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研究生(外文):Wei-ping Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of Corporate Entrepreneurship Contextual Model —Upper Echelons Theory Perspective
指導教授(外文):Shuang-shii ChuangMing-tien Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Interfunctional coordinationRelationship between TMT and board of directorCorporate entrepreneurshipTop management team (TMT)Perceived environmental uncertaintyUpper echelons theory
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In this study, we focused develop and confirmation corporate entrepreneurship contextual model. We developed hypotheses relating the relationship between perceived environmental uncertainty, TMT diversity, corporate entrepreneurship and organizational performance, and the moderate effect of interfunctional coordination and relationship between TMT and board of directors in a sample of 192 Taiwanese service sector corporations. Multivariate statistical analysis was used to investigate the relative predictive power of TMT diversity on corporate entrepreneurship and organizational performance. The results of the study indicated a significant relationship between TMT diversity and corporate entrepreneurship and organizational performance. After the empirical study, the main conclusion is as followed:
1.TMT diversity significant impact the corporate entrepreneurship and organizational performance.
2.The perceived environmental uncertainty significant influenced impact on the corporate entrepreneurship and organizational performance.
3.The relationship between “TMT diversity — corporate entrepreneurship — organizational performance” and “perceived environmental uncertainty — corporate entrepreneurship — organizational performance” corporate entrepreneurship have significant mediate effect.
4.The moderate effect of interfunctional coordination and relationship between TMT and board of directors was significant.
This study verified the mediate effect of corporate entrepreneurship. Therefore, it was suggested that when enterprises are pursuing organizational performance, with the addition to be devoted to improve the corporate entrepreneurship, they should make the best allocation of diversity from TMT members.
目錄 …………………………………………………… Ⅲ
表目錄 …………………………………………………… Ⅴ
圖目錄 …………………………………………………… Ⅷ

第一章  緒論……………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景……………………………… 1
第二節 研究動機……………………………… 4
第三節 研究目的……………………………… 10
第四節 研究範圍……………………………… 11
第五節 研究流程……………………………… 12
第六節 論文結構……………………………… 13
第二章  文獻探討………………………………………… 14
第一節 服務業………………………………… 14
第二節 環境不確定性………………………… 16
第三節 高層理論與高階管理團隊…………… 21
第四節 公司創業精神………………………… 29
第五節 組織績效……………………………… 52
第六節 各研究構念關聯性的探討…………… 58
第三章  研究設計與實施………………………………… 65
第一節 研究架構……………………………… 66
第二節 操作型定義、問卷發展與驗證……… 67
第三節 假設推論與發展……………………… 79
第四節 抽樣設計與問卷發放………………… 79
第五節 資料分析方法………………………… 80

第四章  結果分析與討論………………………………… 83
第一節 樣本結構描述………………………… 83
第二節 各研究構念的項目分析……………… 85
第三節 探索性因素分析與信、效度分析…… 94
第四節 個別測量模式的驗證性因素分析…… 100
第五節 各研究構念關聯性探討……………… 106
第六節 公司創業精神脈絡模式的驗證……… 127
第五章  結論與建議……………………………………… 130
第一節 研究結果與發現……………………… 130
第二節 理論與實務意涵……………………… 133
第三節 對後續研究者的建議………………… 137
參考文獻 …………………………………………………… 139
附錄一 問卷……………………………………………… 159
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