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研究生(外文):Chia-Hung Wei
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Quantum Chaos and Quantum Probability from the Viewpoint of Complex Quantum Trajectories
指導教授(外文):Ciann-Dong Yang
外文關鍵詞:probability density function (PDF)multi-path phenomenonpath integral trajectoriescomplex mechanicsquantum chaosLyapunov exponentquantum Hamilton mechanicsQuantum mechanics
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本論文基於量子力學的複數軌跡詮釋法,從量子多路徑行為的討論開始,透過與費因曼路徑積分軌跡觀念上的聯結,說明引入虛部動態對多路徑現象的重要性。接著,多路徑行為的量子特性將被引用在量子混沌現象的討論上,傳統的認知中,一維、二維量子系統由於自由度上的限制,不能出現混沌現象,本論文藉著將動態變數拓展到複數空間的力學機制,獲取額外的自由度,結合量子系統的多路徑行為與額外的量子力,透過兩個簡化的物理系統:一維簡諧振子與二維帶電非等向性簡諧振子在磁場中的動態,證明量子混沌在低維度系統的可能性。要特別注意的是,本論文對量子混沌現象的討論過程中,由於粒子軌跡觀念的重新引入,使得量子力學對量子混沌的困惑得到解決。如同古典混沌的觀念,複數軌跡的發散性也能夠成為評估量子系統混沌現象的重要依據。本論文引入著名的混沌量化指標:李氏指數(Lyapunov exponent),來說明量子混沌的強弱特性,這也縮小了量子混沌與古典混沌的差異性。
On the basis of quantum Hamilton mechanics, several issues are addressed in this dissertation. First of all, we study the multi-path behavior of quantum systems by virtue of the complex trajectory interpretation of quantum mechanics. It is shown that Feynman’s path-integral trajectories can be represented by the complex trajectories and then parameterized within the framework of quantum Hamilton mechanics.
Next, two simplified physical systems, a 1D harmonic oscillator and a 2D charged anisotropic harmonic oscillator in a uniform magnetic field, are demonstrated to exhibit chaos from the viewpoint of particle-like behavior. While conventional quantum mechanics and Bohmian mechanics both predict that 1D harmonic oscillator shows no signature of chaotic behavior, we find that in quantum Hamilton mechanics this system exhibits both regular and chaotic behavior, depending on the composition of wavefunctions and on the particle’s initial position. We continue to investigate chaotic behavior in a 2D charged anisotropic harmonic oscillator. Even the possibility of chaos in eigenstates has been ruled out from Bohm’s trajectory interpretation, we still find obvious chaotic features in eigenstates of this 2D quantum oscillator. The territory of quantum chaos indeed can be enlarged via the complex-extended dynamics.
Finally, we point out that the complex chaotic dynamics may be the origin of the probability interpretation of quantum mechanics. In view of the generality of quantum chaos, it is impossible to predict the final states from the initial states for quantum systems. However, the statistical invariability of chaotic behavior offers another route for us to understand quantum systems. In this dissertation, the comparison between the distribution of complex quantum trajectories on the real coordinate space and the theoretic probability density function determined from the wavefunction shows that a chaotic quantum particle which seems to move irregularly is indeed guided by the wavefunction and attempts to appear somewhere with a statistical regularity. We also examine this tendency for Bohmian trajectories, however, no analogue of the complex trajectories can be found.
ABSTRACT ……………………………..iii
CONTENTS ………………….xiii
1.1 Motivation ………………1
1.2 Literature Survey ……3
1.2.1 Trajectory Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and Multi-Path Phenomenon …………….3
1.2.2 Quantum Chaos Based on Quantum Trajectories …………………………..5
1.2.3 Probability from Classical Chaos ……..8
1.3 Contributions …………………………….8
1.4 Organizations ……………………………11
2.1 Quantum Hamilton-Jacobi Theory ……………15
2.2 Multi-Path Behavior from the Uncertainty of Imaginary Parts ………………….18
2.3 An Example: Complex Trajectories of Quantum Harmonic Oscillators in One-Dimensional oordinate Space ……………………………...20
2.4 Comparison with Bohmian Mechanics ……….22
2.5 Discussions ……………………………24
3.1 The Fundamental Concepts of Path Integrals ……………………………………25
3.2 Entangled Free-Particle Trajectories in Complex Domain ………………………30
3.3 Parameterization of Path-Integral Trajectories …………………………………..35
3.4 Parameterization of Action ……………40
3.5 Evaluation of Path Integral …………46
3.6 Discussions ………………………………54
QUANTUM SYSTEM …… ……………………56
4.1 Quantum Trajectories within Complex Space …………………………………...56
4.2 Quantum Chaos in Harmonic Oscillator ……..59
4.3 Lyapunov Exponent …………………………..65
4.4 Strong Chaos ……………………………….69
4.5 Discussions …………………………………76
5.1 Time series of Dynamical Variables …….79
5.2 Phase Space Reconstruction ………..81
5.3 Estimation of Dimension …………...83
5.4 Approximate Jacobian Matrix : The Tangent Map ………………………………92
5.5 Lyapunov Exponents Determined from the Tangent Map ………………………95
5.6 The Choice of Time Delays ……….96
5.7 Construction Steps …………….97
6.1 The Quantum System for a Charged Anisotropic Harmonic Oscillator in a Uniform Magnetic Field ………………………………………..104
6.2 Quantum Motion in the 2D Complex Space ….107
6.3 Quantum Chaos in a 2D Charged Anisotropic Harmonic Oscillator …………..108
6.3.1 Ground State( ) ……….108
6.3.2 The First Excited State ( ) ………...110
6.3.3 Multiple Paths in 2D Time-Independent Complex System ………………115
6.3.4 The Origin of Chaos: Quantum Potential ………………………………...118
6.4 Probability Interpretation from Chaos in Quantum System ……………………124
6.4.1 Probability in Quantum Mechanics ………124
6.4.2 The Probability Interpretation from Chaos ………………………………127
6.4.3 Ergodic Behavior ………………129
6.4.4 The Probability Distribution Associated with a Quantum Motion ……….130
6.4.5 The Probability Determined from the Statistics of Duration …………….134
6.4.6 Connection Between Lyapunov Exponent and Probability Distribution ...140
6.5 The Comparison with Bohmian Mechanics ……150
6.6 Discussions ……………..159
REFERENCES …………………166
VITA ………………………….175
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