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研究生(外文):Yen-chun Liu
論文名稱(外文):Process Development for Synthesis of High-Performance Oxynitride Phosphor (Ca-alpha-SiAlON) for White Light LEDs
指導教授(外文):Shyan-lung Chung
外文關鍵詞:IgniterCombustion synthesisSiAlONPhosphorOxynitride
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In order to fulfill the current requirements and applications such as high efficiency, color rendering index, and superior lifetime in light emitting diode (LED). It is necessary to develop a novel phosphor material which has high luminescence intensity, thermal stability, and can be excited from blue to UV light. The literatures indicated that oxynitride phosphor (Ca-α-SiAlON) had these excellent advantages. However, the conditions for producing this kind of oxynitride phosphor by using nowadays synthesis methods are too strict such as high temperature, high pressure, long duration time, and expensive equipments. For the reason the production costs of oxynitride phosphor are too high to limit its applications. This thesis related to an innovative and improved method for synthesis of oxynitride phosphors (Ca-α-SiAlON) based on self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) reactions which had been developed on nitride ceramic materials in our laboratory. Finally this thesis successfully developed a new SHS method by covering the reactant with an igniting agent. The Ca-α-SiAlON phosphor was produced in large scale, low pressure, and short duration time. It discussed the effects on the properties of the product including different compact size between reactant and igniting agent, thermal insulation equipment, reactant composition, and compared with the commercial phosphor. The results showed that the phosphor with different luminescence intensity and wavelength by using different condition and parameters. Finally there was a product which excitation spectrum was covered the range of 220-500nm and a broad emission band in the range of 400-670nm and centered at 555nm was observed upon 380nm excitation. The luminescence intensity is 94.1% compared with commercial phosphor.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
總目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 白光發光二極體簡介及應用 2
1-3 研究動機及目的 3
第二章 理論基礎及文獻回顧 5
2-1 螢光材料 5
2-1-1 螢光材料之崛起 5
2-1-2 螢光材料之分類 6
2-1-3 螢光材料之應用 9
2-2 螢光材料之理論基礎 10
2-2-1發光種類及機制 10
2-2-2 發光原理 12
2-2-3 影響螢光發光特性之因素 17
2-2-4 稀土離子的發光特性 22
2-3 α-SiAlON螢光粉之介紹及文獻回顧 24
2-3-1 α-SiAlON螢光粉之介紹 24
2-3-2 α-SiAlON螢光粉之文獻回顧 25
2-4 合成α-SiAlON螢光粉之方法及比較 32
第三章 實驗方法及設備 38
3-1 實驗藥品 38
3-2 實驗設備及分析儀器 39
3-2-1壓模成形設備及模具 39
3-2-2燃燒合成反應器 40
3-2-3保溫裝置 42
3-2-4分析儀器 43
3-3 儀器原理及量測方法 44
3-3-1 熱電偶溫度之量測 44
3-3-2 晶相分析 44
3-3-3 光學特性分析 45
3-3-4 微結構及元素分析 46
3-4 實驗方法及流程 47
3-4-1 反應物製作 47
3-4-2 引燃劑包覆 48
3-4-3 反應錠之保溫 49
3-4-4 反應錠反應的進行 49
3-4-5 反應溫度之量測 50
3-4-6 產物之分析 50
第四章 結果與討論 52
4-1 反應錠尺寸對產物之影響 53
4-2 保溫裝置對產物之影響 67
4-3 反應物的組成對產物之影響 78
4-3-1 氮化矽對產物之影響 78
4-3-2 疊氮化鈉對產物之影響 86
4-3-3 氯化銨對產物之影響 94
4-3-4 銪離子摻雜量對產物之影響 105
4-4 最佳參數之探討 113
第五章 結論 122
參考文獻 124
自述 129
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