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研究生(外文):Han-Chang HU
論文名稱(外文):A Human/Machine Comparison of Measuring Multi-attribute Preferences
指導教授(外文):Shih-Kung LaiFong-Yeu Shyr
外文關鍵詞:iterative procedureNeural networkstrength of preferenceMeasurable additive value theory(MAVT)
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:423
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究竟何種決策理論的方法較能讓決策者做出較符合公平正義原則的決策,實證和理論上仍為模糊的概念。許多研究都指出,不同偏好結構屬性的強度會影響到決策結果,例如:(Keeny & Raiffa,(1976)多屬性效用理論;Dyer & Sarin,(1979)可衡量加法價值函數等。而Lai & Hopkins,(1995)曾在決策者不能穩定表示屬性得失的偏好強度。因此,如何增進偏好強度衡量的理論研究,是決策理論的探討上非常重要的一個環節。
Policy makers usually select and adopt diverse evaluating proposals while making policies on urban development. They evaluate proposals by the application of the received policy analyses. Which is the best method for policy makers to make the policies in terms of just principles? In theoretical and empirical studies, the concept of strength of preference is still an elusive notion. However, many theories indicate that different structures of strength of preferences affect the result during the process of policy decision, i. e., multi-attribute utility theory developed by Keeny& Raiffa and measurable additive value theory (MAVT), which was indicated by Dyer&Sarin. However, Lai and Hopkins indicated that policy makers cannot make stable judgments on strength of preference in 1995. Therefore, it is a crucial link to enhance the research on measurement of strength of preference in empirical studies.
The purpose of the research is to discuss the significance of the concept of strength of preference to define the influencing decision scheme of attributes in theoretical studies. The research intends to apply neural network in an experimental design to formulate the comparison, based on the policy maker and the individual policy-maker making policies subjectively, between the decision model of the human subjects and the machine (neural network), and we intend to explore in which model the decision quality is higher in making policies. In addition, we judge the difference between computer aided decision-making and human decision-making by an iterative procedure to compare the effectiveness of the two experimental modes.
The experimental results showed that the decision quality is higher for the machine than the human subjects. In particular, the decision quality was higher for the machine that the human subjects, even in the human/machine iterative procedure, both with and between attributes. The statistical analysis showed the disparity was not significant in comparing the female and male human subjects, that the iterative procedure could increase the validity of the experiment, and that the machine outperformed the human subjects when the preference structures were taken into account including the weights across the attributes.
第一章 緒論 ........................................ 1
第一節 研究動機與目的的 ............................ 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 .............................. 4
第三節 研究內容與流程 .............................. 6
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 .............................. 8
第一節 多屬性效用理論及偏好強度研究 ................ 8
第二節 可衡量加法價值函數對等偏好判斷研究...........13
第三節 人工智慧相關文獻探討 ....................... 17
第四節 類神經網路及倒傳遞網路探討及相關研究 ........19
第三章 研究設計 ................................... 24
第一節 實驗材料選擇 ................................25
第二節 實驗設計 ....................................27
第三節 人(受測者)問卷設計 ..........................32
第四節 機(類神經網路)實驗設計 ......................37
第五節 人機交替式實驗設計 ..........................39
第六節 評估準則 ....................................40
第七節 研究限制 ....................................43
第四章 實驗過程及結果 ..............................44
第一節 實驗過程 ....................................44
第二節 實驗結果分析 ................................47
第五章 結論與建議 ..................................60
第一節 結論 ........................................60
第二節 建議與後續研究 ..............................61
第六章 參考文獻 ....................................62
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��Keeney R.L.,and Raiffa H.(1976),Decision with Multiple Objectives,New York:John Wiley.
��Keeney, R. L. & Raiffa, H. (1993). Decisions with multiple objectives. New York:Cambridge University Press.
��Lai, Shih-Kung, Hopkins, Lewis D. (1989), “The meanings of trade-offs in multiattribute evaluation methods: a comparison,” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 16, 155-170.
��Lai, Shih-Kung and Hopkins, Lewis D., (1990), Ability to express tradeoff judgments in multi-attribute utility theory and the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Planning Papers, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
��Lai, Shih-Kung, (1995), “A preference-based interpretation of AHP,” Omega, 23(4), 453-462.
��Satty T.L.(1980),The Analytic Hierarchy Process, New York:McGraw-Hill.
��Sarin R.K.(1982),“Strength of Preference and Risky Choice ”Operations Research,30(5):982-997.
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