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研究生(外文):Che-Jui Yang
論文名稱(外文):The Experimental Study of Design Parameter of Twin-Fluid Atomizer using in Metal Powder Production.
指導教授(外文):Muh-Rong Wang
外文關鍵詞:substrateimpingingatomizationmetal powder
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本研究探討雙流體金屬粉末噴霧製程中,霧化噴嘴及衝擊基板之設計,以建立生產超微粒金屬粉末之方法。所設計之霧化噴嘴分為長方型噴嘴(A型)與圓孔型噴嘴(B型)兩種。首先以A型噴嘴探討液態金屬在內混型霧化方式下噴嘴出口長寬比對金屬粉末特性之影響。所採用之噴嘴出口長寬比分別為1.0、1.5、2.0及3.0。噴嘴出口面積為6mm2 及 12mm2 兩種。實驗結果顯示在霧化氣體與金屬壓力分別為4.8�e105N/m2與4.0�e105N/m2下,當噴嘴出口長寬比自3.0降低為1.0時,金屬粉末平均粒徑自32.01μm 降低至24.10μm。若提高霧化氣體操作壓力為5.2�e105N/m2,金屬粉末平均粒徑進一步降低至21.83μm與19.87μm之間。實驗結果亦顯示,當噴嘴長寬比固定時,噴嘴出口面積較大之噴嘴因具有較高之氣液質量比,所以金屬粉末粒度可以進一步細微化。比較A型與B型噴嘴之噴霧性能, B型噴嘴具有較大之噴嘴出口(4mm圓孔),故可進一步提高氣液質量比,而降低金屬粉末平均粒徑。氣體操作壓力與金屬壓力分別為4.0�e105N/m2與3.5�e105N/m2時,其金屬粉末平均粒徑為9.28μm,細微金屬粉末體積百分比(V15-)為41.82%。
為了生產超微粒之金屬粉末,本研究採用B型噴嘴進一步探討基板衝擊效應對金屬粉末噴霧製程之影響。亦即在液態金屬兩相噴霧流中加入衝擊基板以過濾粗顆粒噴霧粒子。基板之型式包括碟型、環型、圓筒及多孔等基板。實驗結果顯示,在噴嘴下方100mm處配置碟型基板,隨著碟型基板外徑D由40mm增加至100mm時,金屬粉末平均粒徑由6.25μm降低至5.25μm,V15-也可由53.27%提升至69.07%。因為碟型基板對金屬噴霧之遮蔽率隨基板外徑增加而遞增,當基板對金屬遮蔽率增加時,會提高基板對金屬噴霧粗顆粒之過濾作用,故當基板外徑增加,金屬粉末粒徑隨之遞減。環型基板亦有相同趨勢,當環型基板對金屬噴霧之遮蔽率由24.2%增加至86%時,其粉末平均粒徑則由12.56μm遞減至8.18μm。若於噴嘴下方100mm處配置多孔基板,則可使金屬粉末平均粒徑降低至6.25μm。此型基板之設計理念在於由於基板之遮蔽可使金屬噴霧流中較大液滴在撞擊基板後而碎化成微小液滴,進而在飛行過程中固化而成微小金屬粉末。若於B型噴嘴下方200mm處配置圓筒型基板,金屬粉末平均粒徑隨著圓筒基板邊緣高度Hp的增加而遞減至4.26μm,V15-比例則遞增至59.65%。此乃導因於噴霧流中之液態金屬液滴在撞擊基板後碎化成較小液滴,其飛行方向由軸向改變至輻向,在輻向噴流(wall jet)中較小液滴撞擊圓筒型基板之邊緣,再進一步碎化與沉積。
The effects of the design of atomizer and impinging substrate on metal powder production process with twin-fluid atomizer are investigated in this dissertation. The atomizer designs investigated are square atomizer (A-type) and circular atomizer (B-type). The effects of atomizer aspect ratio on the characteristics of metal powder under internal-mixing atomization are first discussed with using A-type atomizer. The aspect ratios of the atomizer orifice are 1.0~3.0 with the cross section area 6mm2 and 12mm2. Results show that the SMD is reduced from 32.01�慆 to 24.1�慆 when the orifice aspect ratio decreases from 3.0 to 1.0 for the case of atomization gas pressure and melt injection pressure are 4.8�e105 N/m2 and 4.0�e105 N/m2 respectively. The SMD can be further reduced to the range between 21.83�慆 and 19.87�慆 when the atomization gas pressure is increased to 5.2�e105 N/m2. Results also show that the atomizer with larger cross section area has better atomization performance of its higher gas-to-melt ratio when orifice aspect ratio is fixed. Compare with the atomization performance of A-type and B-type atomizer, the gas-to-melt ratio is increased and SMD further decreases for the case of B-type atomizer due to its larger orifice (with diameter 4mm). The SMD is 9.28�慆 and V15- is 41.28% when the case of atomization gas pressure and melt injection pressure are 4.8�e105 N/m2 and 4.0�e105 N/m2 respectively.
To product ultra-fine metal powder, the effect of impinging jet flow on metal powder production process is further investigated with using B-type atomizer. The coarse particles are filtered with substrate placing downstream of the metal spray. The types of substrates are disk-type, ring-type, cylinder-type, and mesh-type. Results show that when the disk-type substrate is placed downstream 100mm from the orifice of atomizer, the SMD decreases from 6.25�慆 to 5.25�慆 and V15- increases from 53.27% to 69.07% as the substrate outer diameter increases from 40mm to 100mm. Since the blockage ratio of the disk-type substrate is increased by increasing the outer diameter. The filtering of substrate on coarse particles is enhanced as the blockage increases. The results of ring-type substrate lacing downstream show the similar trend. The SMD decreases from 12.56�慆 to 8.18�慆 when the blockage of ring-type substrate on the metal spray is increased from 24.2% to 86%. The SMD decreases to 6.25�慆 when the mesh-type substrate is placed downstream 100mm from the atomizer. Since the larger droplets impact the substrate and further break up into fine droplets then the droplets solidified during flying process and become fine metal powder. The design of mesh-type substrate is to produce fine metal powders. When the cylinder-type substrate is placed downstream 200mm of metal spray, the SMD is reduced to 4.26�慆 and V15- is enhanced to 59.65%. It results from the larger melt droplets in the metal spray impacting the bottom of the cylinder-type substrate and then break up into finer droplets. The motion direction of these finer droplets is transformed from axial direction to radial direction by wall jet. When the droplets reach the edge of the cylinder-type substrate, the impact and breakup occur again. The finer droplets further breakup. The comparison of the characteristics of the metal spray with and without substrate is also discussed. The particle size distribution is shift to fine powders when the substrates are placed downstream of metal spray obviously. It is concluded that the impinging mechanism of the molten spray on the substrates is an effective technique to control the particle size and size distribution in the metal powder production.
摘要 i
誌謝 iii
第一章 緒論 v
第二章 實驗設備與量測系統 viii
第三章 液態金屬在噴嘴低長寬比下之霧化特性 ix
第四章 熔融金屬噴霧在基板衝擊效應下之霧化特性 xi
第五章 結論 xii
第六章 未來工作之建議 xiv

