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研究生(外文):Chia-wen Tsai
論文名稱(外文):“Ain't I a Black Woman?”:The Autobiography of Zora Neale Hurston
指導教授(外文):Kai-lin Liu
外文關鍵詞:autobiographyblack female autobiographyZora Neale Hurston
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用獨特的敘述方式以及口說傳統的民俗風格,若拉.妮爾.賀斯頓,一位黑人女性作家,創作了一部獨特的自傳《公路上塵土飛揚》。這本自傳模糊小說以及自傳的分線,跨越事實及故事的分野。雖然處於性別主義和種族主義的雙重壓迫,在自傳裡,賀斯頓顯露出她想要描繪一個不受種族、性別壓迫的自我,同時,頌揚黑人文化的企圖。此論文旨在探討賀斯頓的自我型塑,分別從文體、種族、以及性別的觀點來檢視賀斯頓對於這雙重束縛的屈忍以及反抗。第一章介紹賀斯頓在自傳中建構自我時所面臨的雙重壓迫。第二章致力於文體的討論,檢視賀斯頓為了屈忍以及抵抗束縛限制,在自傳傳統文體上對於結構、內容、以及形式的三重模糊顛覆。第三章的重點是賀斯頓在不同社群裡對於身為黑人自我的追尋,透過在四個社群Eatonville,Jacksonville,Gilbert and Sullivan Company,New York裡的自我以及他人的關係,描述她黑人自我的成長,以及她在現實中位於己身黑人身分和白人支配凝視之間的困境。深植的黑人民族性,加上白人的培育,賀斯頓能夠在追尋自我旅程的結尾,以獲得的知識回到南方,頌揚黑人文化的美。第四章處理賀斯頓的性別上的覺察。拒絕傳統女性角色的限制,賀斯頓描寫一個身在雙重束縛下,為了自我實現努力奮鬥的自我。最後,透過賀斯頓在文體、種族、以及性別上自我型塑的檢視,我發現賀斯頓如何塑造一個黑人女性的自我,努力突破傳統規範以及壓迫,並且以身為一位黑人,以及女性為喜悅。
With a unique narrative style and the folksiness of oral tradition, Zora Neale Hurston, a black woman writer, creates a unique autobiography Dust Tracks on a Road, which blurs the boundaries between fiction and autobiography, and truth and story-telling. Though under the double bind of racism and sexism, in Dust Tracks, Hurston reveals her attempt to portray a self free from racial and sexual oppression and at the same time, celebrate the black culture. This thesis aims to explore Hurston’s self-representation from the perspectives of genre, race, and gender to examine the way Hurston submits to and resists the double bind. The first chapter introduces the double oppression with which Hurston was confronted to construct her self in Dust Tracks. The second chapter engages itself in the generic discussion, which examines Hurston’s three-fold blurring of the autobiographical conventions: structure, content, and form as both a resistance and submission to the constraints. The third chapter focuses on Hurston’s quest for her black self in different communities, which explores how Hurston describes the development of her black self through the self-other relationship in four communities—Eatonville, Jacksonville, Gilbert and Sullivan Company, and New York—as in reality she was trapped between the affirmative black identity and the dominant white gaze. With the blackness embedded in mind and the nurturing of whiteness, Hurston is empowered with literacy to journey back to south, celebrating the beauty of blackness in the end of the quest. The fourth chapter deals with Hurston’s gender awareness. Rejecting the restrictions of traditional female role, Hurston has delineated a self in-between the double bind, striving for self-fulfillment. In conclusion, through the examination of Hurston’s self-representation in genre, race and gender, I find how Hurston shapes a black female self, which strives to break through conventions and oppressions, rejoicing in being a black and being a woman.
Chapter One Introduction......................1
Chapter Two The Autobiographical I............15
Chapter Three The Quest for the Black Self......43
Chapter Four Growing-up Woman..................70
Chapter Five Conclusion........................88
Works Cited ..................................92
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