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研究生(外文):Chun-Kuei Fu
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study on Bilingual Children's Acquisition of Negators: Autonomous or Interdependent Development?
指導教授(外文):Hui-Tzu Min
外文關鍵詞:Interdependent developmentAutonomous development
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對於雙語兒童的語言發展是否為單一發展或相互依賴發展,學者們一直以來有不同的見解。在之前的研究中,許多像是動詞/名詞片語、字序,以及否定詞等的語言特徵皆有所探討。然而,關於雙語兒童語言發展的兩大理論: 相互依賴發展以及單一個別發展,至今在學界仍未有共識。雖然有相當多的語言組合被檢視過,但漢語/英語這一對組合卻長期被忽略。故在此研究中,研究者探討針對漢語/英語兩個語言中的否定詞發展是否為相互依賴或單一個別發展。研究對象為一個生長在台灣的兩歲漢語/英語雙語兒童。她的父母以「一家長一語言原則」來撫養她。父親以漢語和她溝通,而母親則以英語和其溝通。在自然的狀況中,研究對象的生活語料以錄影/錄音的方式記錄,並從她兩歲一個月開始記錄,一直到三歲兩個月(兩歲十二個月和三歲一個月沒有記錄)。此語料是由此兒童的母親蒐集而來,並應用於她個人的論文中(陳, 2006)。研究者取得陳的語料後,將其以CHAT格式紀錄下來,以將此語料和學界共享。之後研究者將重心放在英文的「no」和「not」以及中文的「不」和「沒」在句中的位置。此外,研究對象的否定詞發展速率也是觀察重點。本研究的發現如以下:
1. 就否定詞而言,此研究對象的語料並未觀察到有語言相互依賴的現象。換句話說,此研究支持單一個別發展理論。
2. 此研究對象的中文和英文否定詞發展速率,和單語兒童是一致的,此為另一項單一個別發展理論的佐證。
Researchers focusing on early bilingual acquisition have long debated whether a child acquires the two distinctive languages autonomously or interdependently. Various linguistic features including noun/verb phrases, word order, negation and so on have been examined. However, no consensus of the debate on Interdependent Development Hypothesis and Separate System Hypothesis has been reached yet. While quite a few scholars examined various language pairs, few looked at Mandarin-English pair. Consequently, the current researcher focused on Mandarin-English pair, and examined the development of negators in both languages to see if the linguistic transfer phenomenon exists. The participant of this study is a two-year-old Mandarin-English bilingual child who was exposed in a one-parent-one-language environment in Taiwan. The father addressed her in Mandarin and her mother in English. Audio and video recordings were adopted from the child’s age of 2;1 to 3;2 (excluded 2;12 and 3;1) in a naturalistic setting. The data were all gathered by Chen, the child’s mother, who adopted the data in her own thesis (Chen, 2006). After receiving the data, the researcher transcribed it in CHAT format so that the data can be shared in the field of child language acquisition. The researcher paid attention to the position of “no”/“not” and “bu”/“mei” in English and Mandarin respectively in the child’s utterances. In addition, the child’s developmental rate of each negator was observed as well. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows:
1. In terms of the use of negators, there was no sign of cross-linguistic influence from English to Mandarin and vise versa. In other words, the finding supports the Separate System Hypothesis.
2. Regarding the child’s developmental rate of negators in both languages, her development of both languages follows the same rate of English and Mandarin monolingual children’s. To wit, this finding is in favor of the Separate System Hypothesis as well.
To conclude, regarding negators in English and Mandarin, the interference does not seem to exist during the language development. The study offers one more piece of evidence to support the Separate System Hypothesis with a rarely-studied language pair.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..................................... ....i
ABSTRACT (Chinese).......................................... ...ii
ABSTRACT (English)........................................... ...iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................... vi
LIST OF TABLES............................................... ...ix
LIST OF FIGURES............................................. ...x

Chapter One Introduction........................................ ...1
Background of the Study....................................................1
Motivation of the Study....................................................4
Purpose and Research Questions of the Study....................................................4
Significance of the Study............................................... ...5
Definition of Terms....................................................6

Chapter Two Literature.......................................... ...9
Definition of bilingual acquisition.......................................... ...9
Early Studies of bilingual acquisition.......................................... ..10
One or Two Systems?............................................. ..13
Autonomous or Interdependent?...................................... ..15
Studies supporting autonomous hypothesis.......................................... ..18
Studies supporting interdependent hypothesis.......................................... ..22
Negation in English............................................. ..30
Negation in Mandarin...............................................35
Summary............................................ ..42
Critique........................................... ..43
Chapter Three Method.................................................48
Case Study..................................................48
Participant........................................ ..49
The child and the background of her family.............................................. ..50
The language sources................................................50
3.Mother.............................................. ..51
4.Father.............................................. ..52
Child exposure time to each language................................................ 53
The child’s language dominance............................................. ..54
Calculation of HY’s language dominance............................................. ..55
Data................................................. ..56
Data Collection...............................................56
Data Transcription........................................ ..58

Chapter Four Results and Discussions........................................... ..66
The overall acquisition.......................................... ..66
Interdependent or autonomous development?.............................................70
English.............................................. ..74
Mandarin............................................. ..78
Developmental rate.................................................. ..83
English.............................................. ..84
Mandarin.............................................. ..85
Summary............................................... ..86

Chapter Five Conclusions and Implications......................................... ..88
Summary of the main findings.............................................. ..88
Implications......................................... ..89
Limitation of the Study................................................ ..90
Suggestions for further Studies.............................................. ..90

References............................................ ..92
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