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研究生(外文):Maneerat Kongintr
論文名稱:The Effects of Homosexual vs. Heterosexual Theme Advertisement and Regulatory Focus on the Effectiveness of Advertisement
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Homosexual vs. Heterosexual Theme Advertisement and Regulatory Focus on the Effectiveness of Advertisement
指導教授(外文):Wann-Yih Wu
外文關鍵詞:Advertisement effectivenessFeelingsThailandHomosexual theme advertisementRegulatory focusBeliefs
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Recently, homosexual market, especially gay market, becomes noteworthy due to its both affluence and influence. In 2006, the purchasing power of gay and lesbian market was estimated to be around $641 billion in the United States. Consequently, there are numerous marketers and advertisers putting their effort in order to penetrate this target group; for instance, creating the homosexual-theme advertisement for a variety of types of advertised products.

This study’s purposes are to investigate the difference effects of theme of advertisement (homosexual vs. heterosexual) and regulatory focus (promotion vs. prevention) on consumers’ responses toward the advertisement in terms of beliefs, feelings, attitude toward the advertisement, attitude toward the brand, and behavioral intention. Furthermore, this study also tried to figure out the relationship among those research constructs.

This study selects Thailand as a testing location due to its reputation as a city for homosexuality. The 2 (themes of advertisement: homosexual vs. heterosexual) × 2 (regulatory focus: promotion vs. prevention) between-subject factorial design are conducted using Thai university students who are male heterosexual as the subjects. The product used in the study is imaginary perfume with the fictitious brand name. The results shows that the male heterosexual consumers response differently to the different types of advertisement theme. The respondents tend to have a positive response toward the heterosexual-theme advertisement; but a negative response toward the homosexual-theme advertisement. Regarding regulatory focus, both promotion and prevention focus do not show the significant effect on the consumers’ response; however, promotion focus seems to have more effect on feelings while prevention focus seems to have more effect on beliefs. In terms of product involvement, the level of involvement seems to have a significant effect on both beliefs and feeling as expected. Additionally, both beliefs and feelings are found to have impact on attitude toward the advertisement as well as attitude toward the brand. Besides, attitude toward the advertisement is found to have relationship with attitude toward the brand and behavioral intention. Finally, attitude toward the brand is also found to have significant influence on behavioral intention.
1.1 Research Background and Motivation. 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Contributions. 7
1.3 Scope of the Study. 8
1.4 Research Procedure. 8
1.5 Research Structure. 10
2.1 Homosexuality. 12
2.2 Theme of Advertisement. 13
2.2.1 The Image in Advertisement. 14
2.2.2 The Copy in Advertisement. 15
2.3 Regulatory Focus. 17
2.4 Product Involvement. 19
2.5 Beliefs. 21
2.6 Feelings. 21
2.7 Attitude toward the Advertisement (Aad). 24
2.8 Attitude toward the Brand (Ab). 25
2.9 Behavioral Intentions. 26
2.10 Hypotheses Development. 28
2.10.1 Relationship between the Theme of Advertising toward Beliefs and Feelings. 28
2.10.2 Relationship between the Regulatory Focus toward Beliefs and Feelings. 29
2.10.3 The Moderating Effect of Product Involvement on Beliefs and Feelings. 31
2.10.4 Relationship between Beliefs toward the Attitude toward the Advertisement, and the Attitude toward the Brand. 33
2.10.5 Relationship between Feelings toward Attitude toward Advertisement (Aad) and Attitude toward the Brand (Ab). 35
2.10.6 The Relationship between Attitude toward the Advertisement, Attitude toward the Brand, and Behavioral Intention. 37
3.1 Conceptual Framework. 39
3.2 Research Design. 40
3.3 Stimulus Development. 40
3.3.1 Product Category Selection. 41
3.3.2 Advertisement Selection. 43
3.4 Manipulation Checks on Comparativeness of Each Stimulus. 44
3.4.1 Advertisement Theme. 45
3.4.2 Regulatory Focus. 46
3.5 Sampling Plan. 46
3.6 Main Study. 47
3.7 Measures Manipulation Checks. 48
3.7.1 Advertisement Theme. 48
3.7.2 Regulatory Focus. 48
3.8 Measures of Moderating Variable. 49
3.9 Measure of Dependent Variables. 50
3.9.1 Beliefs. 50
3.9.2 Feelings. 51
3.9.3 Attitude toward the Advertisement. 52
3.9.4 Attitude toward the Brand. 52
3.9.5 Behavioral Intentions. 53
3.10 Control Variable. 54
3.11 The Personal Information of Respondents. 55
3.12 Data Analysis Procedure. 55
3.12.1 Descriptive Statistic Analysis. 55
3.12.2 Factor Analysis. 56
3.12.3 Reliability Analysis. 56
3.12.4 Independent Sample t-test. 57
3.12.5 Linear Regression Analysis. 57
3.12.6 Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) 57
4.1 Descriptive Analysis. 59
4.1.1 Characteristics of Respondent. 60
4.1.2 Measurement Results for Relevant Variable. 61
4.2 Factor Analysis and Reliability Tests. 62
4.2.1 Product Involvement. 64
4.2.2 Beliefs. 65
4.2.3 Feelings. 65
4.2.4 Attitude toward the Advertisement. 66
4.2.5 Attitude toward the Brand. 67
4.2.6 Behavioral Intention. 68
4.2.7 Attitude toward Gay. 68
4.3 Control Group Analysis. 69
4.3.1 Measurement Results for Relevant Variable. 69
4.3.2 The Difference Results between Experimental Group and Control Group. 72
4.4 Correlation Matrix for All Variables. 73
5.1 Differences between Factors of Research Construct. 75
5.1.1 Differences of Dependent Variables under Different Advertisement Theme. 75
5.1.2 Differences of Dependent Variables under Different Regulatory Focus. 77
5.2 Differences of Dependent Variables under Interaction of Different Theme of Advertisement and Product Involvement, Different Orientations of Regulatory Focus and Product Involvement. 79
5.2.1 Advertisement Theme and Product Involvement Condition. 79
5.2.2 Regulatory Focus and Product Involvement Condition. 82
5.3 Relationship among Beliefs, Feelings, Attitude toward the Advertisement, Attitude toward the Brand, and Behavioral Intention. 85
5.3.1 Relationship among Beliefs, Attitude toward the Advertisement, and Attitude toward the Brand. 85
5.3.2 Relationship among Feelings, Attitude toward the Advertisement, and Attitude toward the Brand. 87
5.4 Relationship among Attitude toward the Advertisement, Attitude toward the Brand, and Behavioral Intention. 90
5.4.1 Relationship among Attitude toward the Advertisement, Attitude toward the Brand, and Behavioral Intention. 90
5.4.2 Relationship between Attitude toward the Brand and Behavioral Intention. 91
5.5 The Result of Control Variable. 94
6.1 Research Conclusions. 97
6.2 Implications and Suggestions. 102
6.2.1 Implications for Marketers and Advertisers. 102
6.2.2 Implications for Academic Researchers. 103
6.3 Limitations and Future Research Directions. 104
Appendix 1: Stimuli in the Experiment 121
Appendix 2: Questionnaire for Pre-test (English version) 127
Appendix 3: Questionnaire for Experiment (English version) 130
Appendix 4: Questionnaire for Pre-test (Thai version) 134
Appendix 5: Questionnaire for Experiment (Thai version) 136

