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研究生(外文):Li-Chin Ou
論文名稱(外文):Mechanisms Underlying the Regulation of Fear Memory Formation by Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor
指導教授(外文):Po-Wu Gean
外文關鍵詞:Brain-Derived Neurotrophic FactorFear Memory
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記憶形成牽涉到神經塑性(synaptic plasticity)的改變,其中長期增益現象(long-term potentiation,LTP)被認為可能是學習記憶的分子機轉。Brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF)已被發現廣泛參與突觸塑性的調節,並牽涉到一些記憶形成的過程。
本論文探討大腦杏仁核(amygdala)BDNF調控恐懼記憶形成的分子機轉。在大鼠杏仁核區,恐懼制約學習後1小時內,鈣離子經由NR2B-NMDA receptor及L-type voltage-dependent calcium channel(L-VDCC)進入細胞,活化PKA及CaMKIV,此二訊息蛋白繼而進入細胞核,將CREB的ser-133磷酸化。pCREB結合到BDNF promoter I及III,啟動BDNF轉錄製出BDNF exon I-及III-containing transcript。經由轉譯製造出proBDNF,最後蛋白酶plasmin將其裁切成mature BDNF,進而結合到TrkB receptor tyrosine kinase使之活化。活化之TrkB receptor與其adaptor蛋白質Shc、Shc與Ras產生結合,繼而活化Ras及PI3K,最後共同活化MAPK。
在本研究亦發現訓練後12小時杏仁核BDNF蛋白質增加,於是進一步探討兩次增加的BDNF對恐懼記憶形成的影響。恐懼訓練前抑制杏仁核BDNF訊息,會減弱老鼠訓練後一及七天記憶的表現。反之,抑制訓練後12小時BDNF的訊息,只降低訓練後七天、但不影響訓練後一天的記憶。此外,growth-associated protein 43(GAP-43,為軸突新生的一個標記)在訓練後七天依賴BDNF訊息而增加,此時興奮性神經元的spine數目、樹突複雜程度及AMPA/NMDA ratio亦上升。這些證據指出,早期上升的BDNF影響記憶初期固化;延遲的BDNF負責記憶後期固化及表現,並引發神經微細網絡重塑(synaptic remodeling),媒介長期記憶的表現。
總括以上研究,我們探討恐懼記憶早期形成固化時,調控BDNF生合成及其下游訊息傳遞路徑,更發現後期上升的BDNF造成神經網絡重塑,最後維持了長期記憶表現。由於恐懼制約學習模式是探討創傷後壓力症候群(post-traumatic stress disorder)的理想工具,這些研究將提供治療藥物發展之根基。
Long-term potentiation (LTP), a form of synaptic plasticity, is a putative cellular mechanism for learning and memory. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is widely identified that it modulates synaptic plasticity and learning and memory.
This thesis mainly describes the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of amygdala-dependent fear memory formation by BDNF. Our data reveal that calcium influx through NR2B-containing NMDA receptor and L-type voltage-dependent calcium channel (L-VDCC) activated PKA and CaMKIV to phosphorylate CREB at ser-133. Activated CREB bound to BDNF promoter region of exon I and III to initiate BDNF expression. Moreover, BDNF arose from precursor pro-BDNF, which was proteolytically cleaved to mature BDNF by plasmin, and bound to TrkB receptor tyrosine kinase. Activated TrkB receptor associated with its adaptor protein, Shc, and, thus, Shc recruited Ras and PI3K to activate MAPK.
Fear conditioning induced BDNF expression not only 1 h but also 12 h after training. We try to find out the functional role of early- and late-expressed BDNF in regulating fear memory formation. Our results indicate that pre-training blockade of BDNF signaling impaired fear memory in a test carried out 1 or 7 days after training. By contrast, interfering BDNF signaling 9 h after fear conditioning, which did not affect memory retention measured 1 day after training, impaired memory when the rats were tested 7 days after training. Furthermore, we found a BDNF-dependent expression of growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43), a marker of newly formed synapses, in the amygdala 7 days after fear training. In parallel, conditioned rats had more number of spines and branches, and higher AMPA/NMDA ratio in pyramidal cells. These data suggest early-expressed BDNF processes the consolidation of newly acquired memory and late-expressed BDNF is required for the persistence of fear memory.
In summary, these results demonstrate candidate signaling pathways regulated BDNF expression and coupled to TrkB receptor activation. BDNF-mediated structural modifications of synaptic connections in the amygdala are required in the persistence of long-term fear memory. Thus, BDNF may become an avenue of therapeutic intervention for the treatment of fear-related mental disorders, like post-traumatic stress disorders.

