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研究生(外文):Wan-Jou Weng
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Timing of Reward, Business Longevity and Involvement on Consumers’ Perception and Behavioral Intention toward the Reward Program
指導教授(外文):Meng-Kuan LaiWann-Yih Wu
外文關鍵詞:Behavioral IntentionPerceived ValuePerceived RiskReward SchemeReward ProgramBusiness LongevityInvolvement
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As an important component of customer relationship management, reward programs have become an increasingly popular marketing tool for retaining customers and stimulating product or service usage. A well-designed loyalty program can attract customers. Managers could elicit customers’ repeat purchase behavior through a well-designed reinforcement program, but little is known about the factors that determine how such programs are evaluated by consumers.
Many studies suggested that involvement might influence the response of the reward program. Timing of reward concerning convenience of getting incentives is also extensively discussed in previous research related to loyalty program. Besides, this study firstly examines how business longevity which works as an extrinsic cue in a scheme of a reward program influence perceived risk and value of the program. Finally, how risk and value perception of the loyalty program affects customer loyalty is also investigated. The 2(timing of reward: delayed and immediate) x 2(degree of involvement: high and low) x 2(business longevity: long and short) between-subject factorial design are conducted with undergraduate and graduate students as the subjects. The results show that immediate reward, long business longevity and high involvement respectively make reward programs less risky and more valuable. Moreover, delayed rewards of loyalty program offered by newly established company are unfavorable to consumers who are low involvement. Finally, this study indeed can help marketing executive to comprehend consumers’ reactions toward the reward program with different program scheme.
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................IV
LIST OF TABLES..........................................VII
LIST OF FIGURES..........................................IX
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION..................................1
1.1 Research Background and Motivations...................1
1.2 Research Objectives...................................4
1.3 Scope of the Study....................................5
1.4 Research Flow.........................................7
1.5 Structure of the Research.............................8
CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEWS...........................10
2.1 Loyalty Program......................................10
2.1.1 The Effectiveness of Loyalty Program...............12
2.1.2 The Scheme of Loyalty Program......................14
2.2 Definition of Theory and Research Constructs.........15
2.2.1 Timing of Reward...................................15
2.2.2 Business Longevity.................................16
2.2.3 Involvement........................................18
2.2.4 Perceived Risk of the Loyalty Program..............20
2.2.5 Perceived Value of the Loyalty Program.............21
2.2.6 Behavioral Intentions..............................24
2.3 Hypotheses Development...............................26
2.3.1 Main Effects of Timing of Reward, Business Longevity and Involvement..........................................26
2.3.2 Interaction Effects of Timing of Reward, Business Longevity and Involvement................................28
2.3.3 Relationship between Perceived Risk of the Loyalty Program and Perceived value of the Loyalty Program.......31
2.3.4 Relationship between Perceived Risk of the Loyalty Program and Behavioral Intentions........................32
2.3.5 Relationship between Perceived Value of the Loyalty Program and Behavioral Intentions........................34
3.1 The Conceptual Model.................................36
3.2 Research Design......................................38
3.3 Stimulus Development.................................39
3.3.1 Specialty Store Selection..........................40
3.3.2 Timing of Reward Selection.........................40
3.3.3 Business Longevity Selection.......................41
3.4 Construct Measurement and Questionnaire Design.......41
3.4.1 Manipulation Check.................................42 Timing of Reward.................................42 Business Longevity...............................42 Involvement.....................................42
3.4.2 Dependent Variables................................43 Perceived Risk...................................43 Perceived Value..................................44 Behavioral Intentions............................45
3.4.3 Questionnaire Design...............................46
3.5 Pretest..............................................46
3.5.1 Stage 1............................................46
3.5.2 Stage 2............................................47
3.6 Sampling Plan........................................51
3.7 Main study...........................................51
3.8 Data Analysis Procedure..............................52
3.8.1 Descriptive Statistic Analysis.....................52
3.8.2 Purification and Reliability of the Measurement Variables................................................52
3.8.3 Confirmatory Factor Analysis.......................53
3.8.4 Independent Sample t-test..........................54
3.8.5 One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)...............54
3.8.6 Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA).........54
3.8.7 Linear Regression Analysis.........................55
4.1 Descriptive Analysis.................................56
4.1.1 Data Collection....................................56
4.1.2. Characteristics of Respondents....................56
4.1.3 Measurement Results for Relevant Variables.........57
4.2 Manipulation Check in Main Study.....................59
4.3 Factor Analysis and Reliability Tests................61
4.3.1 Perceived Risk of the Loyalty Program..............61
4.3.2 Perceived Value of Loyalty Program.................63
4.3.3 Behavioral Intentions..............................64
4.4 Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Construct Validity and Reliability..............................................65
4.5 Correlation Matrix for All Variables.................68
5.1 Differences between Factors of Research Construct....70
5.1.1 The Effects of Timing of Reward....................70
5.1.2 The Effects of Business Longevity..................72
5.1.3 The Effects of Involvement.........................73
5.2 The Interaction Effects of Timing of Reward and Business Longevity.......................................74
5.3 The Interaction Effects of Timing of Reward and Involvement..............................................77
5.4 The Interaction Effects of Business Longevity and Involvement..............................................79
5.5 The Interaction Effects of Timing of Reward, Business Longevity, and Involvement...............................82
5.6 The Influence of Perceived Risk and Perceived Value on Behavioral Intentions....................................86
6.1 Research Conclusion..................................90
6.2 Research Implication and Contributions...............93
6.2.1 Academic Contributions.............................93
6.2.2 Managerial Implications............................94
6.3 Research Limitations and Future Research Suggestions.95
APPENDIX A..............................................106
APPENDIX B..............................................110
APPENDIX C..............................................114
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