Table 1-1 Average Income among Homosexual 2
Table 1-2 Scope of the Study 8
Table 2-1 Characteristics of Homosexual-Theme Advertisement 16
Table 2-2 Overview of Consumer Research Using Emotions as a Main Variable 23
Table 2-3 Frames and Dynamic Framing Processes 34
Table 3-1 2×2 Between-Subject Factorial Design 40
Table 3-2 Number of Advertisement by Category 42
Table 3-3 Manipulation Check of Advertisement Theme 46
Table 3-4 Manipulation Check of Regulatory Focus 46
Table 3-5 Measurement Items for Advertisement Theme 48
Table 3-6 Measurement Items for Regulatory Focus 49
Table 3-7 Measurement Items for Product Involvement 50
Table 3-8 Measurement Items for Belief 50
Table 3-9 Measurement Items for Feelings 51
Table 3-10 Measurement Items for Attitude toward the Advertisement 52
Table 3-11 Measurement Items for Attitude toward the Brand 53
Table 3-12 Measurement Items for Behavioral Intentions 53
Table 3-13 Control Variable (Attitude toward Gay) 54
Table 3-14 Personal Information of Respondents 55
Table 4-1 Characteristics of the Respondents (n=120) 60
Table 4-2 Descriptive Analysis for Questionnaire Items 63
Table 4-3 Results of Factor Analysis and Reliability Tests on Product Involvement 64
Table 4-4 Results of Factor Analysis and Reliability Tests on Beliefs 65
Table 4-5 Results of Factor Analysis and Reliability Tests on Feelings 66
Table 4-6 Results of Factor Analysis and Reliability Tests on Attitude toward the Advertisement 67
Table 4-7 Results of Factor Analysis and Reliability Tests on Attitude toward the Brand 67
Table 4-8 Results of Factor Analysis and Reliability Tests on Behavioral Intention 68
Table 4-9 Results of Factor Analysis and Reliability Tests on Attitude toward Gay 69
Table 4-10 Descriptive Analysis for Questionnaire Items (Control Group) 71
Table 4-11 Difference Results between Experimental Group and Control Group on Beliefs and Feelings 72
Table 4-12 Correlation Matrix for All Variables 74
Table 5-1 Results of t-test for Advertisement Theme 76
Table 5-2 Results of t-test for Regulatory Focus 78
Table 5-3 Comparison among Respondents with Different Advertisement Theme and Different Level of Product Involvement on Beliefs and Feelings 80
Table 5-4 Comparison among Respondents with Different Orientations of Regulatory Focus and Different Level of Product Involvement on Beliefs and Feelings 83
Table 5-5 Relationship among Beliefs, Feelings, Attitude toward the Advertisement, Attitude toward the Brand 87
Table 5-6 Relationship among Beliefs, Feelings, and Behavioral Intention 89
Table 5-7 Relationship among Attitude toward the Advertisement, Attitude toward the Brand, and Behavioral Intention 93
Table 5-8 Results of t-test for Attitude toward Gay 94
Table 5-9 Comparison between Consumers with Positive or Negative Attitude toward Gay on Beliefs and Feelings 95
Table 5-10 Relationship among Control Variables, Attitude toward the Advertisement, Attitude toward the Brand, and Behavioral Intention 96
Table 6-1 Hypotheses and Results of the Empirical Tests 98

Figure 1-1. Flow chart of research procedure 9
Figure 2-1. Regulatory focus theory: Prevention and promotion 19
Figure 2-2. Hierarchy of consumer emotions 24
Figure 2-3. Attitude toward the ad model 36
Figure 3-1. Conceptual framework 39
Figure 5-1. The interaction of advertisement theme and product involvement on beliefs 81
Figure 5-2. The interaction of advertisement theme and product involvement on feelings 82
Figure 5-3. The interaction of regulatory focus and product involvement on beliefs 84
Figure 5-4. The interaction of regulatory focus and product involvement on feelings 85
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