第一章 緒論………………………………………………..………………...……..7
1.2創傷後壓力症候群(post-traumatic stress disorder,PTSD)……………....8
1.3中樞杏仁核(amygdala)與恐懼記憶(fear memory)………………...……9
1.4恐懼制約學習動物模式(fear conditioning)…………………………...…9
1.5 Brain-derived neurotrophic factor與恐懼制約學習……………………..10

第二章 研究方法及材料………...………………..……………………...….........15
2.2 恐懼訓練模式(Fear conditioning)……………………………………...16
2.2.1 環境適應(Acclimation)……………………………..………………16
2.2.2 配對(Match)…………………………………………………………16
2.2.3 訓練(Training)……………………………………………………….. 16
2.2.4 測試(Testing)…………………………………………………………16
2.2.5 評估老鼠的恐懼訓練成果(Assessments of potentiated acoustic startle)
2.3 腦切片之製作(Slice preparation)………………………………………17
2.4 全細胞萃取液(Whole cell lysate preparation)…………………………18
2.5 BDNF酵素連結免疫吸附(BDNF enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)
2.6 免疫螢光染色(Immunofluorescence)…………………………………. 19
2.7 西方點墨法(Western blotting)………………………………………….20
2.8 半定量反轉錄及聚合酵素鏈鎖反應(Semi-quantitative reverse
transcription-coupled polymerase chain reaction,RT-PCR)….………21
2.9 立體定位手術(Stereotaxic surgery)………………………………….22
2.10 DNA親和力沉降試驗(DNA affinity precipitation assay)……………24
2.11 染色質沉降試驗(Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay)……………25
2.12 免疫沉降法(Immunoprecipitation)……………………………………26
2.13 Ras活性試驗(Ras activation assay)…………………………………26
2.14 全細胞膜鉗制紀錄(Whole-cell patch-clamp recording)…………….27
2.15 Biocytin標記細胞及形態學分析(Biocytin labeling and morphological
2.16 統計分析(Statistic analysis)………………………………………...…29

第三章 結果……………………………………………………….........................30
3.3 恐懼訓練增加的BDNF會經由proBDNF轉變成mature BDNF。……32
3.4 恐懼制約學習後4小時內,BDNF mRNA在杏仁核明顯上升。訓練之前於杏仁核注入轉錄及轉譯抑制劑,會抑制因恐懼訓練而增加的BDNF。………………………………………………………..…………33
3.5 大鼠杏仁核區注入NMDA receptor及L-VDCC抑制劑,會干擾恐懼訓練後1小時增加的BDNF。…………………………………………..…34
3.6 降低杏仁核區域PKA、CaMKIV的活性,會抑制恐懼訓練後1小時
3.7恐懼訓練之後30分鐘,p-CREB活化並結合到BDNF promoter I/III,但NF-κB對BDNF promoter的結合活性沒有改變。………………37
3.8 NMDA receptor、L-VDCC、PKA及CaMKIV抑制劑會減弱恐懼訓練後30分鐘增加的p-CREB結合到BDNF promoter I/III的活性。….….38
3.9 在老鼠杏仁核注射BDNF promoter I及III CRE decoy DNA,明顯降低老鼠於恐懼訓練後1天的記憶表現。…………………………………39
3.10 恐懼制約學習後1小時,plasmin將proBDNF轉變成mature BDNF的過程為恐懼記憶形成所必需。………..……………………………39
3.11 恐懼學習後1小時增加的BDNF會活化下TrkB receptor。........……..40
3.12 恐懼學習後2小時內,在杏仁核區域Shc與TrkB及Ras之結合上升,而且Ras、MAPK會被活化。………………………………….……41
3.13 杏仁核切片施予BDNF造成Ras活化,而此現象被K252a抑制。…42
3.14 杏仁核切片施與BDNF活化TrkB之後,再活化Ras造成MAPK磷酸化增加。………………………………………..……………………43
3.15 杏仁核切片施予BDNF造成Akt活化,而FTI277及U0126則不影響此表徵。…………………………………………..…………………44
3.16 訓練前30分鐘及訓練後9小時,在老鼠杏仁核注射注TrkB-IgG及K252a抑制TrkB receptor,對老鼠恐懼記憶有不同的影響。………..45
3.17 恐懼訓練之後12小時,Zif268在杏仁核腦區神經細胞表現量上升,顯示此時神經活性上升。……………………………………………46
3.18 恐懼訓練後七天,GAP-43在杏仁核腦區神經細胞表現量上升,顯示此時神經細胞經歷了微細結構上的改變。…………………………..48
3.19 在恐懼制約訓練後七天,杏仁核腦區spine數目及樹突複雜程度增加。……………………………………………………………………49
3.20 在恐懼訓練後七天,皮質區至杏仁核區(cortico-amygdala synapses)興奮性神經傳訊增加。………………………………………………50

第四章 討論………………………………...……………..………………............52
4.1 恐懼制約學習後,早期上升的BDNF是否會調控後期BDNF的表現。.………………………………………………………………………53
4.2 經由NMDA receptor與L-VDCC進入的鈣離子,共同調控制約學習後1小時BDNF蛋白質表現。…………………………………………...…53
4.3 恐懼制約學習後1小時,調控BDNF表現的訊息傳遞路徑。……..…55
4.4 PKA與CaMKIV調控制約學習後1小時BDNF表現的上下游關係。.55
4.5 恐懼制約訓練後調控BDNF exon I/III-containing transcripts的表現。..56
4.6 Mature BDNF和恐懼制約學習的關係。………………………………58
4.7 BDNF與恐懼制約學習的關聯性。…...………………………………58
4.8 制約學習後1小時BDNF的下游訊息傳遞路徑。………...……………59
4.9 生理時鐘是否調控杏仁核BDNF而影響恐懼記憶。…………..………60
4.11 恐懼學習後增加的spine數目,是否會經由BDNF調控,並提供更多
平台讓AMPA receptor運送(trafficking)到突觸膜表面。……………61

第五章 結論………………………………………..……………….............……..65
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