cooperative relationship and negotiate a compromise. Additionally, offering delayed payment offers a means for vendors to encourage buyers to increase their order quantities and improve vendor competitive advantage. For buyers, incomes from sales during the credit period can be deposited in a bank or invested to earn extra profits.
This study incorporates the notion of trade credits into the cooperative relationship between single vendor and single buyer. From the whole viewpoint, this study establishes theorems to determine the optimal production and order strategy in the proposed models. Based on principle of mutual benefit, the vendor can provide preferential terms to the buyer to help sustain long-term cooperative relationships. This study also provides solution algorithms to obtain acceptable compromise solutions for negotiation by both sides. Finally, numerical examples are provided demonstrating the applicability of the proposed models.
目 錄

摘要................................................................................................................................. i
Abstract.......................................................................................................................... ii
目錄.............................................................................................................................. iv
表目錄.......................................................................................................................... vii
圖目錄........................................................................................................................ viii
基本假設....................................................................................................................... xi
第一章 緒論................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 研究動機及目的........................................................................................... 1
1.2 文獻探討....................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 供應商-零售商整合存貨模式.......................................................... 4
1.2.2 信用交易............................................................................................ 5
1.2.3 瑕疵性產品........................................................................................ 6
1.2.4 信用交易議題結合供應鏈管理........................................................ 8
1.3 研究架構.......................................................................................................8
第二章 允許延遲付款且可變動價格之整合存貨模式.......................................... 10
2.1 前言............................................................................................................. 10
2.2 符號及假設................................................................................................. 11
2.3 模式建構..................................................................................................... 11
2.4 數值範例..................................................................................................... 22
2.5 小結............................................................................................................. 26
第三章 考慮展延付款時間之整合存貨模式.......................................................... 28
3.1 前言............................................................................................................. 28
3.2 符號及假設................................................................................................. 28
3.3 模式建構..................................................................................................... 29
3.4 數值範例.....................................................................................................41
3.5 小結............................................................................................................. 45
第四章 允許延遲付款且含有瑕疵品之整合存貨模式......................................... .47
4.1 前言............................................................................................................. 47
4.2 符號及假設................................................................................................. 48
4.3 模式建構..................................................................................................... 49
4.4 數值範例..................................................................................................... 61
4.5 小結............................................................................................................. 63
第五章 結論與未來研究方向.................................................................................. 64
5.1 結論............................................................................................................. 64
5.2 未來研究方向............................................................................................. 66
參考文獻...................................................................................................................... 67
附錄 A......................................................................................................................... 72
附錄 B......................................................................................................................... 74
附錄 C......................................................................................................................... 76
附錄 D......................................................................................................................... 78
附錄 E......................................................................................................................... 79
附錄 F.......................................................................................................................... 81
附錄 G......................................................................................................................... 83
附錄 H......................................................................................................................... 84
著作目錄...................................................................................................................... 86

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