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研究生(外文):Chih-Hung Chang
論文名稱(外文):Vibrational Spectrum Analysis of Mechanical System Using Accelerometer, Microphone and High Speed Camera Measured Signals
指導教授(外文):Y. N. Jeng
外文關鍵詞:Fourier sine spectrumIterative Gaussian Smoothingphotographyvibrationmicrophoneaccelerometer
  • 被引用被引用:17
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The Fourier sine spectrum is employed to analyze about the acoustic, image, and vibration data form several mechanical equipments. For a resulting data string extracted from there, the non-sinusoidal trend are being removed by the iterative Gaussian smoothing method. Then, zero points around two ends of the resulting sinusoidal part are identified by searching and interpolation. After dropping segments beyond the two zero ends, the corresponding Fourier sine spectrum is obtained. The examined systems include the vibration information of a column of the building of this department, gear box of a motorcyle in operation, lathe, drill machine, and grinding machine. The vibration data are collected by the accelerometer, microphone held by human hand, and high speed camera. All the test results show that most of the microphone spectrum are similar to that collected by the accelerometer. Some discrepancies between them may be caused by the incapability of capturing the acoustic data propagating through the air via the accelerometer. Since the microphone system has several uncertainties induced by the human hand’s stability, its result is falling into the qualitative group. The spectrum generated by high speed camera can be properly identified by the accelerometer system but is limited to the low frequency zone only. Since the light source can not be properly controlled now, the high frequency information is missed as the camera system employed. On the whole, both the microphone and camera systems can be the potential auxiliary systems to enrich the existing vibration data acquisition system.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 IV
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
符號說明 XVIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 文獻回顧 4
第二章 實驗設備與步驟 7
2.1實驗設備之規格 7
2.2實驗步驟 9
2.2.1 加速規振動訊號量測 9
2.2.2 麥克風振動訊號量測 10
2.2.3 高速攝影機振動訊號量測 11
第三章 理論分析 12
3.1 修正型單調性三次方分段內插法 12
3.2 疊代式濾波器 13
3.3 低誤差傅立葉正弦頻譜法 18
3.4 小波法-Morlet轉換式 20
3.5 強化的Morlet轉換式 22
3.6 希爾伯特(Hilbert)轉換式 23
3.7 Gabor轉換式 23
3.8 新時頻圖(spectrogram)產生器 25
3.9 麥克風聲音訊號與與振動訊號之轉換 27
3.10 影像訊息與振動訊號之轉換 29
第四章 結果與討論 31
4.1 大樓柱子之振動數據 31
4.2 機車變速箱之振動數據 32
4.3 工具機之振動數據 36
4.4 校正之結論 42
第五章 結論與未來工作 43
參考文獻 45
結果附圖 50
自述 114
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