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研究生(外文):Zhe-Yu Lin
論文名稱(外文):Estimating Housing Choice Behavior Under The Data Uncertainly of Analysis Method
指導教授(外文):Han-Liang Lin
外文關鍵詞:Back-PropagationMultinomial Logit (MNL)Uncertain assumptionRevealed Preference (RP)
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本研究資料來源取自中央研究院經濟研究所於民國88年起所建立「華人家庭動態資料庫(Panel Study of Family Dynamics, PSFD)」。基於此資料,本研究使用三種設定方式來建立多項Logit模型,並探討不同的屬性值對多項Logit模型的影響。此外,本研究透過資料百分比變化的處理來探討模型的穩定性。而在倒傳遞類神經網路模型方面,則是透過學習演算法的變化來檢驗模型的效率與精確度。

在進行比較多項Logit模型與倒傳遞類神經網路模型與假說驗證後,發現不依賴假設資料的倒傳遞類神經網路模型有較高的精確率,其實證結果摘要如下:(1)對於家戶未體驗方案的屬性值,其設定方式會造成統計意義上各式各樣的MNL模型。(2)MNL在模型的配適度上較不受資料比例的影響,而是對屬性設定的方式較為敏感。(3)MNL模型對於家戶遺失資料的設定方式的差異影響模型的配適度,亦影響了預測準確率。(4)MNL模型在變數的顯著性與參數符號上,依舊受到資料比例的影響,單從 的變化較不易觀察。(5)依照本研究所訓練的網路結構的條件下,BFG演算法所建立的模型是屬於效率與穩定度兼具的模型。(6)AAE、MAPE與FE<5%的指標中,BPN所建立的模型平均來說都較MNL模型穩定且誤差率也較低。

It has been usually using revealed preference data to establish housing discrete choice of multinomial logit models (MNL). However, revealed preference data normally only show alternatives that observed samples actually happen or experience and leave unobserved attribution variables missing. To help MNL calibration practically, those missing data are made up in one way or another, for example, using the mean of observed variables instead. That will generate bias on calibrating and estimating MNL model and can be considered one kind of system uncertain. To avoid the uncertain, Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPN) models is suggested. The BPN model can estimate household actual choice by using heuristic process to approach learning goal through household choice behavior of the actual experience. This paper is focus on comparative methodology, and trying to prove the bias of MNL under the system uncertain conditions. Besides, combining the revealed preference data with the new method will make estimate household choice be possible.
The study used the data of Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) executed in 1999 by the Institute of Economics for empirical tests. Base on the data, this paper use three kinds of setting method to establish MNL models and explore the effects of different character value for MNL model. Besides, this paper processes the variance on the data percentage in order to discuss the effect on the model stability. Nevertheless, BPN model is processed through a variety of different learning algorithms to examine the model of efficiency and accuracy.
Comparing MNL models with BPN models and examining the hypothesis, the BPN models has higher accuracy that not dependent on assume data. The result are summarized as follows: 1. The different setting of household missing data does have various MNL models that are statistically significant.2. Different sampling methods would not affect the value, but is more sensitive to the different data setting way.3. The different setting of missing data is not only change the value, but also affect MNL model stability and accuracy.4. Different data percentage would lead to the bias on the model of the dynamics of the parameter sign and the calibrated model.5. The BFG model has stability and accuracy under this paper to establish BPN model conditions.6. The BPN model has more stability and accuracy than MNL model in the AAE、MAPE and FE index.

Keyword:Revealed Preference (RP), Uncertain assumption, Multinomial Logit (MNL),Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPN)
第一章、緒論............................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究動機 ......................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的 ......................................................................................... 3
第三節 研究對象與範圍 ............................................................................. 4
第四節 研究內容與流程 ............................................................................. 4
第二章、Logit 模型 ..................................................................................... 9
第一節 個體選擇理論 ................................................................................. 9
第二節 Logit 模型的偏誤 .......................................................................... 14
第三節 多項羅吉特模型的理論架構 ....................................................... 17
第四節 羅吉特模型的統計特性 ............................................................... 20
第五節 名詞定義 ....................................................................................... 22
第六節 小結 ............................................................................................... 22
第三章、類神經網路................................................................................. 24
第一節 類神經網路理論 ........................................................................... 24
第二節 倒傳遞類神經網路理論 ............................................................... 29
第三節 類神經網路應用 ........................................................................... 34
第四節 類神經網路應用於住宅相關研究 ............................................... 39
第五節 小結 ............................................................................................... 40
第四章、實驗設計與資料分析................................................................. 42
第一節 實證設計 ....................................................................................... 42
第二節 實證資料說明 ............................................................................... 43
第三節 變數定義與說明 ........................................................................... 44
第四節 資料分配型式與方案集合說明 ................................................... 46
第五節 資料結構說明 ............................................................................... 47
第六節 評估指標 ....................................................................................... 48
第七節 敘述統計分析 ............................................................................... 49
第五章、實證結果..................................................................................... 56
第一節 資料分配80% MNL 模型的比較 .................................................. 56
第二節 資料分配50% MNL 模型的比較 .................................................. 62
第三節 資料分配30% MNL 模型的比較 .................................................. 68
第四節 MNL 模型小結 .............................................................................. 74
第五節 比較不同分配的BPN 模型 ........................................................... 75
第六節 綜合評析 ....................................................................................... 80
第六章、結論與建議................................................................................. 89
第一節 結論 ............................................................................................... 89
第二節 建議 ............................................................................................... 91
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