1.1 Historical Background 4
1.2 Motivation 6
1.3 Basic Process in Atomization 7
1.3.1 Primary Atomization 7
1.3.2 Secondary Atomization 8
1.3.3 Droplets Collision and Transport 10
1.4 Atomizers and Atomization Performance 11
1.4.1 Atomizers 11
1.4.2 Atomizer Design 13
1.4.3 Performance of Twin-Fluid Atomization 14
1.5 Atomization of Melts and Powders Production 17
1.5.1 External Mixing Atomization 17
1.5.2 Fine Powder Atomization 20
1.5.3 Internal Mixing Atomization 22
1.5.4 Impact and solidification of molten droplets on substrate 23
1.5.5 Classification 25
1.6 Objectives 26
1.7 Thesis Outline 27

2.1 Experimental Setup for Metal Powder Production 28
2.2 Design of Atomizer 30
2.3 Design of Impinging Substrates 31
2.4 Experimental Procedures 32
2.5 Instruments for Particle Sizing 33
2.5.1 INSITEC RT-Sizer 33
2.5.2 Coulter 35
2.5.3 Calibration of Particle Sizer 36
2.5.4 Isokinetic sampling Method 36
2.5.5 Online measurement 36

3.1 Effects of Orifice Area 37
3.1.1 Mass Flow Rate 37
3.1.2 Atomization Performance 40
3.2 Effects of melt injection pressure 44
3.2.1 Mass Flow Rate 44
3.2.2 Atomization Performance 46
3.3 Effects of Operational Pressure Difference 49
3.3.1 Mass Flow Rate 49
3.3.2 Atomization Characteristics 51
3.4 Effects of Orifice Aspect Ratio 54
3.4.1 Mass Flow Rate 54
3.4.2 Atomization Characteristics 55
3.5 Effects of Atomizer Orifice Design 58
3.5.1 Mass Flow Rate 58
3.5.2 Atomization Characteristics 60
3.6 Comparison of Atomizers 61
3.7 Summary 62

4.1 Metal spray without substrates 64
4.2 Effects of Impingement Substrate in Molten Metal Spray 64
4.2.1 Effects of Distance Between Atomizer Orifice and Substrate 65
4.2.2 Effects of Sampling Positions in Molten Metal Spray Flow 68
4.2.3 Effects of Operating Pressure Difference to Molten Metal Spray 69
4.2.4 Effects of Melt Heating Temperature to Atomization Characterization 72
4.3 Effects of Disk-type Substrate in Molten Metal Spray 74
4.3.1 Atomization Performance of Disk-type Substrate to Molten Metal Spray 74
4.3.2 Effects of Disk-type Substrate Blockage Ratio to Atomization Performance 78
4.4 Effects of Ring-Type Substrate in Molten Metal Spray 79
4.4.1 Atomization Performance of Ring-type Substrate to Molten Metal Spray 79
4.4.2 Effects of Ring-Type Substrate Blockage Ratio to Atomization Performance 82
4.5 Effects of Cylindrical-Type Substrate in Molten Metal Spray 84
4.6 The Effects of Mesh-type Substrate in Molten Metal Spray 86
4.7 Compare of metal spray with and without substrate 89

VITA 248
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